June 08 2021 - Clerk's Advisory Meeting - Clerk's Report
Clerk Advisory Council Meeting Tuesday 08 June 2021 7.30pm
MAIN POINTS 1. Invite County and District Councillors
I have emailed both District Councillors and the County Councillor representing Nocton and both welcomed them to all meetings. I have explained that for the short to medium term there will be Clerk Advisory Meetings rather than Full Council Meetings.
When the agenda goes out to the NPC Councillors, they will be cc’d in as well to ensure if they are able to attend, they know the discussions points.
2. Councillor vacancy – appointment through co-option
As there was no letter signed by 10 electors sent to the Monitoring Officer of North Kesteven District Council, the Council has now been given permission to advertise for the co-option of a Councillor. While this is now a formality, before the formal process starts and a statutory notice is placed in the village, I wanted Councillors to discuss this first.
3. Bank Account set up
The bank accounts at UNITY TRUST have now been set up and operational. I am in communication with the Bank to arrange for the seven-day transfer of the funds from Lloyds Bank to Unity.
I am aware that most Councillors have registered for the online access and thus when the funds get moved from the old to the new bank, the new process of payments being inputted by myself and then authorised by two Councillors can commence.
There is an agenda point for the Council to decide if we proceed with the two current accounts (one for the PC operations and one for the Hub) and a savings account for the Council reserve.
4. Hub Update
i) Electrical work – this has been done as quoted and thus especially for the electricity charging for the RA, we can now accurately (and unequivocally) to the RA.
ii) Fire and Security Alarm servicing – this has been done but unfortunately due the fact that the Hub Manager did not have keys to the bar area, they engineer will need to revisit to undertake the checks bar. The engineer did find that there were several emergency signs that were missing and thus the Hub did not meet current and recent fire regulations. The cost to have these installed was £154 – these have been installed to ensure that the Council meets their statutory obligations.
iii) Millard Maher – snagging list, work paid for, fencing work and the debt owed
Unfortunately, we have not heard back from Mr David Millard after I responded to the initial email. He stated he would try and get the snagging work done and check the accounts by the 30 June. I responded (after having an update from the Chair) to state that the extended timeframe for the repayment of the debt was not acceptable and that the Council demanded the funds paid by 31 May. Unfortunately, this did not happen.
I also asked that he must consider the regular bookings and that his firm would have to work around the hirers. Unfortunately, I have not had a response.
I also that the fencing be replaced as per the agreement. Unfortunately, I have not had a response.
The Council now have to decide on the appropriate way forward and if they wish to investigate legal advice on seeking the repayment of the funds.
5. Paying of overtime for staff process and payslips
Following the agreement of the Council to agree to the recommended process of how to approve the overtime of staff (including myself), this process has now started. The overtime of the staff (not including myself) are submitted to me by the 25th of the month which I check and pass to Tracey at Payroll. She then completes the payroll submission to HMRC and produces the payslips. When he payslips are received I will ensure this are promptly sent to the Councillors for payment.
I appreciate there has been a couple of bumps in this process but hopefully it will bed in quickly and ensure that the staff are paid their overtime promptly.
For my overtime, as per the agreed process, the claim is approved by the Councils at a meeting and then paid at the end of the following month.
Tracey from payroll has agreed to add more detail on the payslips in regard to hourly rate, hours claimed for the overtime as well as the contracted hours.
6. Streetlight renovation
Following the issue raised by EON on the review programme, the streetlight in question has now been replaced and is now fully operational. We will be advising the electricity provider that the light is now a more economical version and thus will hopefully reduce the cost of the monthly charge.
The cost of the work was £990 + VAT.
7. Internal Audit
The Internal Auditor has now received all the documentation to undertake the work needed. The report will hopefully be available for inspection by the Council within a few weeks.
8. Noticeboard
The Council have received advice from the Planners at NKDC that as long as the new noticeboard for the Hub is in keeping with the area, particularly because of the conversation area, the Council would not need a planning.
There has been a suggestion that the main noticeboard in the village could be moved to the Hub.
I have not heard back from Beeswax Dyson in regard to any sponsorship.
Clerk to the Parish: Mr S R Baxter JP MIFA ADPS ADIP Email: clerk@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk Tel: 0781 444 3058