December 13 2022 - Notes


DRAFT Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 13 December, 2022 in Nocton Hub.

PRESENT:    Councillor Ian Goldsworthy (Chair)
        Councillors Andy Hone, Mike Kaye, Richard Marshall and MaryAnn Williams

Nocton Hall and former RAF Hospital Site

Prior to the start of the formal meeting, Mr Ben Wills gave a further update on the current situation regarding the proposed development of this site.  His presentation included outline details of a proposal with the following key features:
* Demolition of Nocton Hall (preserving it largely as a ruin)
* Restoration of the former “Pleasure Gardens”
* A housing development (involving potentially some 60 dwellings) to the north-east of the site and linked to the housing at Nocton Park to fund the necessary work involved
* A development to the south-east of the housing site comprising holiday lodges to produce an income stream to enable the on-going maintenance of the former Hall site.
* A café/similar facility on the site of the old walled garden/orchard
* Permissive access across much of the site with footpaths, etc with a view to linking all parts of the village
Ben Wills was, however, anxious to emphasise that these were only preliminary and outline proposals and much would depend upon the response not only of the Planning Officers but also Historic England.  There were clearly many legal and other hurdles to overcome but nevertheless, the outline scheme represented a basis for pre-planning discussions with NKDC and Historic England and the beginning of engagement with the local community to refine further what was being proposed.  Although unable to give a firm timescale for the project, he was hopeful that a formal planning application could be made before the end of 2023.
Ben Wills undertook to provide the Acting Parish Clerk with an update of his presentation for posting on the Parish Council website. He would, of course, attend future meetings of the Parish Council to continue the information sharing and consultation process.

Nocton 200 Club

Mr Jim Eagle, The Promotor of the Nocton 200 Club, presented a cheque for £2,300 to the Chair, being the proceeds raised by the Club over the past two years. The Chair thanked Jim for his efforts in helping to raise such an impressive sum of money for the benefit of the village’s local groups.  Given there was now some £3,000 available, Mr Eagle and the Chair suggested that it might be more beneficial if the proceeds were used, perhaps, for a more substantial project, etc rather than the making of a number of smaller grants.  Residents were, therefore, invited to suggest ways in which this sum might be used.


No questions had been submitted in advance and none were raised at the meeting


       The Chair welcomed councillors and members of the public to the formal part of the meeting.

An apology for absence was received from Councillor George McDonnell.


       There were no declarations of interest.


MOVED by Councillor Mike Kaye; SECONDED by Councillor Richard Marshall and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November, 2022 be approved.

       The minutes were then signed by the Chair.


There were no County or District Councillors present at the meeting.


Councillor Andy Hone gave a brief report on the “walkabout” on 16 November with members of the Parish Council and County Councillor Ian Carrington to review a number of issues relating to the village’s roads and infrastructure which were the responsibility of the Highways Authority.  It had proved a particularly useful initiative and the Parish Council looked forward to receiving feedback from Councillor Carrington on the outcome of his discussions with Highways Officers on the matters raised with him.


The RFO’s report was received and noted with specific reference to the following points:

(i) Payments made/to be made and income received since the last meeting:

Net Income from Hub bookings in November totalled £1,080.58, plus the monthly contribution of £210.68 from the Ripon Arms towards the energy costs.

(ii) Bank Accounts

As at 3rd November 2022 there was a total of £27,236.23 across each of the three Parish Council account    s, plus a credit balance of £371.04 on the Equals Card.

(iii) Budget Monitoring

A report summarising the overall financial situation of the Parish Council “mainstream” and Hub budgets was noted.

(iv) Reclamation of VAT

It was noted with concern that despite repeated attempts by both the RFO and Acting Parish Clerk, the VAT Office was unable to provide log-in details for the Parish Council’s account in order that an on-line submission could be made to reclaim the VAT paid on invoices paid since November 2021.  The account had been set up by the former Parish Clerk but it appeared that details had not been not passed on following his resignation.  Although a paper return to reclaim VAT totalling £716.82 for the period 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, had been made by the RFO, given that all such returns were now required to be made “on-line”, it was not clear whether this would be accepted.  The total amount of recoverable VAT was in excess of £2,500 which represented a significant proportion of the Parish Council’s budget.  The RFO and Acting Clerk would continue in their efforts to persuade the VAT Office to release the log-in details to its account but in the event that they were unable to do so, it was MOVED by Councillor Richard Marshall; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the Parish Council contact its former Clerk with a formal request for the necessary details to be handed over.

(v) General

The Parish Council noted a range of other issues which had been dealt with by the RFO since the last meeting.


(i) Correspondence

The Chair reported that no relevant correspondence had been received since the last meeting which was not otherwise included on the agenda.

(ii) Tree Inspection

Further to Minute No. 7(ii) of the last meeting, it was noted that Lincolnshire Eco-arborists had provided a final quotation of £1,100 to carry out work to the Parish Council-owned trees.  It was MOVED by Councillor Andy Hone; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the quote be accepted and the necessary order placed for the work to be carried out.

(iii) Website Update

It was noted that thanks to the efforts of the RFO, the new Parish Council website went live on 1 December 2022 as planned, although modifications and updates were continuing to be made.  The old site no longer contained any information but had a link directing users to the new site.

(iv) Appointment of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

The Acting Parish Clerk reported that four applications had been received for this post by the deadline of 30 November 2022.  Details had been circulated to all parish councillors and shortlisting and the appointment of the Interview Panel would take place in private session at the conclusion of the public business.


The following policies had been circulated previously to all members of the Parish Council for review and comment:

* Complaints 
* Communications 
* Model Publication Scheme (FoI) 
* Audio Policy – Filming and Recording of Meetings 
* Health And Safety 
* Bullying And Harassment at Work 
* Disciplinary Dismissal and Grievance 
* Equal Opportunities and Diversity 
* Social Media Policy 
* Events Policy 
* Councillor Co-Option 
* Death of a Significant Public Figure Protocol

Although the majority of the policies’ provisions remained appropriate and required no further changes, a number of very minor textual and other changes were required.  As such, it was MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that the Acting Parish Clerk be authorised to make the necessary amendments and that the policies be published on the website without further recourse to the Parish Council.


It was agreed to defer consideration of this item to the end of the meeting to allow those members of the public present to contribute to the discussion.


(i) Hub User Group

The minutes of the HUG held on 17 November, 2022 were noted.

(ii) Hub Manager’s Report

The Hub Manager’s report was noted.

(iii) Request for Ripon Arms for Installation of an Oche

It was MOVED by Councillor Mike Kaye; SECONDED by Councillor Andy Hone and RESOLVED that the Ripon Arms be permitted to install a removable Oche on the floor of The Lounge for use in connection with Darts tournaments.

(iv) PPL/PRS Licence

The Parish Council noted the action being taken by the RFO to resolve the PPL /PRS licensing situation and agreed the content of questionnaire regarding those users of the Hub (including the RA) which may play music as part of their activities for submission to the PRS.

(v) AG Property Consultants – Removal of Restrictive Covenants on The Hub

The Acting Parish Clerk reported that he had been advised by the Solicitor acting on behalf of the Parish Council in this matter that he had made contact with the other side’s legal representative was currently awaiting a revised covenant document incorporating the various changes which had been proposed.

(vi) Outstanding Items of Repair and Maintenance

Councillor Mike Kaye reported that the issues relating to the drainpipe and guttering to the rear corner of the building and the failure of the surface to the front porch had been reported to the Contractor, Maher Millard, and a response was awaited.  The issue relating to the surface of the cellar floor was currently the subject of discussion between the Contractor, RA and Parish Council as to the most effective solution to remedy the problem.


Outline Planning Permission for up to 6 x dwellings on land south of Wellhead Lane (22/1387/OUT)

It was noted that the applicants had recently submitted a revised site layout plan regarding the development which, in the opinion of the Parish Council did little, if anything, to address the fundamental heritage and conservation, etc concerns it had already expressed.  It was, therefore, MOVED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams; SECONDED by Councillor Andy Hone and RESOLVED that the following additional comment be submitted to the Planning Authority:

“The amended plans do not answer any of our concerns already made clear in our two previous submissions particularly those of access, heritage and conservation.

Amending Indicative site plans is a meaningless exercise when the amended site layout has all the major and important characteristics of previous plans.”


It was noted that it was necessary to agree a revenue budget and precept for 2023/24 for submission to NKDC by 27 January, 2023.

It was, therefore, MOVED by Councillor Mike Kaye; SECONDED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams and REOVLEDs that (i) an Extra-ordinary Meeting for this purpose be convened on Tuesday, 24 January, 2023 at 7.00 p.m. and (ii) the Ordinary Meeting scheduled for 10 January 2023 be cancelled with any urgent items of business being dealt with at the EOM.  It was noted that the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council would be held on Tuesday, 14th February, 2023 as scheduled.


(At the invitation of the Chair, members of the public were invited to participate in the discussion of this particular item)

Further to discussions at the previous two meetings, Councillor Mike Kaye now reported on the measures which had been/would be put in place to mitigate the risks associated with “Security” and “Personal Injury” (Administration) and Personal Injury, Seating and Dog Fouling (Village Green)

The remaining areas of risk would be addressed at the next Ordinary Meeting with a view to finalising an updated Risk Assessment and Register for adoption at the meeting in March, 2023.


There were no public questions.


Moved by Councillor Andy Hone; SECONDED by Councillor Richard Marshall and RESOLVED that the press and members of the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.


It was MOVED by Councillor Richard Marshall; SECONDED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams and RESOLVED that the Interview Panel for the purposes of interviewing for this post comprise The Chair, Vice-chair and Councillor Andy Hone, advised by the Temporary Responsible Financial Officer, with interviews being held on the morning of 10 January 2023.  It was noted that the Panel’s recommendation(s) regarding an appointment would be submitted to the Parish Council on 24 January for formal ratification.

Having received and assessed in detail the application forms from the four applicants against the Person Specification, it was MOVED by COUNCILLOR Mike Kaye; SECONDED by Councillor MaryAnn Williams that three applicants be invited for interview and that the Acting Parish Clerk be authorised to make the necessary arrangements, including obtaining references.

(The details of those applicants to be invited for interview are confidential and recorded separately in a minute which will not be available for publication but which will, nevertheless, be kept as an official record should it be required for formal disclosure at some point in the future.)


The Parish Council noted its previous decision not to release certain information relating to the salary of a former Parish Clerk (nor a private and confidential minute regarding the investigation into his predecessor) was upheld by the Information Commissioner.  This decision has, however, been the subject of an appeal by Dr Timms and the Solicitor to the Appeal Tribunal Judge has asked for certain information from the Parish Council by 16 December.

Following discussion with the ICO’s Office and in the light of its further advice, it was MOVED by Councillor Richard Marshall; SECONDED by Councillor Mike Kaye and RESOLVED that (i) it was no longer appropriate to withhold information relating to the salary of the Clerk in question; (ii) that this information should now be provided to Dr Timms; and (iii) the terms of a letter to the ICO as drafted by the Acting Parish Clerk be approved.

In reaching this conclusion, it was noted that much of the information originally requested (for the period 1 April to 31 October 2022) had been available in the former Clerk’s Budget Monitoring report published on the Parish Council’s website and that it could also have been found by any person exercising their right to inspect the Parish Council’s financial and other records under the Audit Regulations.


Given that the Hub had been completed over two years ago, it was considered appropriate to consider the Parish Council’s future relationship with the original Contractor with regard to liability for future repairs, etc.  It was, therefore, agreed that Councillor Mike Kaye discuss with Maher Millard an appropriate way forward in respect of such matters and to report back to the Parish Council when such discussions had been concluded.


Please be advised that these are notes of the meeting taken by the Acting Clerk and cannot in any way be regarded as the official minutes of council proceedings until they are approved and signed at the next Parish Council meeting.