April 09 2019 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in The Hive, Wasps Nest, on Tuesday, 9 April 2019 at 8.20 pm
PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), Cllr N. Faulkner, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Kania, Cllr Michael Kaye, Cllr M. Williams
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). CCllr R Oxby, DCllr R Kendrick.
Seventeen members of the Public
No questions had been received at this time.
None received.
None received.
It was proposed by Cllr E Murray, seconded by Cllr M Kaye and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 12 March 2019 were taken as read and signed as correct. 
a) Local Police – The police report had been received; 10th March 2019 to 9th April 2019 there has been one recorded crime:
29/03/19 to 01/04/19 – Theft of batteries and fuel from Beeswax heavy plant machinery at an isolated location on their estate. 
There was also an additional police update: 06/04/19 there were numerous (30+) thefts from vans throughout the county. There were 6 in Bracebridge Heath and 5 in the Rookery Lane area of Lincoln plus others around Boston and Spalding.
All the evidence so far points to 3 adult males using a black Audi A4/A5 with shiny alloy wheels coming from the Spalding area. The vehicle is travelling on stolen plates and the offenders are stealing further plates as they travel around. They are drilling the locks to the vans to gain entry and stealing power tools. If they are boxed tools they remove the tool and discard the box. 
b) District Councillors – DCllr R Kendrick reported that he will not be standing for election in May. 
- DCllr Money had submitted the NK Plan 2019-2022 by email, which has been circulated and posted onto the Parish Council website.
c) County Councillor – CCllr Oxby had submitted his report by email, which had been circulated and posted onto the website. He delivered a brief synopsis. He reported that he will not be standing as a District Councillor in the forthcoming elections. 
Cllr G Jones asked for an update on Straw on the Highways and it was agreed at the Chair’s discretion, to bring agenda item 8 forward as the next item. 
CCllr R Oxby reported that following further investigation, he had established that NKDC is responsible for clearing straw debris. 
a) The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s Report / Financial Report, which had been circulated previously. 
b) Dates for future 2019-2020 meetings were noted and will be posted to the website and notice board. It was agreed that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 14 May.
a) The following updates on the proposed development were noted:
i. A meeting was held earlier today, between members of the PC and members of Simons/Maher Millard/the building site manager.
ii. Subject to receipt of permission in writing from the owner of the car park/paddock, a start date in the week after Easter has been provisionally agreed 
iii. A Deed of Variation regarding the proposed legal agreement and arrangements between the PC and the owner of the car park was received. Subject to a number of minor amendments and clarifications which would be forwarded to the PC’s Solicitor for consideration, it was agreed that the Deed of Variation as drafted be approved for submission to the other parties.
b) It was agreed that the point of contact for overseeing the rebuilding (previously referred to as “project manager”) will be Cllr M Kaye and his absence either Cllr I Goldsworthy or Cllr G Jones. A document setting out the responsibilities of the role was circulated and agreed.
Cllr E. Murray confirmed that Ann Skippers, of Ann Skippers Planning, has submitted a detailed report, received 9/4/2019 on how best to amend the NP as previously agreed. A detailed overview will be reported at the next meeting and decisions taken on the most appropriate way forward. It was agreed to forward the report to Potterhanworth Parish Council for its views with any differences of approach between the two PCs being resolved by the NP Steering Group..
a) The Parish Council considered the following applications and agreed to make no comments:
i. 19/0327/HOUS 7 Lincoln Road Nocton.
ii. 19/0150/RESM Land At Station Road & Cross Street Potterhanworth.
iii. 19/0325/HOUS Mere Oaks Cottage Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths.
iv. 19/0423/HOUS Halls Barn, The Green Nocton. 
v. 19/0398/VARCON Rushfield Lakes Station Road Potterhanworth
vi. 19/0423/HOUS Halls Barn The Green Nocton.
vii. 19/0398/VARCON Rushfield Lakes Station Road Potterhanworth
b) The following decisions received were noted:
i. 19/0036/VARCON Land Between Mere Road And Sleaford Road Branston. Approved
ii. N26/0437/17 (PL/0044/17) Appeal Decision 010419 - appeal allowed
iii. 19/0128/LBC 19 Old Four Row Main Street Nocton - approved
a) Cllr G Jones reported that:
i. The Village Keeper had been requested to address the dog fouling issue at Nocton Park; however it was proving difficult to identify any specific culprits.
ii. The Village Keeper had cleaned the “speed limiting” fencing at the village entrances as requested.
iii. He had attended the Community Police Panel meeting on 21/03/19, Bracebridge Heath Police Station is due to close and all staff will be based at North Hykeham. There will be a response team at the new Police Station at South Park, Lincoln.
iv. The police had advised that any mess created following road traffic accidents was the responsibility of the vehicle owner or recovery company
v. The police had advised that removal of blue/white tape left to mark areas was the responsibility of the individual officer.
vi. The increase in vehicle crime advised by the police and previously reported church lead theft is of concern and all should be vigilant
b) Cllr N. Faulkner reported that:
i. Current and planned issues relating to highways works, including the closure of Bardney Bridge are of concern, as access in and out of the area is compromised. Mud and diesel spills on the B1188 is of concern and potential danger to users. CCllr R Oxby advised that Bardney Bridge will be passable by two-wheeled vehicles.
It was noted that Highways issues can be reported by any member of the public using  https://www.fixmystreet.com
c) Cllr J Kania reported that/requested:
i. The new publication, The Limespring Hundred, is due to be distributed at the end of the month
ii. Requested an update from the Clerk on the PC insurance cover, should the builders cease trading. The Clerk agreed to chase this.
iii. Requested explanation from the Clerk regarding the requirement for third party insurance cover for the Picnic on the Green event. The Clerk will further investigate and circulate any updates to the PC.
iv. Suggestions had been made that there was a development taking place in the grounds of the Old Hospital site, which were unfounded. A member of the public reported that he had purchased the Water Tower and the surrounding one acre of land from the land owner and that no planning application had been submitted at this stage. 
d) Cllr M Williams reported that:
She will not be standing for election in May but hopes to continue working towards getting additional funding for the village Hall project.
e) Cllr I. Goldsworthy reported that:
He would like to minute a vote of thanks to Cllr M Williams for her dedication and work whilst serving as a Member of the Parish Council.
It was noted that the next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, to be held on 14 May at The Hive, Wasps Nest, 7pm which will incorporate the Ordinary Meeting.
Public Question Session
A member of the public advised on the issue of landowners’ trees adding to the problem of Straw on the highways: the County Council could issue a notice to any landowner requesting that the works be done within a time-scale, or the CC would carry out the works and re-charge the costs.
CCllr R Oxby advised that this should have to be initiated by the PC at the first instance. Itw as noted that this had been in connection with trees on land owner by LEDA Properties and, as such, Highways would be asked to take appropriate action.
Nocton Parish Council – 9 April 2019