July 12th 2022


Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 12 th July 2022 in Nocton Hub.
PRESENT: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy (Chair)
Councillor Mike Kaye (Vice-chair)
Councillor MaryAnn Williams
8 members of the public were also in attendance


No questions had been submitted in advance and none were raised at the meeting

The Chair welcomed councillors and members of the public to the meeting.

Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Richard Marshall and George McDonnell
(their reasons being accepted) and also from County Councillor Ian Carrington and District
Councillors Amelia Bailey and Fran Pembury.
There were no declarations of interest.
MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED
that the minutes of the meeting held on 16 th June 2022 be approved subject to the addition of
Karen Steels-Tallett, Parish Clerk, being shown as present at the meeting.
The minutes were then signed by the Chair.
The reports from Councillors Ian Carrington and Amelia Bailey had been received and would be
posted on the Parish Council’s website.
It was noted that Councillor Amelia Bailey had advised the Parish Council that unfortunately
she would no longer be able to attend its meetings.

5. PARISH CLERK’S REPORT (prepared by the Chair)
(a) The following schedule of payments made and income received since the last meeting was

1. PlusNet (Hub wi-fi) 26.40
2. EON (Maintenance) (Street Lamps) 167.40
3. Came and Co. (Parish Council Insurance) 1,358.15
4. EON Next (Hub electricity) 470.94
5. Staff Salaries and Wages (June) 1,518.83
6. OPUS Energy (Street Lights) 66.54
7. Bank Charges 36.00
8. Anglian Water (Hub) 27.00


9. Hub Hirers (net) 1,086.40

Parish Council Bank Accounts

The Chair reported that as at 30 June 2022, the Parish Council had a combined total of
£40,113.73 across each of its three bank accounts, which included £1,358.32 held on behalf of
the Nocton 200 Club (although this would be reduced shortly by the transfer of £700 to the
Parish Council’s main account as a contribution to the recent purchase of the new Hub

Change to Bank Mandate

It was noted that currently only the Parish Clerk can submit payments for authorisation and it
was, therefore, necessary for there to be an alternative means of being able to make payments
to staff and suppliers, etc in her absence. Accordingly, it was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn
Williams; SECONDED Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the Chair and Vice-chair be
added to the list of those persons entitled to submit payments for authorisation from the
Parish Council’s bank accounts.

Cathedral Leasing

The Chair reported that he had now been able to resolve a number of issues relating to
invoices received from this company which was responsible for removing sanitary waste from
the Hub. In order for the company to apply various credits which had accrued on the Parish
Council’s account to offset future invoices, it was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams;
SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the existing contract with Cathedral
Leasing be extended by a further 14 months to September 2024. The Hub Manager had
confirmed that the company was providing an excellent service.

Invoice from the True Window & Glass Centre (TWG)

It was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams, SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and
RESOLVED that retrospective approval be given to the payment of an invoice in the sum of
£114.00 (inc. VAT) from TWG, being the sum required to place an order with the company for
the replacement of the damaged glass to the window at the front of the Events Hall.

In the absence of the Parish Clerk, no update was available on the nature of any
correspondence received since the last meeting.

Freedom of Information Request

It was noted that the Parish Council had received a Decision Notice from the Information
Commissioner dated 8 June 2022 confirming that it (the PC) was entitled to rely on Section
40(2) (personal information) of the FOIA to withhold information sought by a complainant
relating to an alleged criminal offence and the salary of the Parish Clerk.

Application to the Nocton 200 Club

It was noted that an application to the 200 Club for retrospective funding in connection with
the recent Village Dog Show had been withdrawn.

Land behind the Nocton Hub

The Parish Council considered a detailed report from Councillor Mike Kaye (attached as an
Appendix (1) to these minutes) drawing attention to a range of matters associated with the
existing covenants on the land on which the Hub is situated and proposing that negotiations
with AG Property Consultants (the owner of the land surrounding the Hub and former Builder’s
Yard over which the Council has permitted use) be entered into with a view to agreeing a
mutually beneficial resolution of the various issues involved.
In the circumstances, it was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor
Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the Parish Council enter into more formal negotiations with AG
Property Consultants to consider how best this can be achieved. It was noted that legal advice
would be required by both parties (each meeting its own costs) and an estimate of the
potential cost to the Parish Council would be required before matters could be finalised and
progressed to conclusion.


Minutes of the Hub Management Group held on 23 May 2022
The minutes of this meeting were noted.
The following points were noted:
(i) External Noticeboard for The Hub. Councillor Mike Kaye reported that he had not yet
had an opportunity to ascertain from NKDC whether planning approval was needed
prior to its erection to the front of the Hub, but would do so shortly.
(ii) Anti-fungal Paint to Cellar Room. It was understood that discussions were continuing
with the Ripon Arms over the exact specification of the paint required.
(iii) Commemorative Plaque. Councillor Maryann Williams had not yet had an opportunity
to explore further options for the supply of the Plaque but would do shortly.
(iv) CCTV. Councillor Mike Kaye was continuing to investigate the purchase of an
appropriate keyboard and hoped to find a solution in the near future.
Future of the Hub Management Group
MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that
(a) the Hub Management Group (HMG) be disbanded and replaced with a Hub User Group
(HUG) for the reasons set out in the Discussion Paper attached as Appendix (2) to these
minutes, although a final decision would not be made until the matter had been referred to
the next meeting of the HMG and in the light of any comments it might wish to make; and (b)
the Hub hire invoicing function be transferred to the Parish Council (Hub Manager) with
immediate effect.

It was noted that there were no planning applications requiring consideration.

The Chair reported that Ben Wills had confirmed that costings associated with work to the Hall
involving complete demolition, restoration as a ruin and a full rebuild were currently being
finalised. These figures would help to inform the level of enabling development required on
the site. In the meantime, he would be meeting with the Chair and Vice-chair on 26 July to
consider establishing a Working Group to assist in taking matters forward.

In view of the current holiday and other commitments of councillors and given the number of
existing vacancies (with the requirement for meetings needing to be quorate) it was agreed to
identify a date convenient to the majority of councillors between late August/early September
and, as such, to cancel the meetings scheduled for 9 August and 13 September.
The Chair again emphasised the need for residents to come forward to serve on the Parish
Council and highlighted some of the implications for the village if there was insufficient interest
by the time of the next elections in May 2023.

Two issues were raised by residents:
The possibility of establishing a community library and the condition of the surface of Wegberg
Road and the condition of the nearby bridge at Nocton Park. With regard to the latter issue, it
was noted that it was likely that there was little the Parish Council could do but it would write
to the relevant parties (NPML and Mr Peter Sowerby respectively) for their comments.

MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED
that the press and members of the public be excluded from the meeting during the
consideration of the following items because of the confidential nature of the business to be


Temporary Cleaner (CL)
It was noted that the Hub Manager had spoken with the relevant department at the County
Council and that there was nothing further which the Parish Council needed to do regarding
the appointment of a younger person to undertake the cleaning function. It was also MOVED
by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that (i) the
existing three-month Contract of Employment for CL be extended by a further three months
when it comes to an end on 31 August 2022; and (ii) following a satisfactory report from the
Hub Manager, the salary of the postholder be increased to the amount specified in the

Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
In the light of the detailed decisions reached regarding this matter (which are confidential and
recorded separately in a minute which will not be available for publication but which will,
nevertheless, be kept as an official record should it be required for formal disclosure at some
point in the future) it was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor
Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that:
(i) The Chair, Councillor Ian Goldsworthy, be appointed Acting Parish Clerk with effect
from 13 July 2022;
(ii) Councillor George McDonnell be the “first point of contact” for the Hub Manager
and Village Keeper;
(iii) The Chair and Councillor Mike Kaye monitor and action as appropriate all emails
sent to the Parish Clerk’s email address;
(iv) Ms Ruth Keillar (a former Nocton Parish Clerk and RFO) be appointed to undertake
the duties of the Responsible Financial Officer for a temporary period of three
months whilst arrangements are made to appoint a permanent Clerk and RFO;
(v) Ms Keillar, as a person who has been fully trained in building parish councils
websites using the LCC platform, also be requested to do this in respect of the
Nocton Parish Council website as previously agreed; and
(vi) A Disaster Recovery pack containing details of the various logins and passwords,
etc (including those associated with the Bank Accounts, website and email address
management) and which are necessary for the Parish Council to continue to
function properly and to meet its statutory and other responsibilities in the
absence of its Parish Clerk, be produced as a matter of urgency.