March 13 2018 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in the Village Hall, 
Main Street, Nocton on Tuesday, 13 March 2018 at 7.00 pm

PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), Cllr Neil Faulkner, Cllr Graham Jones, Cllr Michael Kaye, Cllr Jane Kania, 
Cllr MaryAnn Williams.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk)

Ten members of the Public 

No questions had been received at this time.

Non received.

Cllr I Goldsworthy expressed an interest in item 6, Cllr Jones expressed an interest in item 10 a)ii.

It was proposed by Cllr Faulkner, seconded by Cllr Williams and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 30 January 2018 be taken as read and signed as correct. Cllr Kania abstained.
It was proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Murray and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Extra-Ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 13 February 2018 be taken as read and signed as correct.

a) Local Police
No representatives were in attendance. No Police report had been received prior to the meeting. Cllr Jones reported that the Police will no longer be available to attend PC meetings, however if any relevant issues needed to be addressed a representative will attend. Police Reports will continue to be submitted electronically.
b) Village Hall Management Committee
Cllr Williams attended the VHMC meeting of 27 February 2018. It was agreed that an updated Terms and Conditions of Hire document be submitted to the Clerk and be posted on the Parish Council website. The next meeting is 27 March, 2018
c) District Councillors – none present.
d) County Councillor – none present.

a) The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s report, which had been circulated previously. 
Report Items discussed:
Item 6 – Neighbourhood alerts – Cllr Jones noted that it is vital for members of the community to report any potentially criminal activity to the Police, by dialling 101.
b) It was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded by Cllr Williams and it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council will employ the services of Holleran Accountancy to complete the internal audit and prepare end of year accounting information.

Conditions for releasing the funds for application for £1000 from Nocton All Saints Church have been confirmed as met (approved 12/12/2017 minute 110). It was proposed by Cllr Faulkner, seconded by Cllr Williams and it was RESOLVED that the grant of £1000 be issued.

It was agreed to register interest in making an application to the Scheme (link attached). 

It was proposed by Cllr Faulkner, seconded by Cllr Williams and it was RESOLVED that any Parish Council Archive documents and record books which could be passed to Lincolnshire Archives be done so as a ‘Gift’ deposit. It was agreed that prior to any archive items, other than PC minutes, being selected, any necessary permissions would be sought. (Information attached).

The Chair addressed the meeting about various misleading rumours regarding this project which appeared to have been circulating within the community. It was noted that the Parish Council seeks to operate at all times in a transparent manner, except where there is a Legal Requirement regarding Data Protection to consider certain issues in closed session to protect the identity of third parties.

It was further noted that this is a very difficult project where members of the PC are giving up a considerable amount of their time to work on behalf of the community as a whole to deliver a new village hall for the benefit of the village.  As such, it was essential that to avoid any further misunderstandings, any resident who had a genuine question or concern about the project should speak to the Chair or another member of the PC.

Cllr Goldsworthy updated the meeting regarding the current status of the application:
a) NKDC Planning is expected to reach a decision before the next PC meeting. If approved, and subject to (b) below and approval of the Public Works Loan, then works can be expected to commence September/October 2018.
b) The developer, Simons, will shortly be meeting informally with members of the PC to review the current costings with a view to ensuring that they can be contained within the notional budget of £500,000. 
c) It is likely that any planning approval will contain conditions to protect the lime trees adjacent to the site and that Simons have been in dialogue with NKDC regarding ways of addressing the matter.
d) A further update will be presented at the next PC meeting.

a) The Parish Council considered the following applications:
i. 18/0272/HOUS - 18 Old Four Row Main Street Nocton
ii. 18/0305/RESM - The Shieling The Green Nocton
iii. 18/0306/TPO - Land Adjacent To Bridleway Close, Nocton – T2765 Beech – fell.
It was agreed that no comments were required on the above.

b) The Parish Council noted the following decisions received.
i. 18/0020/TCA, 1 Wrays Yard - T1 Fir Tree (Smoke Bush) - fell; T2 Pine – fell (TPO not required). 
ii. 17/1703/FUL - approved 

Cllr Murray gave a further progress report regarding the process to amend the NP to endure that its provisions are consistent with the Local Plan, notably regarding growth within the village. Members of the PC are due to meet with NKDC on 22 March to discuss further details of the process, following which the wording for a proposed amendment will be formulated for consultation. An update will be reported at the next meeting.

a) Cllr Jones reported that 
i. He had attended the Community Police Panel on 5 March and referred to his comments at minute 140 (a) above. The next meeting is 3 September, venue tbc.
ii. A report received by a member of the public regarding cars parked on The Green had been forwarded to the Police, who have indicated that subject to available resources they will seek to increase patrols in the area to observe and take action if necessary. The Police ask that any potential criminal or anti-social behaviour be reported direct to them on 101.
iii. An issue regarding a dog in the community has resulted in the owner being prosecuted and fined.
iv. SID will be deployed in Nocton in May. Ashby-de-la-Launde have purchased their own SID at a cost of around £8000, however they will remain part of the Cluster group to share the current SID.
v. The NW scheme is holding an event on Saturday 24 March.
b) Cllr Kania reported that
i. The new version of the Nocton News has been well received and is a cost saving to the PC
ii. The Cricket club portaloos will be transferred to the School. The two bodies involved will make the necessary arrangements.
c) Cllr Williams reported that:
i. Light number 16, which has been reported, has now been repaired.
ii. A large pothole adjacent to the light has deteriorated further.
iii. The Church will be holding a flower festival in June and she suggested that the PC submit an entry.
d) Cllr Kaye reported that:
i. Plot 72a Steamer Road has been subject to a Planning Enforcement notice; further updates at the next meeting.
e) Cllr Murray reported that:
i. Following the recent Government drive to encourage the building of more housing, it may be prudent to request an update in view of the possible future use of the Nocton Hall site. It was suggested that this could be included in the informal discussions between NKDC and members of the PC at their NP meeting of 22 March, and that any updates regarding Beeswax Dyson plans could also be sought.

a) It was noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 10 April 2018.
b) It was noted that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AGM) will be held on 8 May, 7pm, followed by the full Parish Council Meeting.
c) It was noted that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 22 May, 7pm. It was agreed that suitable topics and the provision of refreshments be considered at the next meeting (10 April).


There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8:10pm

Chair…..I Goldsworthy

Date……10 April 2018