September 12th 2023 Meeting Minutes

Nocton Parish Council

Full Parish Council meeting held at The Hub Main Street Nocton on the 12th of September 2023 at 7.00pm

The Chair Cllr Andy Hone opened the meeting at 7:01 am and welcomed all present.

(Present were Cllr A Hone (Chairman); Cllr Browne: Cllr Duff; Cllr McDonnell Cllr. Robinson J Money Clerk; Cllr Dave Parry NKDC: Ben Wills 360 Rural; and 14 members of the public).

Prior the meeting commencing the Nocton 200 Club prizes were drawn. After the draw Mr Jim Eagle said that after many years he would be stepping down as promotor of the 200 club and that he hoped that someone would take his place. Cllr Hone thanked Jim for his valuable contribution to the village over many years.

The Chair invited Mr Ben Wills (BW) of 365 Rural to speak on behalf of Leda Properties relating to the partially ruined Nocton Hall. BW said he had met on site with: Historic England; North Kesteven District Council’s LPA officers and a consultancy called SLR who are specialists in historic buildings. They had the aid of a drone to take photographs of both the external and internal aspects of the Old Hall. BW went on to show still images of the building which looked pretty dreadful. He said it was the opinion of SLR that the way forward was to make an application to the LPA to delist the Old Hall and its curtilage. The representatives of Leda have agreed to do this as the way forward. The Chair asked if when enabling development to restore the Hall was off the table would that mean the site would become an unrestricted housing development? BW confirmed this would be the case. After several other questions the Chairman thanked BW for his presentation and confirmed with BW the whole presentation would be made available to put on the PC website for all to view.

The Chair invited Cllr Dave Parry (DC) to give a report on behalf of NKDC: DC said his involvement in the council is progressing and he is now Vice Chairman of the Resources Scrutiny Panel; DC went on the say Local Government finances is so different to the private sector which he works in; the Chairman thanked him for his contribution and said he was free to leave when he wished. Cllr Browne asked the Chair if he may speak with DP before he left, which was agreed.

The Chair invited public questions / comments. One member of the public wished to make council members and the public aware that he had made Freedom of Information Act requests to the PC for information relating to a previously employed Clerk and a retired Councillor, he said had also made representations to the information Commissioner regarding the parish councils' reluctance to supply him with certain information he had requested. The information Commissioner also declined his request for certain information for various reasons; the information Commissioner said the council could have acted differently had certain circumstances have been changed. He went on to ask Cllr McDonald to resign due to his negligence in this matter, Cllr McDonald refused, stated that regarding Data Protection regulations he had acted in the best interests of the council at all times.

The meeting resumed under Standing Orders

Item 1 on the agenda, Apologies for Absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Marshall and Cllr Peplow

Item 2 on the agenda, Declaration of Interest: Cllr Robinson stated he had an nonpecuniary interest in one of the planning applications for discussion. The Chair requested he make no contribution when the item was discussed.

Item 3 on the agenda, Minutes from the FCM held on 11th July 2023, these were accepted unanimously. Minutes from the ECM on held on 27th July 2023. Cllr Duff requested the minutes be amended to say at Item 3: why two members of the public left the meeting, and this should be recorded. The Chair said we should not speculate why they left the meeting. A vote was taken, and the amendment fell by 4 votes to 1. Cllr Duff also said he had issues with Item 4 where he said that only a fully qualified Clerk should be employed and said John M knows he is not a fully qualified Clerk (albeit carrying out that role for another PC for over 10 years). He said at that meeting that the Clerk/RFO position would have been filled by a qualified person, if the Chair had stepped down. The Chair said he would not be in favour of making those changes as at a previous meeting it was agreed: while it would be desirable; it was not mandatory. A vote was taken, and the amendment fell again by 4 votes to 1. therefore, the minutes were accepted and signed.

Item 4 on the agenda, Chair’s Report: the Chair reported updates on actions from previous meetings (Cake Covers have been purchased for all to use. The Marquee is for free use for village organisations only, but the user must take out insurance cover. Cutting of Hedges alongside footpaths etc and other highway issues please use the ‘Fix my Street' website. Fires on allotments; NKDC ASB are involved and have said no fires to be lit. Speed signs around Nocton Park Road area have been raised with LCC and hopefully we can raise the issue with Cllr Carrington later. The potential for Streetlighting to be switched off at night (to save costs) has been raised with NKDC. Cllr Brown gave an update on the hire of the Hub agreement at the request of the Chair. Carpets have been cleaned. Six sets of free litter picking equipment is now in the PC’s possession for a village litter picking event, to be arranged by Cllr McDonnell. There have been three applicants for the position of the RFO.

Item 5 on the agenda, Hub Manager’s Report: two groups have stopped using the Hub. Facebook page connected to the Hub mobile. A fire senser behind the bar is being fixed on Wednesday PM. The fire alarm is OK in the rest of the building and the PAT testing has been carried out. Cease using disposable hand towels.

Item 6 on the agenda. The Acting Clerk’s Report: Correspondence received: not too much; suggestion the Village welcome pack is now posted on notice boards. Ivy growth on the Hub and an adjoining property that need attention/action by Colin. Finance update; forecast budget reduction of our reserves from the year end 2022/23 due to the following: tree works £1,100; street lighting £2,000; Clerk’s overtime £1,200; village equipment £700; Insurance £500; we should reduce costs by £1,000 from a VAT reclaim; which equates to a reduction of £7 - 8000 year on year. Our reserves will fall from approx £19,000 to £12,000. Ideal reserve would be £15,000.

Item 7 on the agenda: Personal Committee report: Chair asked for the report to be

presented, point were as follows: Cllr Brown asked if Mr Simon Baxter’s (of Nocton Park Management) name could be removed from the welcome pack information on the website, previously twice requested; Cllr McDonnell outlined several issues discussed; a method for lone working that was being considered using WhatsApp; the Clerk/RF’s roles will be monitored over 6 months etc. The Chair asked if it was acceptable to note the report and would welcome a further report in 3 months' time, while reminding the committee it would be advisable, they met a little earlier so the notes could be distributed well in advance of the main PC meeting.

The Chair moved the meeting out of formal session to allow a member of the public to speak regarding the revision of PC policies and detail on the lone worker policy. The Chair assured the meeting these revisions are not yet finalised, and we propose to make these concerns much improved to take into consideration the care and welfare of our staff.

The Chair returned the meeting to Standing Orders.

Item 8 on the agenda, Grant and Donations Policy: the Chair Reported this policy has been reviewed and updated and all is now in order, this was accepted with no further amendments requested.

Item 9 on the agenda, Remembrance Day Wreath: It was proposed by the Chair the wreath be purchased again this year, cost £25, seconded by Cllr McDonnell, it was unanimously agreed to do so

Item 10 on the agenda, LCC Litter Picking Kits: the Chair asked for ideas - Cllr McDonnall suggested one morning or afternoon to do it and include the Pleasure Gardens as well.

Item 11 on the agenda, Improved Hub Access: Chair described a doorbell to alert different people in the Hub that access is required. It was proposed and seconded and agreed to purchase the doorbell.

Item 12 on the agenda, Village Display: the Chair said a lady who’s father used to work in Nocton has supplied a montage of picture postcard photographs of the village in the 1950’s. The Chair went on to say for the King’s coronation the WI have produced an article with the Kings head on. The Chair said it could be raised at the Hub user group meeting. After some discussion it was agreed to display these and other archived items at the village open day, possibly on the PC website too.

Item 13 on the agenda, Nocton 200 Club grant application: the Chair said Steve Coles Reid had done a lot of work and we should take our hats off to him. He went on to say the defibrillator pads had worn out and needed replacing, he asked if £73.89 could be used to purchase two replacement pads for the Hub defibrillator. A motion to purchase was proposed by the Chair, seconded by Cllr Brown and unanimously carried

Item 14 on the agenda, Planning Matters: The Chair explained the tree works applications lodged and details of the extension and replacement garage at Akrotiri Square. While the Members had no objections to any of the applications, it was agreed to send a neutral response to the LPA.

Item 15 on the agenda, Legal Matters: regarding transfer from AG Properties to Nocton PC. Meeting in July to gather as much information as possible. It has been going on for a long period of time, providing some assurances are made by AG the solicitor has been told to go ahead, but there has been no response back from them. Whether is is linked to a recent planning refusal we do not know. Updated

Item 16 on the agenda, Finance for July & August: questions were raised regarding return of a hub hire damage deposit; Eon accounts; fire extinguishers; Cllr Duff thought the PC he was involved in in West Sussex didn’t cost so much to administer as Nocton.

Item 17 on the agenda, Date of the next meeting: Confirmed as 10th October 2023


The Meeting under Standing Orders was now ceased


Notes on second public forum:

The Chair clarified where the Treeworks applications were situated

From the WI meeting: any amendments at the Hub should be used to improve ventilation as well as improved access, review all options, no timescale cost and design, grant aid may be possible

Bin bags collection, from roadsides - Action: ask Jenny Bailey at NKDC Street-scene dept

Colin - repair notice board, has already been asked.

Village gateways are half painted.

Dave Millard regarding snagging and gutter repairs to be chased


The chair thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting finally at 8.43pm