April 18 2023

Nocton Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 18th April 2023


Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair)

Cllr Mike Kaye (Vice-Chair)

Cllr Andy Hone

Cllr George McDonnell

Cllr Richard Marshall

Cllr MaryAnn Williams

Clerk/RFO Laura Allen


Also present: County Councillor Ian Carrington (present for part of the meeting only)

Public Attendance: Ten members of the public were present.

Meeting Commenced at 7.00pm

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Participation & Reports:

A report was given by County Councillor Ian Carrington on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and a proposal for an industrial scale anaerobic digester on part of the former Metheringham Airfield. The full briefing note will be available for viewing on the Nocton Parish Council Website. Apologies were also given on behalf of District Councillor Fran Pembury.

The following questions were put to Cllr Carrington and the responses noted:

1. Are all planning applications to be affected by solar panel requirements? The response given was that planning approvals prior to last Tuesday would not be affected, but there would have been awareness of the new legislation coming in.

2. Is there confidence that the new environmental requirements are compatible with the need to provide affordable housing for first time buyers ? Cllr Carrington confirmed this, but recognised the challenges faced. More changes to building regulations by 2025 were scheduled and with all new dwellings needing to meet higher standards, it is hoped that prices would eventually come down.

3. It was asked if the Government were committed to implementing the changes to building regulations that were recently announced? Cllr Carrington reassured that changes were being deployed through two phases and the biggest phase would be coming in 2025.

4. It was asked whether heat pump systems would be common features for new dwellings? The response given was that ground source systems serving multiple dwellings along with solar PV to offset the cost were most likely to be standard.

Cllr Carrington left the meeting at 7.20pm after concluding any public questions.

1 Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40 to receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

No absences to report.

2 To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests.

None were received.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 21st March 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record.

4. Nocton Hub - To receive the Hub Manager’s Report and to consider any updates on any matters outstanding.

The Hub Manager’s Report was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting.  An update was also provided that the formal signing of the Service Level Agreement with the Ripon Arms was due to take place shortly.

5. To receive the Clerk’s Report

Road Surfaces

Following concerns about the deterioration of the road surface of the Drive leading to the Care Home and Nocton Hall. An update has been received from Ben Willis on behalf of LEDA Properties that works are in progress for completion. However, the Chair said that the road planings which were used to deal with the problem appeared to be heavily contaminated with glass shards causing a potential danger to pedestrians, cyclists and dogs. The Chair has since brought this issue to their immediate attention. Concerns have again been raised by residents about numerous potholes in the village on Main Street and Potterhanworth Road. The Council is awaiting further updates from Councillor Carrington regarding any inspections being carried out.

PCSO Redundancies

PCSO Sarah Lingard has provided an update that it has been confirmed that for North Kesteven district PCSO’s will be reduced from 10 to 2 and the remaining 2 will cover Sleaford Town only.

From October 1st 2023, PCSOs across the country will now be deployed in vulnerable areas, where there is most harm and the most demand for service. North Kesteven and the Wolds will see the highest reduction in numbers.

Nocton Village Archive

Access is now available for anyone wishing to examine the archive during the monthly Parish Council Meetings in the Hub’s Meeting Room. A dedicated webpage will also be forthcoming explaining how the archive may be accessed.

Village Green Bench

The new bench with a plaque commemorating the Coronation of King Charles III for the Village Green arrived on the 29th of March and with the assistance of Councillors Hone and McDonnell it will be installed ready for the Coronation celebrations in May.

Election Update

Notification was received on the 5th April that Nocton Parish Council has an uncontested election and will be quorate. Three current Parish Councillors are to continue serving on the Council and one new Councillor has been nominated. Cllr Goldsworthy, Cllr Kaye and Cllr Williams will be retiring next month, and we would like to thank them for all their time and effort spent on the Council.

Payroll Service

Final Invoice Received from TJ Bookkeeping & Accounts LTD and new system has been setup on Sage Business Cloud Payroll.

Hallmaster Booking and Invoicing System

The Clerk has been working with the Hub Manager recently on this. This is the first Month using the invoicing feature and it appears to be easier to manage and generally more efficient, we can also see and markup who has or has not paid compared to the previous system.


6. To consider applying for a government funded portrait of His Majesty the King

It has been announced that public authorities throughout the United Kingdom will be able to apply for a free portrait of His Majesty The King, fully funded by the UK Government later this year.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams,SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to apply for a portrait when the scheme is opened.

Planning Matters

7. To consider any planning applications or appeals received or decided since the last meeting, including any received since the agenda was issued, and to decide any action that the Council wishes to take:

Planning Applications Received

None at the time the agenda was issued.


Planning Appeals Received

APP/R2520/W/23/3314340 - Site at Land South Of Wellhead Lane Nocton Lincoln.

Planning Reference 22/1387/OUT Outline planning application for erection of up to 6 no. dwellings.

The appeal documents were considered by the Council and the stance to oppose the original application had not changed. The Council would reiterate NKDC’s previous statement that the application is contrary to policy, unacceptable in principle and there are no amendments which could be made to overcome this issue.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams,SECONDED by Cllr Hone and unanimously RESOLVED to submit a statement to the Planning Inspectorate.

Since the Agenda was Issued

23/0337/HOUS | Conversion of existing garage to living accommodation and erection of new garage with associated landscaping works. | Lyme House The Green Nocton Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2BG.

Following a debate of the above application and whether to support by default if objections on planning grounds were not present, it was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Hone and unanimously RESOLVED to instead submit an informal representation to the Chief Planning Officer.

Financial Matters

8. To approve the Updated Asset Register

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Williams and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the Asset Register as at 31st March 2023 with the addition of one dog bin, making a total of eight. See attachment.

9. To receive the RFO’s report for March 2023

The RFO’s report was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. It was noted that a new policy/application process would later be required for the distribution of the 200 Club Funds for compliance purposes, but they would still as always remain solely for the benefit of the local community. Access to the VAT account is still an ongoing issue, further steps to rectify this would be considered after the Clerk has ensured all the correct information is obtained.

10. To receive and approve the Report on the Financial Year Ending 31 st March 2023

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams,SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the report

11. To review Insurance quotations and confirm renewal

As the Council is in a long-term agreement with Hiscox until 31st May 2025, a renewal quote with updated asset values is now £1588.80 with £650,000 sum insured for the Hub to include debris removal.

Comparable quotes from BHIB came in at £1395.86 and Zurich £1481.36. An individual quote from Zurich for the Parish Council alone was £396, so the larger cost of insurance would be attributed to the Hub.

Due to being bound by the long-term agreement, it was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to confirm renewal with Hiscox for 2023.

12. To ratify the setting up of Direct Debits with Sage, HMRC and Cathedral Hygiene

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to confirm the new direct debits.

13. To amend the Financial Regulations Item 5.5 c to enable the Clerk/RFO to make internal banking transfers of up to £15,000 using delegated authority

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Kaye, SECONDED by Cllr Marshall and unanimously RESOLVED to increase the internal transfer limit which would also allow the Clerk/RFO to move larger amounts of money to the savings account to earn interest.

14. To consider a report on the current need to maintain separate bank accounts for the Parish Council and the Hub, and decide whether to reverse a previous motion

A report by the RFO was circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting on the need to maintain separate bank accounts based on compliance recommendations and certain restrictions currently preventing the change of account details taking place.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams,SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to continue to maintain separate accounts for the Hub and Parish Council, in addition to the savings account.

15. To consider and decide the Hub’s contribution towards the 23-24 PWLB Repayments following the year-end report

After paying all operating costs the surplus of income for the Hub for the year ending 31st March 2023 was £3571. As Parish Councils have a duty to ensure profit from one year to the next and that profit does not exceed the cost of the provision of a service, it was considered to use this surplus toward the PWLB repayment in accordance with the agreed 23-24 Budget.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Hone and unanimously RESOLVED to retain this amount to be paid towards the next PWLB loan instalment.

16. To ratify the payments for March 2023 and note the receipts

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED. See attached

17. To approve the Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31st March 2023

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED. See attached.


Public Participation

The following questions were raised:

1. Would the Council consider a request previously made by the Hub User Group and use some of the surplus income towards providing an opening window or a door for the front of the Events Hall to improve ventilation during warmer weather?

It was noted that there may be certain legal implications or building regulations to comply with, but all details and the costs involved could be investigated and considered at a future Council meeting. It was suggested for Cllr McDonnell to obtain quotes in co-ordination with the Hub Manager.

2. Was the Council aware of a funding request on social media for replacement defibrillator pads following its recent use and could the 200 Club Funds be used for this?

The Council were aware of this, and the Chair would contact Steve Read, the paramedic responsible for the maintenance of the village defibrillators, to ensure that the required funding was provided.

3. A question was raised on drone activity in the Nocton area. The response given was that it was most likely related to a recent Police incident.

4. A question was raised about a water leak on Main Street . It was suggested that this concerned a private property water leak rather than the water company’s responsibility.

5. A statement was made wishing to thank all the retiring Councillors for their efforts.

8.25pm Members of the public left the meeting

18. Council to resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following confidential items:

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Williams,SECONDED by Cllr Hone and unanimously RESOLVED to go into closed session.

Staffing Matters

19. To receive an update on Payroll and Pension Requirements

It was reported that due to increases in staff hours and wages, some members of staff would now be eligible to join or opt-in to the Parish Council’s Pension Scheme. A NEST Pension has been setup using the legal minimum of 5% Employee Contribution and 3% Employer Contribution of Qualifying Earnings. Eligibility will be assessed through payroll and employees would be kept informed of their options.

20. To consider and ratify changes to the Clerk’s Contracted Hours and Job duties

It was considered that due to undertaking additional duties such as Payroll, the Clerk’s contracted hours would be increased.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Kaye, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to confirm the changes.

21. To ratify changes to the Village Keeper’s Annual Leave Entitlement

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Williams and unanimously RESOLVED to confirm the changes to ensure all staff have the same entitlements.

22. To ratify changes to the Hub Cleaner’s Contracted Hours

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Marshall and unanimously RESOLVED to confirm the changes previously agreed for the Hub Cleaner's contract of employment.

Date of Next Meeting

23. To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 16 th May 2023

Meeting Closed 8.40pm