September 10 2019 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in The Hive, Wasps Nest, on Tuesday, 10 September 2019 at 7:00 pm
PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Neil Faulkner, Cllr Philip Johnston-Davis, Cllr Graham Jones, Cllr Jane Kania, Cllr Michael Kaye. 
Also present: R Keillar (Clerk), CCllr Ron Oxby, DCllr Nick Byatt 
8 members of the Public
A question had been received by a member of the public regarding the VH rebuild. Although this had not been received in the required timeframe, at the Chair’s discretion, the question had been addressed. 
In response, Cllr G Jones made a statement and update relating to the VH rebuild, particularly aspects affecting the Leisure Area.  To address some of the concerns, it was agreed in principle to move the rear wall into the main Events Hall (at a cost of £3,250) by approximately 2 x m which would increase the current footprint of the Leisure Area by 16 sq m.
There is broad agreement with the Contractor that any amendments to the current internal layout can be made, although costs could be affected which would need further discussion.
Cllr P Johnston-Davis suggested that as the Social Club and VH “Working Group” both have requirements for additional fittings and finishes, it would be expected that further fund-raising and re-investment of surpluses would be required by both parties. It was noted that the PC cannot fund significant additional requirements over and above the already agreed project and costs. The Chair reminded those present that from the outset, it had always been the intention to provide a basic functioning Hall with further improvements being made over time.
Apologies were received from Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), reasons accepted. DCllr Nick Byatt gave a verbal apology on behalf of DCllr Laura Pearson.
None received. 
a) It was proposed by Cllr M Kaye, seconded by Cllr N Faulkner and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9 July 2019 were taken as read and signed as correct. 
a) Local Police – The police report had been received; 10 July – 10 September 2019; there have been 2 reported crimes:
           14/08/19 – Theft of goose from allotments.
           28/08/19 – Criminal Damage, Partridges and pheasants (18) killed in pen      off Fen Lane (would appear to have been attacked by dogs).
b) District Councillors –DCllr Nick Byatt gave a brief verbal report. He highlighted the new Lincolnshire self-serve website.
c) County Councillor – CCllr Oxby had submitted his report by email, which had been circulated and posted onto the website. He gave a brief verbal update.
a) a)  The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s Report which had been circulated previously. Items discussed further:
item 4. The tree works and quotes will be added to the next agenda for consideration.
Further to this, it was agreed that CCllr Ron Oxby look into the possibility of LCC replacing the dead cherry tree, which had been removed from land adjacent to The Green.
b) The Parish Council noted the Financial Report.
It was agreed to send a letter of thanks to Ms Saskia Arthur, Boodle Hatfield Solicitors, for the reduced fee charged for legal services relating the VH project and for the support and advice received.
Cllr I Goldsworthy delivered a budget report to date. It was agreed to transfer an amount of approximately £5,000 to the new Village Hall Management Board when established. 
a) It was noted that the project is expected to be complete by mid January 2020 and details relating to the completion are due to be finalised by the end of October 2019.
b) Cllr P Johnston-Davis delivered a verbal report regarding the status and work of the Working Group established to propose future management arrangements, lettings policies etc. for the new Hall. 
c) Cllr M Kaye gave an update in respect of a range of issues relating to the construction of the new Hall, including the following:
i. Provision of a hedge at the south end of the Builder’s Yard. It was agreed to purchase Beech plants at an approximate cost of £100.
ii. Deciding on the form of extra heating required. It was suggested that Infra-Red heaters would provide the best option
iii. Various final layouts, etc to be determined for individual rooms. It was suggested that this will be carefully controlled and could include external sockets/container for a Christmas tree, benches etc.
iv. Final mounting of the Defibrillator. An electric socket point is to be decided.
v. Provision of equipment, etc promised by Beeswax Farming. TBC further to any support offered from Beeswax.
vi. Terms of the Lease for the Community Building to the new management body. It was proposed by Cllr M Kaye, seconded by Cllr G Jones and it was RESOLVED that the PC would pay all legal disbursements
vii. A formal acceptance procedure once the building is completed. A list of sign-off requirements is to be formulated, to include Fire Inspection etc. It was agreed that a group be formed, by end December 2019, to include members of the PC, SC and VHM Trust be involved in the final inspections before sign-off of the project.
d) Cllr I Goldsworthy delivered an updated budget report relating to the VH Project, including the establishment of a Contingency Provision To meet the cost of essential works to the new Hall not included in the original quote but which were considered essential to provide for a functioning Hall.
Cllr I Goldsworthy gave a verbal report following a meeting of the NP Steering Group  and discussions regarding the proposed amendment to the existing NP. It was suggested that in view of the considerable additional work which would be required to deliver any amendment, as evidenced by the Consultant in her report, and the fact that there could be no guarantee of a successful outcome, the best option would be to leave the existing NP as it was. Potterhanworth PC will be advised of this course of action. It was proposed by Cllr N Faulkner, seconded by Cllr G Jones and it was RESOLVED that subject to any over-riding concerns from Potterhanworth PC, the NP will remain as originally formulated, relying on its current policies and those of the adopted Local Plan. Should Potterhanworth PC wish to pursue any amendment, then although Nocton PC would, of course, give support, this could not include significant research or other time-consuming activity.
a) The Parish Council considered the following applications:
19/1070/PNH 77 Wellhead Lane Nocton
19/0829/FUL Land Between 19 And 21 Wellhead Lane Nocton – amendment.
19/0356/FUL Land Adjacent To 1 Church Farm Cottages Barff Road Potterhanworth
19/1044/HOUS The Rise Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths
19/0859/HOUS West Barn 1 Church Lane Potterhanworth
19/0978/TCA The Manor House, The Green, Nocton
19/0991/TPO. 1 woodland Drive, Nocton.
19 1191 TCA - Beckside 2 Manor Court Nocton
b) To note the following planning decisions:
19/0791/LBC The Pheasantry The Green Nocton
19/0830/LBC Park Farm The Green Nocton
19/0639/FUL Land Off  Moor Lane Potterhanworth
19/0876/FUL Land To The Rear Of Moor Lane Potterhanworth
19/0930/RESM Land South Of Station Road Potterhanworth
Cllr I Goldsworthy reported that he had contacted NKDC asking for an update on the current position relating to Nocton Hall and the former RAF Hospital site. Any response will be reported at the next meeting. DCllr Nick Byatt offered to investigate and report back.
The PC has received comments that the Beck is in need of maintenance. As NKDC is responsible for the Beck, DCllr Nick Byatt offered to investigate and report back to the PC.
Although the Parish Council has previously agreed not to pursue the matter further, the volume of straw continuing to be deposited on Main Street and Potterhanworth Road (both on the highway and pavements) remains a matter of considerable concern.  DCllr Nick Byatt offered to investigate this at NKDC and report back. 
An application to The 200 Club had been received from the WI and District Netball Team for a Netball Post at a cost of £80 (see application attached). It was proposed by Cllr N Faulkner, seconded by Cllr G Jones and it was RESOLVED that the grant be approved.
a) Cllr N Faulkner reported that:
i. In addition to the theft of a goose from the allotments, there had been an incident of vandalism there, where several local children had caused damage to property. The culprits had been caught and it is understood that their parents have been asked to pay for the damage.
ii. The road between Potterhanworth and Nocton, which was due for repair then postponed, has had no work carried out for many years and is in an extremely poor condition. CCllr Ron Oxby agreed to investigate. 
b) Cllr G Jones reported that:
i. The new lawnmower had been purchased and supplied to the Village Keeper.
ii. The streetlight on the Green is yet to be replaced, following damage caused by the Skip company.
iii. The recent Crime Panel meeting update include: 20 new constables within the area, PC P Hanson is to retire in December, 3 mobile speed-guns are available however manpower to deploy these is still too low. Bracebridge Heath Police Station is due to close in November, with staff moving to N Hykeham. Officers will be required to deploy to other locations if needed, due to any unrest resulting from the Brexit process. B1118 road-markings are due to be improved.
c) Cllr M Kaye reported that:
i. The VH contractors are still working at weekends on occasion and providing public information on this will continue.
ii. Various aspects of the VH rebuild are progressing and the schedule is being monitored.
d) Cllr J Kania reported that:
i. A resident of Wasps Nest had highlighted an article from the Guardian, which had praised the recently refurbished Heritage telephone kiosk and the heritage information display now in situ there.
ii. The new deputy head at the Primary school has requested that the PC help with plans to improve the outside area of the school.
iii. The Christmas tree festival is to be held 6, 7, 8 December in the Church. It was agreed that the PC would not make any contributions from Council funds but that members could contribute as private individuals.
iv. The Ploughing Championships are taking place on 12, 13 October.
v. The streetlight number 18, outside the VH is not working and has been reported to LCC Highways.
e) Cllr I Goldsworthy reported that:
i. The area around the WW1 Memorial Tree by Wellhead Lane needs to be tidied up and the tree requires a stake; the Village Keeper will be asked to attend to this.
ii. It has been brought to the PCs attention that the hedge and vegetation growth outside 16 Main Street has made the pavement inaccessible. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the residents to ask if they could attend to this.
f) Cllr P Johnston-Davis reported that:
i. he is posting any relevant information onto the What’s On In Nocton Village Facebook page, with links to the PC website. Subscriber numbers for the PC website are hoped to increase and It was agreed that the Clerk would include an update on subscribers in the CR going forward.
ii. Work is underway regarding the WREN Grant publicity.
It was noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 15 October  at The Hive, Wasps Nest, 7pm. 
Public Question Session
No questions
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8:45pm
Signed………………I GOLDSWORTHY Date………15 OCTOBER 2019
Nocton Parish Council – 10 September 2019