March 12 2019 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in The Hive, Wasps Nest, on Tuesday, 12 March 2019 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), Cllr N. Faulkner, Cllr G Jones, Cllr J Kania, Cllr Michael Kaye and Cllr M. Williams
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk). 
Six members of the Public
No questions had been received at this time.
Apologies had been received from CCllr R Oxby; reasons accepted. 
None received.
a) It was proposed by Cllr M Williams, seconded by Cllr E Murray and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 12 February 2019 be taken as read and signed as correct.  
a) Local Police – No representatives were in attendance. The police report had been received; no reported crimes from 12 February – 11 March 2019.
b) Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr I Goldsworthy reported that as the Management Committee no longer exists, this item will be omitted from the agenda going forward.
c) District Councillors – None present and no reports received.
d) County Councillor – CCllr Oxby had submitted his report by email, which had been circulated and posted onto the website. 
The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s report, which had been circulated previously. 
Items discussed further:
 5. It was agreed that no action be taken regarding additional bins in the Wasps Nest area at this time as the need had not been sufficiently demonstrated. A reply will be sent to the correspondent.
 7. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the managers of the two branches of Tesco in Lincoln expressing the disappointment and concern of some members of the community at the decision to cease its free bus service from Nocton and neighbouring villages.
8. It was noted that the VH defibrillator is able to run on battery power for the duration of the Village Hall re-build. It was agreed to ask Maher Millard to re-position the defibrillator in the vicinity of the site, in an accessible place.
Financial Report - Items discussed:
c) It was proposed by Cllr M Williams, seconded by Cllr M Kaye and it was RESOLVED that a cheque for payment of Maher Millard invoice 1045, be dated w/c 18 March and signed in advance.
d) It was proposed by Cllr E Murray, seconded by Cllr N Faulkner and it was RESOLVED that Mr Tom Holleran be appointed as Internal Auditor for the end of year accounts/preparation for the External audit.
a) The following updates on the proposed development were noted:
A meeting between Cllrs Goldsworthy, Kaye and Murray was held on 6 March with the owner of the Village Hall car park. A diagram of the suggested access arrangements had been drafted and circulated. The previous offer from the owner for the gifting of 3 garages to the PC had now been withdrawn.
It was proposed by Cllr M Williams, seconded by Cllr E Murray and it was RESOLVED that: 
i. the plan of the proposed access arrangements, etc  (as attached to these Minutes) be sent to the PC’s solicitors and copied to the owner of the car park for his solicitor’s reference.
ii. the PC pay a Peppercorn Rent of £100 p.a. to the owner of the car park for the one-year period of the Village Hall re-build in return for use of an area marked on the attached plan as a builders’ yard and on completion of the work as a possible over-flow car park for the Village Hall.
b) It was agreed that the NVHMC Treasurer be contacted to ensure that a missed quarterly payment for the rental of the VHMC garage due to the owner of the car park be queried and paid as appropriate.
c) It was agreed to write to the owners of the properties which back onto the site of the proposed builder’s store and to reassure them that any disturbance, etc during the construction works would be minimal and confined to daylight hours and weekdays. 
d) It was agreed that a decision regarding the role and arrangements for a ‘Project Manager’ be postponed pending the next meeting with Maher Millard to which all members of the PC would be invited. 
e) It was noted that that the final clearance of the VH will take place over the coming weekend and that the container is now in situ on the school field as a temporary storage facility (LCC Licence issued for same).
f) It was agreed that a note of thanks be sent to Beeswax for their continued support of the PC, and for the free provision and siting of the container.
Cllr E. Murray reported that Ann Skippers, of Ann Skippers Planning, has been in touch to confirm her plans for the commencement of the proposed amendments to the NP. Updates to be reported at the next meeting.
It was agreed to establish costs in preparation for the submission of a grant application..
CCllr Oxby and DCllr Kendrick were not present therefore no updates were available.
This item will be carried over to the next meeting.
The Parish Council noted the following application:
19/0189/PNAGR Land South Of Potterhanworth Road Potterhanworth Lincoln LN4 2DX
a) Cllr M. Kaye reported that there had been no change to the situation regarding Plot 72a Steamer Park Road
b) Cllr M Williams reported:
i. Planter boxes in the Village are to be replaced and will continue to be maintained in accordance with existing arrangements.
ii. The Great British Spring Clean was to take place over the period 23 March to 23 April.  It was agreed that no specific action was required in Nocton but that the Village Keeper be requested to clean the Village Signs and Picket fencing. Cllr G Jones confirmed that he would contact the VK.  
iii. Picnic on the Green - It was proposed by Cllr G Jones, seconded by Cllr M Kaye and it was RESOLVED that the annual Picnic on the Green may take place on 2 June 2019, pending the required Risk Assessment being received. It was noted that following an incident last year, all rubbish would be removed after the event to avoid causing a hazard or nuisance.
iv. The Armed Forces Grant application had been unsuccessful. It was agreed that no more effort be spent in pursuing further applications.
v. The new Calor Grant – It was agreed that an application be held over until next year.
c) Cllr G Jones reported that:
i. He will be attending the next Community Police Panel on Thursday 21 March and asked that any issues be forwarded to him to take to the meeting.
ii. Local conjecture that part of the Nocton Hospital site is to be developed is rumour only and has no basis in fact.
d) Cllr J Kania reported that:
i. The Limespring Hundred is a new publication and will be supported by articles from the PC and Community. The first issue is May with a deadline for content of end of Friday 12th April. The current Nocton News ceased to be published as at the end of March.
It was agreed that Cllr I Goldsworthy will compile PC content for the publication and that other contributors can submit content via Cllr J Kania.
e) Cllr N. Faulkner reported that:
i. Dog fouling in the playing field is becoming an issue. Cllr G Jones confirmed that he would request that the Village Keeper attend to this.
ii. He asked who is responsible for clearing up after the police attend a road traffic accident? It was agreed that this is not a PC issue, however Cllr G Jones agreed to take this to the Community Police Panel meeting
It was noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be on 9 April at The Hive, Wasps Nest, following the Annual Parish Meeting.
It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting take place immediately prior the regular meeting, commencing at 7pm. 
Public Question Session
A member of the public suggested that the PC establish if their insurance policy would cover the costs if the contracted builder of the VH re-build were to cease trading. The Parish Clerk would investigate.
There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8:37 pm
Date……….9 APRIL 2019
Nocton Parish Council – 12 March 2019