14th January 2025


Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 7.00pm in The Hub, Nocton



Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone

Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors:​ Paul Browne, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall, (2 vacancies) 

Clerk: ​​John Money RFO: Gordon Roe


Attendance: Chair Councillor Andy Hone; Vice-chair  ​Councillor George McDonnell;

Councillor Richard Robinson; Councillor Richard Marshall and John F Money Parish Clerk

There were 7 members of the public in attendance.


Meeting started at 7.01pm, the Chair welcomed attendees and wished them a happy and healthy 2025. 

Public forum: A Member of the Public spoke in support of item 9 regarding the benefit of electronic speed signs at the highway/road entrances to the village as a traffic calming measure


County and District Councillors' reports: Non given.

Agenda Items:

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from the following Members and it resolved to accept them as recorded Cllr Paul Browne; Cllr Ian Carrington (may arrive late, but didn't attend); Cllr Dave Parry and Cllr F Pembery (long-standing), it resolved to accept them as recorded.

2. Declarations of Interest: No Interests were declared at this time and no dispensations had been requested

3. Minutes: The notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 16th December 2024 were accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

4. Matters arising from previous meetings:  Dado rail to be fixed; RFO to send the Precept request to NKDC; Chair to check that LALC had been appointed as auditors for 2024/5

5. Chair’s Report: The solar panel installation outlay had had little effect on our cash flow and Clerk and RFO were thanked for their diligence. Responsibility of residents to report blockages of waterways to the Environment Agency and to keep waterways that are adjacent to their land clear.  He reminded Members and the public present there are two vacancies on the parish council.  Four places have been reserved on the LALC planning forum.  The 200 club funded chair trolley is now in place.  Following the last meeting where we delegated the procurement of the electricity contract to the RFO, Scottish Power has been appointed.

6. Hub Manager’s Report: The Hall Manager  reported hiring/bookings are up; storage cupboard requires fixing in the ladies WC and the shutter service had been arranged.

7. Parish Clerk’s Report: Administration was all up-to-date. Emails answered and filed. He went onto enlarge on the Neighbourhood Planning regime with an emphasis on the Old Hall site together with the redundant RAF hospital site, after some debate  it was agreed that the Clerk contact Heritage England and Ben Wills the LEDA agent. Action Clerk.  He informed Members he had completed a form registering the Hub as an Emergency Rest Centre with the Emergency Planning Dept of LCC. Also regarding potential capital projects on the proviso they will attract grant aid, including: airmanagement; supplementary heating/cooling equipment and the automated entrance door.

8. To discuss whether an investment for automatic lighting in Hub toilets should be investigated: It was resolved to investigate the matter further. Action Chair/Clerk

9. To agree to investigate the costs for electronic speed signs in the village to encourage drivers to remain within speed limits. After a debate it was resolved to investigate the matter further. Action Chair/Clerk

10. To consider enrolling with the Annual Training Scheme provided by Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) for 2025/6. It was resolved to continue as members of the scheme. Action the Chair.

11. To consider whether NPC should make a general statement in support of allotments in communities. Cllr George Mc Donnell declared a personal interest in this agenda item and did not take part in the debate. After a lengthy debate it was resolved not to do so and write to the requester stating that we had decided not to make a general supportive statement of allotments as it was believed it would contain little or no legal weight. Action Cllr Richard Marshall/Chair/Clerk

12. Planning Matters: None received or recorded. No comments

13. Financial Matters: 

(a) To note the current bank balances. Noted

(b) To ratify payments for the month of December 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming  payments. Ratified

12. Date of Next Meeting: To agree the date of the next meeting of the Council - 11/02/25.

Public forum (10mins) No comments 

The Chair closed the meeting at 8:05pm and thanked all for attending