May 27 2021 - Extra Ordinary Meeting - Clerk's Advisory Meeting - Agenda - CANCELLED

Clerk to the Parish: Mr S R Baxter JP MIFA ADPS ADIP    Email:    Tel: 0781 444 3058 
19 May 2021 
Reference: 1/2022 CAM 
Dear Councillors,  
I hereby invite all the Councillors of the Parish Council to attend a Nocton Parish Council Clerk Advisory Meeting that will be held on the following:  
Thursday 27th May 2021 to commence at 7.00pm.   
Please note this is not a formal Parish Council Meeting and thus Councillors are not summoned.  It also means that while it is hoped the Councillors will attend, should they not be able to attend no apologies needs to be accepted by the Clerk as the meeting is not covered by the Local Government Act 1972. 
The meeting is to advise the Clerk on the agenda point but any decisions will be made by the Clerk through his delegated authority given by the Council. 
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be a remote meeting hosted using the Zoom online software.  
The details of the Zoom connection and access information is detailed on the Agenda attached to this.  
Please could you email me at your earliest opportunity at if you are unable to attend. 
With regards,  
Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer  
Nocton Parish Council  
Clerk to the Parish: Mr S R Baxter JP MIFA ADPS ADIP    Email:    Tel: 0781 444 3058 
The Councillors of the Nocton Parish Council are hereby invited to attend the Clerk’s Advisory Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 27 May 2021 via the online digital format Zoom. 
Zoom Meeting details: ID - 491 401 5090 Passcode – Parish  
Members of public are welcome to attend via zoom using the above access.  Should members of the public wish to raise a question before the meeting, please will they contact the Clerk at   
1. The Chair’s welcome to all Councillors and any members of the public sitting in observation and opening remarks.   
The Chair will remind all Councillors and any members of the public of the following: 
- The meeting is not a formal Parish Council Meeting and is a Clerk Advisory Meeting to provide guidance to the Clerk, but that the final decision will be made by the Clerk through the Delegated Authority motion agreed at a previous Full Council Meeting 
- The Clerk has stated that while the meeting is not a Full Council Meeting, normal Parish Meeting procedures and formats will be followed including given opportunities for the Members of the Public to ask questions 
- The Chair will also remind the attendees the meeting is being recorded and the digital recording is saved for a minimum of twelve months 
2. Apologies for absence from Councillors – for the Clerk to note if any Councillors have expressed an apology for non-attendance.  
3. Declarations of interest – for the Clerk to note if any Councillors wish to state (or have previously stated) any dispensations  
4. Questions from the Public – while this is technically at the discretion of the Clerk, the Chair will moderate and to ensure that members of the public are to be limited to three minutes for each question and for a maximum of ten minutes. 
5. Clerk to ask for guidance of the Councillors in regard to excluding members of press and public from being in the meeting due to the confidential matter to discuss  
For the following agenda points members of the public and press will be excluded from the meeting and placed in the waiting room. 
6. Councillors to advise the Clerk on a specific Staffing matter and how to proceed