April 10 2018 - Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council held in the Village Hall, 
Main Street, Nocton on Tuesday, 10 April 2018 at 7.00 pm

PRESENT: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair), Cllr Elisabeth Murray (Vice Chair), Cllr Neil Faulkner, Cllr Graham Jones, Cllr Michael Kaye, Cllr Jane Kania, 
Cllr MaryAnn Williams.
Also present: Ruth Keillar (Clerk), LCCllr Ron Oxby, DCllr Rob Kendrick

Eleven members of the Public 

No questions had been received at this time.

Apologies were received from DCllr John Money. Cllr Jane Kania had advised that she would be arriving late.

None received.

It was proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Jones and it was RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 13 March 2018 were taken as read and signed as correct. 

a) Local Police
No representatives were in attendance. The police report had been received, with no reported crimes from 13 March – 10 April 2018.
Cllr Jones reported that PCSO Sarah Kennedy was leaving her post on 10 April to train as a PO. Her replacement is PCSO Katarzyna Szaban. Cllr Jones, on behalf of the Parish Council, had sent a message thanking her for her service and support to the village during her time as a PCSO.
b) Village Hall Management Committee
Cllr Goldsworthy reported from the VHMC meeting of 27 March 2018:
i. Grass Cutting
VHMC considered asking Village Keeper to cut the grass around the        Village Hall for half an hour a fortnight.  Awaiting formal request from VHMC. To be re-charged to VHMC.
ii. Social Club Rent
VHMC has received a request from Social Club to review rent paid until new Hall built.  Social Club to provide further information in support of the request for discussion at the next VHMC meeting.
iii. Village Hall Rebuilding Project.
A detailed update on the project was delivered.  Suggested that VHMC may wish to consider using the money from its VH Fundraising account (approx. £8,700) to cover the costs of the new kitchen rather than just adding it to the “pot”.  Will be considered further at the next Rebuilding Sub-committee when VHMC will, of course, be present.
iv. Financial Situation.
In addition to its VH Fundraising Account, VHMC has approximately £8,300 for general maintenance and running costs, etc.
v. Youth Club Equipment.
As part of its audit of equipment, etc VHMC asked to know what happened to the former Youth Club’s equipment.  He had subsequently confirmed that apart from the Table Football (which is stored in the garage) the other equipment (mainly consumables) was either returned to the helpers who provided it in the first place or given to the School.
vi. Date of the Next Meeting
24th April at 7.00 p.m. (NB This date is subject to confirmation and may be changed)
c) District Councillors – DCllr Kendrick gave a verbal report highlighting a number of key achievements, etc of NKDC over the past year. The full report is available to view on the website.
Cllr Kania joined the meeting at this stage.
d) County Councillor – CCllr Oxby gave a verbal report highlighting a number of key achievements, etc of LCC. The full report is available to view on the website.  Cllr Oxby undertook to follow up the Parish Council’s previous suggestion regarding the amount of straw falling from lorries making deliveries to the power station in Sleaford.

a) The Parish Council noted the Clerk’s report, which had been circulated previously. 
Report Items discussed:
Item 3 – Calor Grant Application – a specific item within the VH refurbishment will be identified to apply for this funding.

b) Financial Report – Item c), the 200Club grant cheque to Nocton All Saints Parish Church was signed (approved on 13 March, minute 142).

It was agreed to permit the Picnic on the Green Event to take place on the village green on Sunday 3 June.

It was reported that the Chair had yet to make contact with the former owner of the Village Archive regarding its possible transfer to the Lincoln Archive.

a) It was noted that planning permission has now been received for rebuilding the Village Hall, subject to a number of conditions relating to the adjacent lime trees, on which further clarification, etc is currently awaited from NKDC
b) It was noted that revised costings for the project have been received from Simons
c) It was agreed to convene an early meeting of the Working Group to (a) consider the implications of the planning conditions with Simons; and (b) review the revised costings to agree a final cost for the project. Any recommendations will be brought to a full PC meeting for consideration.
d) It was proposed by Cllr Murray, seconded by Cllr Kaye and it was RESOLVED that the Parish Council’s previous decision to apply for a PWL for the maximum sum of £500,000 as soon as a final cost has been determined be confirmed.
e) It was agreed to submit an application to NKDC for a cash grant towards the building costs subject to identifying a specific element of the project. CCllr Oxby and DCllr Kendrick were asked to investigate any other funding opportunities, including with LCC and LCT.

a) No applications had been received.
Cllr Kaye reported that there had been no further progress regarding Plot 72a Steamer Road (now subject to a Planning enforcement notice) and any updates would be brought to the next meeting.
b) The Parish Council noted the following decision received.
i. 18/0073/FUL Village Hall Main Street Nocton Lincoln  - approved

Cllr Murray gave a verbal progress report regarding the process to modify the NP. Members of the PC met with NKDC on 22 March where details of the process to be followed, etc were discussed. As the Central Lincoln Local Plan (CLLP) already covers the issue of a maximum of 10% growth for the area, it was agreed that, in principle, Policy 1 of the NP should be deleted., with corresponding amendments being made to the other section where necessary. The Steering Group will produce the necessary changes to the NP which, when formally agreed by both Nocton and Potterhanworth Parish Councils, will be submitted to NKDC.
An update will be reported at the next meeting.

a) Cllr Jones reported that 
i. The SID is currently deployed in Wellhead Lane
ii. Metheringham has now purchased its own SID but will remain part of the Cluster. 
iii. Welcome Packs for new residents – it is requested that any new households be identified to the PC (or Cllr Jones) so that a pack can be delivered.
b) Cllr Williams reported that:
i. Tesco ‘Bags for All’ funding is available for specific projects up to £4k; requires a specific project to be identified by the Working Group
ii. Calor Gas funding, for which interest has been registered, requires a specific project to be identified by the Working Group
iii. E-ON funding closed on 29 January, before planning permission had been received.
iv. The Armed Forces funding is to be investigated.
(see Clerk’s report item 2 ref ‘A Grand Idea’)
c) Cllr Kania reported that
i. The Cricket Club portaloos have yet to be transported to the School. 
d) Cllr Faulkner reported that:
i. An incident of anti-social behaviour in Nocton Park has been discussed on Social Media and the matter reported to the police. 

a) It was noted that the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AGM) will be held on 8 May, 7pm, followed by the full Parish Council Meeting.
b) It was noted that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held on 22 May, 7pm. 
It was agreed that the future of the NHS locally and the VH re-development project be topics for discussion. It was also agreed that the opportunity be taken to raise awareness of the need for more residents to become involved in the community, notably in the work of the Parish Council (which is to be re-elected in May 2019) and the Village Hall where it is proposed to establish a new Charitable Trust.
It was proposed by Cllr Goldsworthy, seconded by Cllr Murray and it was RESOLVED that wine, soft drinks and nibbles be provided.

163 Public Question Session
i. A member of the public asked if there were any updates regarding the long- awaited planning application in respect of Nocton Hall and the former RAF hospital site by LEDA. It was confirmed that, to date, there had been no progress and that LEDA had yet to comply with NKDC’s requirements as a precursor to the Environmental Impact Assessment. The Vice-chair reminded those present that only enabling development associated with the works to preserve the Hall as a ruin would be permitted.
ii. A member of the public asked if the front area of the VH could be cleaned up. It was confirmed that this had been raised recently and that it is the responsibility of the VHMC. As previously offered, the PC Village Keeper could be deployed at a re-charge cost to the VHMC, should this be required.
iii. A member of the public suggested that a ‘Task Force’ of volunteers could be assembled to carry out various Village housekeeping tasks. It was agreed that this would be a welcome idea, pending the required H&S/Risk Assessment/Insurances being in place, if the Task Force were to carry out tasks on behalf of the PC.
iv. A member of the public reported that the hedge/vegetation at a property in Potterhanworth Road is still causing a nuisance by obstructing the pavement. It was agreed that the clerk contact the letting agent to report this and to request that the issue is addressed as a matter of urgency.
v. Following a discussion regarding the Green, it was proposed by Cllr Goldsworthy, seconded by Cllr Kania and it was RESOLVED that grass seed be purchased and laid, up to a cost of £20.


It was proposed by Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Kaye and it was RESOLVED to exclude the public and press for consideration of the following confidential matter.
The public and press left the meeting at this stage. (8:15pm)

Redevelopment of Nocton Village Hall.

a) It was agreed to investigate obtaining Legal Advice regarding a number of Covenant-related issues;
b) It was agreed to arrange a meeting of the VH Working Group to meet with the developer to conduct a final check of layout in relation to the PC, VHMC and Social Club; and
c) It was agreed to write to the owner of the VH car park to obtain his approval to the design, etc of the new Hall in accordance with the Covenant.

There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 8:55pm

Chair……I Goldsworthy

Date……. 8 May 2018