April 12 2022 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of the meeting of Nocton Parish Council held at 7.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th April, 2022 in The Nocton Hub.
PRESENT: Councillor Mike Clarke (Chair)
Councillors Ian Goldsworthy, Neil Faulkner, Mike Kaye and MaryAnn Williams
Approx. 20 members of the public were also in attendance
The Chair welcomed councillors and members of the public to the meeting. 
The Chair reported that he had recently received a letter from Graham Kempster resigning from the Parish Council because of increasing work commitments.  He would advise NKDC accordingly.
An apology for absence was received from Councillor George McDonnell and his reason was accepted.  It was noted that County Councillor Ian Carrington and District Councillor Amelia Bailey had also advised the Chair that they would be unable to attend the meeting.  Their reports would, however, be posted on the Parish Council website.
There were no declarations of interest.
MOVED by Councillor Mike Kaye; SECONDED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March, 2022 be agreed as a correct record of the proceedings.
The minutes were then signed by the Chair.
7.1 Schedule of Payments
A Schedule of Payments made during March 2022 was approved.
The Chair reported that he had recently been advised by Lincoln Security that the cost of servicing and maintaining the Hub’s intruder alarm system was £100 per annum, although he would endeavour to negotiate a lower price for a two/three year contract.  The Parish Council agreed to enter into a contract with the company on this basis.
7.2 Parish Council Bank Accounts
The Chair reported that as at 31 March 2022, the Parish Council had a combined total of £19,296.21 across each of its three bank accounts, which included £1,564.30 held on behalf of the Nocton 200 Club.
7.3 Appointment of Parish Clerk
It was noted that a meeting between members of the interview panel and the successful applicant would be held shortly to finalise the provisional offer which have been made, prior to formal approval by the Parish Council.
7.4 The following items of correspondence was noted:
(i) A letter from NKDC confirming that the Hub had been granted full Small Business Rate Relief.
(ii) Confirmation from Lincoln Rotary confirming that it had awarded a grant of £425 to the Parish Council in connection with the provision of a replacement defibrillator at the Hub.  It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to the Club for its very generous donation.
(iii) An email from Bob Webster requesting approval for the Ripon Arms to erect banners on the fence outside the Hub promoting events they were organising.  It was agreed to permit the use of such banners for all organisations holding events within the Hub provided they were temporary in nature and were removed immediately the event had taken place.  However, it was also suggested that as an alternative, the Ripon Arms might wish to consider the use of an “A-frame” type noticeboard which had proved successful in connection with advertising other events at the Hub e.g. the community coffee mornings.
(iv) The Chair undertook to contact Dyson Farming to ascertain the current position regarding its offer of some months ago to provide an external noticeboard for the Hub.
It was noted that Councillor Ian Goldsworthy was continuing with his work to construct the Parish Council’s accounts for audit from scratch and that the exercise had almost been completed.  The extent to which this would satisfy audit requirements given that much of the original data had not been returned by the previous Parish Clerk could not yet be known.
Further to Minute No. 13 (8 March, 2022) it was agreed to replace the defibrillator at The Hub with a more modern one and which was also capable of being used on children at a cost of £1,405 (excl. VAT) to be funded as follows;
£425   (Lincoln Rotary Club)
£700   (Nocton 200 Club - following discussion with the Promotor, it was agreed that the grant previously agreed for the defibrillator at Nocton Park but which was no longer required could be used for this purpose) £280   (Mr Steve Coles-Read had agreed that the balance of the funding required be met from the excess funds raised to purchase a defibrillator at Nocton Park).
It was noted that Mr Steve Coles-Read would arrange to purchase and install the device (the latter at no cost to the Parish Council) and also to arrange appropriate training later in the year.  In this connection, it was noted that the Hub Manager would liaise with Nocton Primary School to ensure that its staff could also be involved.
It was noted that a resident, Darren Wilson, was continuing to assist the Parish Council in keeping its website updated.
The Parish Council also authorised Councillor Mike Kaye to assist in this task and to access and update the website as and when necessary.
The Chair reported that he had asked Lincolnshire County Council to provide a grit/salt bin for storing the salt currently in a builder’s bag at the entrance to the Hub car park.  The request was currently being considered by LCC but in the meantime, the Chair said that he would ask the Village Keeper to see if a temporary storage solution was available to avoid the salt getting wet.
12.1 Minutes of the HMG held on 24th March, 2022
The Minutes of this meeting were noted.  The following matters had been drawn to the attention of the Parish Council:
(a) Disconnection of Telephone Landline from the building 
It was noted that the Acting Clerk had arranged for the landline to be disconnected at a small saving to the budget.  This did not affect the availability of Wi-Fi in the building.
(b) Appointment of Hub Treasurer 
The Parish Council formally appointed Mrs Jayne Faulkner to serve on the Hub Management Group and noted that she would be taking on the role of Hub Treasurer.
The HMG was reminded of the need to ensure that future appointments took place in strict accordance with its Terms of Reference.  The Parish Council also noted that whilst welcoming those residents who came forward to offer their services, there was an element of risk when volunteers were involved in processes critical to its core business.  It was agreed, therefore, that the future role of the Hub Treasurer in the management of the Hub’s finances (as set out in its current Terms of Reference) be reviewed by the new Parish Clerk.
(c) Provision of Access Statement and Fire Strategy Documents 
It was noted that the Access Statement should have been included in the file of documents handed over by the Contractor on completion of the project.  The Chair was in contact with the Fire Authority regarding the Fire Strategy document.
(d) Provision of Anti-fungal Paint to the Cellar Room 
It was agreed that Councillor Neil Faulkner contact Maher Millard to ascertain the nature of the paint used on the wall of the Cellar Room. He would also enquire about the provision of splashbacks to the urinals having previously confirmed that the Contractor would be providing them at no cost to the Parish Council.
(e) Provision of Non-slip Paint to Access Ramp 
The Hub Manager agreed to investigate the use of non-slip “strips” (rather than anti-slip paint) which were likely to prove a more effective and longer-term solution and to purchase them as necessary.
(f) Provision of Induction/Hearing Loop 
It was noted that a sound system, which would also benefit people with hearing difficulties was now available for use, having been purchased by the WI following its receipt of a grant from the 200 Club.
(g) Results of Easter Card Competition 
It was noted that the results of the competition would be reported in the next edition of the Limespring Hundred.  Although there had not been as many entries as had been hoped for, there had been positive feedback from those taking part and a high standard of entry.
(h) Provision of Commemorative Plaque 
It had always been the intention to provide a plaque in the Hub to recognise those groups and individuals who had contributed to the cost of building the Hub.  Unfortunately, however, and although the list of contributors had been agreed, the matter had been put on hold as a result of the delayed opening of the building.  It was agreed, 
therefore, that Councillor MaryAnn Williams obtain quotes for a suitable plaque.
(i) Appointment of Additional Cleaner 
It was noted that one application had been received but that the Job Advert be kept open a little longer to see if any other applications were forthcoming.
(j) Installation of Decals by Ripon Arms on Street Facing Windows Councillor Mike Kaye undertook to consult with the NKDC Planning 
Team to ascertain the rules regarding the use of signs in the 
Conservation Area.  The Chair would also contact the Ripon Arms to find out the dimensions of the proposed sign.
(k) Hub Open Weekend 
The Parish Council noted a report, prepared by Councillor MaryAnn Williams, on the recent Hub Open Weekend.  It was noted that there had been considerable interest and enthusiasm by all those attending, including the Hub’s potential as a wedding venue.  Particular interest had also been shown in the Village Archive.
On behalf of the Parish Council, the Chair thanked Councillor Williams and her colleagues for their effort in holding such a successful event which showcased this important community asset.
12.2 CCTV
It was agreed that Councillor Mike Kaye arrange for the purchase of suitable signs (up to a maximum of £50) in order that the CCTV could become operational.  It was further agreed that the contact details to be included thereon be the those for the Parish Clerk and Hub Manager.
12.3 Community Lincs/YMCA
Further to Minute No. 11.17 (8 March 2022) it was agreed to join this organisation for a three-year period at a cost of £120.
12.4 Hub Staffing Matters
It was noted that the two staffing matters referred to the Parish Council would be considered in the private and confidential session at the end of the meeting.
The Parish Council agreed to participate in this event and noted that 
Councillor MaryAnn Williams would arrange an appropriate display.  It was agreed that parish councillors would contribute personally to the costs involved, which Councillor Williams would keep to a minimum, rather than using funds from the Parish Council’s budget.
(a) Application 22/0375/TPOT1 / 2 which involved the felling of a pine tree and removing a snapped limb from a sycamore tree in Wegberg Road, was noted.
(b) In accordance with its policy of not commenting on planning applications for properties, etc in Potterhanworth unless specifically requested to do so by its Parish Council, Application 22/0332/HOUS which involved the erection of a single storey side extension to a property in Nocton Road, Potterhanworth was noted.
Council Ian Goldsworthy reported that he had recently been contacted by Mr Ben Wills (who had previously worked for Beeswax (Dyson) Farming )who had told him that he had been engaged by LEDA Properties with a view to progressing a development proposal for the former RAF Hospital Site.  Mr Wills had, in fact, arranged with LEDA to carry out the various tree works on the site, and as noted by residents, to facilitate access to the site.
In view of the undoubted interest there would be amongst residents on the matter, it was agreed to invite Mr Wills to attend the Annual Parish Meeting on 10 May 2022 to explain the current position and thinking for the future of the site in more detail.  Mr Wills had made it clear to Councillor Goldsworthy that he very much wanted to work with residents on any future development proposals for the site as he was aware of past failings in this regard on the part of the site’s owner.
Councillor Mike Kaye updated the Parish Council on the discussions he was having with the site owners and would report further when such discussion had been concluded.
Following a request from a resident, it was MOVED by Councillor Ian Goldsworthy; Seconded by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that arrangements be made with E.ON for this street light to be switched off from midnight until dawn as the light was causing a nuisance by shining directly into their bedroom.  The cost would be £95 (excl. VAT) which could be met from the Street Lighting Maintenance budget.
The Chair apologised on behalf of the Parish Council to a resident for the nature and content of the emails which had been sent to him in connection 
with his Freedom of Information request submitted earlier in the year.
19.1 Annual Parish Meeting
It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting be held between 6.30 p.m. and 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 10 May 2022.

19.2 Annual Parish Council Meeting

It was noted that the Annual Parish Council Meeting be held on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
19.3 Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
It was agreed that this follow upon the conclusion of the Annual Parish Council.
The following issues were considered/agreed following questions put by members of the public attending the meeting:
(a) It was agreed to investigate the possibility of turning off more street lights between midnight and dawn in order to minimise light pollution and reduce energy costs and consequent carbon emissions.
(b) It was agreed to provide an explanation at the next meeting on the reasons why there had been a 6% increase in the Parish Council precept for 2022/23.
(c) It was agreed to discuss with Maher Millard possible solutions to prevent the walls being marked by the movement of tables and chairs e.g. by the fixing of wooden “rubbing strips”.  Councillor MaryAnn Williams would also investigate a more effective solution for the storage and movement of the tables.
(d) The question of grass cutting at Nocton Park following the adoption of Nocton Park Road as a public highway at the next meeting.
At the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, Councillor Mike Kaye gave a detailed presentation to councillors and those members of the public attending the meeting on the key aspects of the most recent version of the CLLP and on which a final consultation was now taking place.  As a result, the Parish Council agreed to submit the following comments as its response to the consultation:
S1 and S4
We are broadly happy with those housing policies which affect the future growth of Nocton.  As before, we are concerned that policies fail to place sufficient emphasis on the evident demand for affordable housing.
We are particularly encouraged that policies which emphasise that the open, green and tree-covered character of our Conservation area should be acknowledged and maintained in any developments.
Policy S7
We have some concerns about the apparent clash between Policy S7 
(Reducing Energy Consumption) and the need to build houses for sale or rent that are by definition affordable.
Policy S8
Alongside HMG’s Zero Carbon target, the impact of sustainable electricity generation on the security of food production is becoming increasingly relevant.  In the light of recent Government proposals Central Lincolnshire’s relatively modest proposals may have to be revised upwards during the life of this plan.
Even though food security demands that we buy from a wide range of global suppliers, we must retain the ability to supply and compete at home.  Safeguarding of our Agricultural land and production capacity will become increasingly important during the implementation of this plan especially in the light of recent events.
An estimate of the extent to which each proposal would impact local food production should be part of any assessment.
MOVED by Councillor Ian Goldsworthy; SECONDED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams and RESOLVED that the press and members of the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.
The Parish Council noted the current position and action being taken to deal with a number of matters arising from the resignation of the previous Parish Clerk.
The Parish Council considered the following matters regarding the Hub Manager which had been referred to it by the Hub Management Group, namely (a) the payment for her attendance at its meetings; and (b) the need 
for support to the postholder.  Having reached some initial conclusions regarding the way forward, it was agreed that the Chair meet with the Hub Manager to discuss the Parish Council’s thinking with her.
The detailed proposals relating to these matters are confidential and are recorded separately in a minute which will not be available for publication but which will, nevertheless, be kept as an official record should it be required for formal disclosure at some point in the future.
In order to ensure that users/hirers of the building could access (a) their items which it had been agreed could be stored on the premises; and (b) cleaning materials and equipment in the event of spillages, etc, it was agreed that the Store Cupboard be kept unlocked as originally intended.
For those items which needed to be kept secure (e.g. projector, sound system, Village Archive) it was agreed that these be stored in the Meeting Room and that a push-button keypad lock be installed on its door to prevent unauthorised access.  Hirers could be given access to the key code as and when necessary.  Councillor Neil Faulkner undertook to obtain a quote for the necessary work from a local locksmith.
The Chair would ensure that the Hub Manager was made aware of this decision.
SIGNED: _________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________