11th February 2025
NOTICE OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING (issued 4th February 2025)
Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7.00pm
Chair: Councillor Andy Hone
Vice-chair: Councillor George McDonnell
Councillors: Paul Browne, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall, (2 vacancies)
Clerk: John Money RFO: Gordon Roe
Dear Councillor,
You are summonsed to attend the next Full Meeting of Nocton Parish Council which will be held at Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on the above date at which the under mentioned items of business will be transacted.
The period for public participation will be a maximum of fifteen minutes at the beginning of the meeting and a maximum of ten minutes before the conclusion of the meeting. The public may address the Council on current matters or issues that may become future agenda items. Reports from County & District Councillors and Other Invited Agencies may also be given during this time.
John F Money Parish Clerk
Once the public forum has ended the meeting will continue under Standing Orders. In extenuating circumstances and only at the discretion of the Chair the meeting may be moved out of formal session to allow the public to speak
Ben Wills of 360 Rural - Update on Nocton Hall and Hospital site
Public forum (15 minutes)
County and District Councillors' reports
Agenda Items:
1. Apologies for Absence: To receive any apologies for absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch. 12, para. 40 and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
2. Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of interest under Parish Councils Accepted Code of Conduct, the Localism Act 2011 and to consider written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on members’ register of interests. If an interest becomes apparent during the meeting a member may declare it then.
3. Minutes: To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 14th January 2025 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes.
4. Matters arising from previous meetings.
5. Chair’s Report: To receive a report from the Chair of the Council.
6. Hub Manager’s Report: To receive a report from the Hub Manager.
7. Parish Clerk’s Report: To receive a report from the Clerk of the Council (includes matters arising from previous meetings).
8. Springwell Solar Farm - Development Consent Order application - discussion/response.
9. Insulation and dado rail installation - Hub. Volunteers
10. To agree 2025/6 meeting dates.
11. Planning Matters: To note and consider any planning applications received or determined since the last meeting and to decide any comments or further action that the Council wishes to take.
12. Financial Matters:
(a) To note the current bank balances.
(b) To ratify payments for the month of January 2025 and to approve the list of upcoming payments.
12. Date of Next Meeting: To agree the date of the next meeting of the Council - 11/03/25.
Public forum (10mins)