November 13 2018 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in the Village Hall, 
Main Street, Nocton on Tuesday, 13 November 2018 at 7.00 pm

PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), Cllr Graham Jones, Cllr Jane Kania, Cllr M. Kaye, Cllr M. Williams
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk), CCllr R Oxby
Fourteen members of the Public.

Prior to commencing the meeting the Chair called for all to stand for a short period in silence in memory of former Chair, Mr “Bill” Fernley who had recently passed away.

No questions had been received at this time.

Apologies had been received from DCllr John Money, reasons accepted. Cllr N. Faulkner was not present, no apologies had been received. 

Cllr J. Kania and Cllr E. Murray declared an interest in agenda item 10 (Minute 269). Cllr M. Williams declared an interest in agenda item 9 (Minute 268)

It was proposed by Cllr M. Kaye, seconded by Cllr J. Kania and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9 October 2018 were taken as read and signed as correct. 

Mr Ben Wills (Head of Property) and Mr Paul Carrott (Farm Manager) gave a brief presentation on current Beeswax operations around the village and answered questions from members of the public present.
The Chair thanked Mr Wills and Mr Carrott for their extremely informative talk.  They left the meeting at 7.30pm.

a) Local Police – No representatives were in attendance. The police report had been received; one reported crime during the period 12 October to 11 November 2018: a bank card was taken from a resident at the Cottage Nursing Home and used by a carer. The money has been recovered and the carer dealt with.
b) Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr M. Kaye had attended the meeting on 29 October and his report (circulated to all) noted.
c) District Councillors – None present 
d) County Councillor – CCllr R Oxby gave a verbal report. The written report is available to view on the website.

The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s report, which had been circulated previously. 

A schedule, prepared by the Parish Clerk and Chair and which detailed both the progress of the Parish Council’s Revenue Budget for 2018/19 and the funds held as a General Reserve was noted.

The Parish Council considered a detailed report on the current position and the future action required on various issues relating to the proposed rebuilding of the Village Hall:
a) PWLB - Cllr I. Goldsworthy reported that notification had been received that the application for a Public Works Loan of £500,000 over 50 years, had been approved.
b) It was agreed that the PC’s solicitors be requested to prepare a response to the solicitors acting on behalf of the owner of the Village Hall Car park to their letter of 2 July (item 2.1 of the report)
c) It was agreed to establish a Working Group to progress the establishment of the village Hall Management Trust (item 3.1 of the report). It was agreed that Cllr M. Kaye will lead the process.
d) It was agreed that, if necessary, an extra-ordinary meeting be called to follow the meeting with Simons on 30 November to take any decisions required to progress the project. Otherwise, the matter would be left until the next meeting on 11 December. (item 7.1 of the report)
e) It was proposed by Cllr M. Williams seconded by Cllr M. Kaye and it was RESOLVED to accept Simons’ offer to undertake the role of “Principal Designer” and to agree to the payment of £540 for services undertaken in this regard to date (item 8.1 of the report).
f) It was proposed by Cllr M. Kaye seconded by Cllr M. Williams and it was RESOLVED to appoint a Project Manager to work on the PC’s behalf during the construction of the new building (item 10.5 of the report).
It was agreed to request quotes for undertaking this role, to include Simons and others, and to advertise appropriately.

Cllr M. Williams reported that the organisers of Open Gardens 2018 had not retained any funds to use for any start up costs a similar event in 2019 and had enquired about any funding available from the PC.  It was noted that those monies raised from the 2018 event and given to the PC were held specifically and solely for the purpose of landscaping around the new Hall.
It was agreed that the Open Gardens organiser was, however, at liberty to apply to the 200Club for a grant, subject to approval.

It was agreed to give consent for Nocton All Saints Church Fund Raising Committee to use the Village Green on the evening of Saturday 8th December for a fund-raising event. This use will be between the hours of 3pm to 9pm

Cllr E. Murray reported that the consultant, Ann Skippers Planning, will not be starting the process until the new year.

a) It was noted that there are no further actions available for the Parish Council to implement, without the backing and action of NKDC and LCC (Highways).
b) It was noted that CCllr R Oxby had not been able to make any progress to arrange the joint meeting, to include NKDC, the straw companies, LCC Highways and neighbouring PCs, as promised on 11 September, Minute 244  and further re-iterated at the meeting of 9 October, Minute 258.
CCllr R Oxby confirmed that he would, however, continue to progress this issue and stated that he would ask colleagues to investigate.

a) The following applications were noted, with no comments being proposed: consider the following planning applications:
i. 18/1442/TCA – Halls Yard House. 
ii. 18/1465/TCA – The Vicarage, The Green, Nocton
iii. 18/1428/FTPATH –
b) The following planning decisions were noted:
i. 18/1007/HOUS - Holme Lea Barff Road Potterhanworth – approved
ii. 18/1223/FUL - Potters Lodge Plough Hill Potterhanworth Booths – approved
iv. 18/1222/FUL - 31 The Park Potterhanworth – approved
v. 18/1192/HOUS Beech Holme Moor Lane Potterhanworth – approved
vi. 18/1199/FUL 5 Woodlands Close Potterhanworth – approved
vii. 18/1015/FUL - Former Tennis Court Land Rear off Village Hall Main Street Nocton – approved.
c) It was noted that Potterhanworth PC, at their meeting of 29 October, agreed to reverse the previously suggested arrangement whereby the 2 PCs comment on each other’s planning applications when requested to do so.
It was agreed that costs incurred in the production of NN need to be kept in line with the budget and It was noted that to date the projected expenditure has exceeded the budget. It was agreed that the December/January and further issues of the NN may be amalgamated to reduce the number of print runs/costs. However it was agreed that key articles, such as advertising of Minute 267 c) above, would need to be issued as a matter of urgency.

a) It was noted that the members of the Parish Council, the Parish Clerk and Village Keeper had contributed to the purchase of a wreath to commemorate those residents of Nocton who fell in the service of their country.  The wreath, which was laid during the Service of Remembrance at Potterhanworth, will be placed by the Memorial Tree on the Village Green and then placed in All Saints Church.
a) It was proposed by Cllr E. Murray seconded by Cllr G. Jones and it was RESOLVED to make budgetary provision in 2019/20 and beyond for the purchase of a wreath at future Services of Remembrance which can be laid by the Parish Council on behalf of all residents of Nocton.
b) The Chair thanked Cllr J. Kania and Cllr G. Jones for making the arrangements for this year’s service and for representing the PC at the service.

a) Cllr G. Jones reported that 
i. On 29 October he, Cllr M. Kaye and Cllr M. Williams attended a meeting at NKDC to enquire about the status of the RAF Hospital site. His report was noted, including the fact that NKDC could not reasonably expect the PC to to take any meaningful action to resolve the lack of engagement, etc by LEDA Properties with the local community about their proposals for the site.
ii. It was agreed to contact DCllr John Money, to keep him updated of the talks and to ask for his assistance in pressing for action by NKDC in an attempt to protect the site.
b) Cllr I. Goldsworthy reported that as Lincolnshire Archives is unable to take the Sheila Redshaw Archive material, an alternative home should be sought. This material is of great historical interest to the Parish. Cllr J. Kania suggested that Beeswax Dyson may be interested as many of the files are relevant to their land. It was agreed to contact Mr Ben Wills to discuss this further.

It was noted that the next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be on 11 December at 7pm. The Parish Council invited all residents to attend at 6.45pm for refreshments.

Public Question Session 8: 25pm
i. A member of the public commented that due to the straw lorries issue, he re-iterated the great feeling of frustration within the community that the issue is ongoing with no solutions being investigated by those with the powers to resolve the matter. It was suggested that failing any appropriate action by LCC (Highways) and/or NKDC, a protest could be considered, with the press and other media invited.
CCllr Oxby said that he would support such a protest.

There being no further business the Acting Chair closed the meeting at 8:56pm


Date……..11 DECEMBER 2018