July 11th Minutes


Tuesday 11th July 2023


In Attendance:

Chair: Councillor Andy Hone

Acting Clerk: Councillor Andy Hone

Councillors: Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson and Dick Marshall (Part of the meeting)

Apologies: George McDonnell, Nick Peplow

Also Present: District Councillor Dave Parry (part of the meeting) and County Councillor Ian Carrington (part of the meeting)

21 members of the public were in attendance


Meeting started at 7.00pm



1. Apologies for Absence: To receive any apologies for absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch. 12, para. 40 and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies received from Cllrs McDonnell and Peplow

2. Declarations of Interest: To receive any declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests.

Nothing declared

District Councillor Report

NKDC have won an award for building from the LGC (Local Government Chronicle)

Recent Licensing meeting had raised the subject of whether taxis over 10 years old should still be allowed to improve emissions - this has now been put to public consultation

Recent scrutiny meeting could not review finances and will do so again in September

A series of District “drop in” sessions will be arranged shortly - one will be arranged in Nocton (date to be confirmed)

Councillor Parry left the meeting at 7:15pm

Public Forum:

A question was asked concerning the terms of the 200 Club policy and whether they had been changed such that (1) the promoter need no longer be consulted and (2) the Parish Council could use the 200 Club funds where they wished to. It was confirmed that the promoter is and will be consulted on all grant applications and that the 200 club funds will only be used to satisfy 200 club applications. It was agreed that the terms of the policy

would be reviewed and that any misleading or confusing phrases would be replaced.

A question was asked about whether the Parish Council can reclaim VAT on Nocton 200 club purchases. The Parish Council can only reclaim VAT on items that are purchased by the Parish Council.

3. Minutes: To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 13th June 2023 and the Extra-ordinary Meeting held on 26th June 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes.

Full Council Meeting 13th June: Changes to items 7 (cake covers); 23(typo corrected plus a record of thanks to the then clerk for swiftly rearranging the electricity contract); 25 (correct name of councillor); 27 (Clerk training suggestion not mandated)

EGM 26th June: No changes

Changes to be accepted proposed by Cllr Duff and seconded by Cllr Robinson

4. Applications for Co-option to the Council: To consider any applications received for co-option to the remaining vacancy on the Parish Council

Application received from Dick Marshall - Unanimously agreed. Cllr Dick Marshall was welcomed to the Parish Council. He joined the Council immediately and completed both required forms.

5. Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer: To note that Laura Allen resigned as Parish Clerk/RFO on 14th June 2023 and that the Chair is currently acting in this role until such time as more permanent arrangements are made.

6. Chair’s Report: To receive a report from the Chair of the Council.

The Parish Council was saddened to hear of the passing of Tony Robbins-Cherry - a long standing resident and an active team member of the Ripon Arms. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.

The Parish Council reassured parishioners that whilst there is no permanent Clerk or RFO in place, all would be done to ensure that council business is handled correctly. Thanks were given to those parishioners who had given / offered help and support. The Parish Council are actively seeking to recruit.

7. Hub Manager’s Report: To receive a report from the Hub Manager and to consider any outstanding matters.

An update on building snagging matters has been requested. A response from Maher Millard stated that a plan of action would be received by 14th July.

An update on carpet cleaning was requested. This is the subject of a later agenda item.

Thanks were expressed to Cllr McDonnell for his assistance in adjusting the event room door and in reorganising the storage in the garage.

8. Acting Parish Clerk’s Report: To receive a report from the acting Clerk of the Council.

Correspondence received:

- A parishioner with mobility difficulties had requested that hedges bordering pavements were regularly cut to maintain full pavement width. Parishioners were requested to maintain their own hedges accordingly and it was agreed that Cllr Duff would contact LCC / NKDC to understand responsibility for hedge maintenance in other areas of the village

- A parishioner had reported the setting of fires on the allotment area of Nocton Park in contravention of covenants in place. The issue has been raised with NKDC and we

await their advice / action.

- A parishioner has expressed concern about speeding in the village and specifically on Nocton Park Road. NKDC have been asked to provide support (eg signage, additional patrols) and to identify actions that parishioners can take (eg use of a speed gun)

The Parish Council have reported a misleading statement contained in the Nocton Park Management Limited (NPML) website which states that residents with concerns about the condition of adopted roads and footpaths should contact the Parish Council. At the time of the meeting, this has not been corrected despite NPML having been asked to. For issues about adopted roads and pavements, parishioners should contact LCC’s highway department.

An update on finances will be provided at the next meeting.

The Hub’s internet provider has been changed to BT. The password is on the Hub notice board.

9. LCC Litter Picking Kits: To consider whether NPC should apply for litter picking kits on behalf of the village and to discuss logistics relating to such kits.

It was agreed to obtain these kits and to keep them in the Hub garage. It was suggested that a village litter picking day should be arranged. Proposed CllrDuff; seconded Cllr Robinson.

10. Hub Carpet Cleaning: To provide authorisation for placing an order for specialist carpet cleaning within the hub.

It was agreed to place the order with Clean Ovens and Carpet Care at a cost of £135. Proposed Cllr Robinson; Seconded Cllr Marshall.

11. Improved Hub Access: To approve the development of plans for improving access to the Hub and to obtain indicative costs for such a development.

Agreed. Proposed Cllr Duff; seconded Cllr Browne. It was suggested that in the short term a doorbell could be obtained - prices would be sought.

12. Personnel Committee Terms of Reference: To approve the proposed terms of reference for NPC’s Personnel Committee.

Approved. Proposed Cllr Duff; seconded Cllr Robinson

Planning Matters

13. To note and consider any planning applications received or determined since the last meeting and to decide any comments or further action that the Council wishes to take.

None received.

Legal matters

14. To note the current position and agree next steps regarding the negotiations with AG Property Associates for the removal of various restrictive covenants on the land on which the Hub is built.

It was agreed that a site meeting should be organised for 16th July at 9.30 with invitations to all councillors plus two knowledgeable parishioners in order that a consensus can be formed and that a recommendation can be put to the Parish Council for use with its solicitors. A parishioner made the observation that the issue needs to be resolved quickly. Proposed Cllr Duff; seconded Cllr Robinson

Financial Matters

15. (a) To note the current bank balances

(b) To ratify the payments for June and to approve the list of upcoming payments.

Ratified. Proposed Cllr Robinson; Seconded Cllr Browne

(c) To consider applications for grants from the Nocton 200 club

Purchase of cake covers for use by village groups. Agreed. Proposed Cllr Marshall; seconded Cllr Robinson

16. Date of Next Meeting: To consider whether the Council wishes to meet on 8th August 2023. If not, 12th September 2023.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be held on 12th September. Proposed Cllr Robinson; seconded Cllr Marshall

Public Forum

It was suggested that to assist with minute taking, meetings could be recorded or that an online service might be used. This will be considered by the Parish Council

It was asked if Cllr Carrington had responded to questions about the state of roads in the village. The Parish Council replied that Cllr Carrington had been expected at the meeting but that he might be running late (see below notes ref Cllr Carrington’s input).

It was advised that in recruiting for a permanent Parish Clerk and RFO, the Parish Council should not require fully qualified staff but that qualification would be said to be desirable. It was also stated that experience and administrative / financial skills are as important as qualifications

17. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting: To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 in order to consider the following items of a private and confidential nature.

Cllr Carrington arrived at the meeting at 8.40pm

County Councillor’s Report

Road surface improvements.

B1202 from the village boundary (from B1188) to the junction with Wellhead Lane - patching of potholes by year end 2023 with complete resurfacing within 2-3 years.

B1202 from the junction with Wellhead Lane to the junction with Nocton Park Road - patching of potholes by year end 2023 with complete resurfacing within 3 years.

Nocton Park Road requires complete rebuild as the subsurface is moving. A possibility of funding from the Drought Damage Fund may accelerate this work. Qualified engineers have been asked to survey the road and provide a full report.

A survey of HGV traffic through the village has been requested with a response awaited.

It was suggested that as a traffic calming measure, a traffic counter and speed indicator could be installed. Harmston, Coleby, Waddington and Branston councils had installed them and it was suggested that their advice should be sought.

If speed limit reminder signs were required for Nocton Park Road, Cllr Carrington asked that this was put in writing to him.

Whether The Bridleway was an adopted highway was asked of Cllr Carrington. He was unaware but stated that he would find out.

Cllr Carrington left the meeting at 9.15pm

18. Staffing Matters

(a) Recruitment of Clerk / RFO - candidate requirements, advertising, deadlines

It was agreed to advertise using the Limespring and facebook sites for two roles with a desirability for qualifications. Each role would be of equal hours and at the same pay scale.

(b) Temporary Clerk / RFO role

An individual will be offered the role of temporary Clerk but as yet an individual to fulfil the role of temporary RFO had not been found

(c) Previous Clerk’s holiday pay

It was agreed that this should be paid

(d) Home working allowance of £10 per month to be paid to the Acting Clerk/RFO to cover increased costs associated with this role (printing, paper etc...)

It was agreed that this should be paid

All of the above (18 a, b,c & d) were agreed. Proposed Cllr Duff; seconded Cllr Robinson.


Meeting finished at 9.43pm


Minutes Dated: 15th July 2023

Original Signed: Councillor Andy Hone

Chair and Acting Parish Clerk



Nocton Parish Council

Tel: 07926 666047
