May 16 2023 APCM

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 16 th May 2023

Attendees: Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Outgoing Chair) present only for the start of the meeting, Cllr Andy Hone (Newly Elected Chair), Cllr George McDonnell (Newly Elected Vice-Chair) and Cllr Richard Robinson. Newly Co-opted Councillors: Cllr Martin Duff, Cllr Paul Browne and Cllr Nick Peplow. Also present: County Councillor Ian Carrington and District Councillor Dave Parry (present for part of the meeting only) Clerk/RFO: Laura Allen

Public Attendance: Approximately 15 members of the public were present for the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Absences: Cllr Richard Marshall

Meeting Commenced at 7.40pm

Public Forum:

A member of the public raised an issue regarding the minutes of the last meeting, requesting that the name of the area of road mentioned in the Clerk’s Report be corrected. The request was noted.


1. To elect the Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year and to receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Cllr Andy Hone was nominated as Chair by Cllr Robinson, seconded by Cllr McDonnell and it was unanimously AGREED to elect Cllr Hone as Chair of the Council. The Chair signed the Declaration of Acceptance and provided a statement to the public thanking the Outgoing Chair and Vice Chair for their contributions to the Council over the past year. The Chair stated his commitment to serving in the best interests of the parish and its residents.


2. To elect the Vice-Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year and to receive the Vice-Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Cllr George McDonnell was nominated as Vice-Chair by Cllr Robinson, seconded by Cllr Hone and it was unanimously AGREED to elect Cllr McDonnell as Vice-Chair of the Council.


3. To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt candidates to fill the existing vacancies

Three candidates for co-option were invited by the Chair to introduce themselves and give a short explanation of why they wished to join the Council. Following a closed discussion, the Council returned to session and resolved to vote on the candidates. It was proposed by Cllr Hone to declare all candidates successful and unanimously AGREED to co-opt Paul Browne, Martin Duff and Nick Peplow. The candidates signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office and took their seats with the Council.


4. To receive any Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.

Apologies for absence with valid reasons were received from Cllr Richard Marshall.


5. To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests.

None received.


6. To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 18 th April 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Hone and RESOLVED to approve the minutes with an amendment to the name of the area of road in the Clerk’s Report.


7. To appoint members to the Personnel Committeeand to approve the Personnel Committee’s terms of reference.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone,SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and RESOLVED to appoint Councillors Duff, Browne and McDonnell to the Personnel Committee, with the Chair to be decided at the first meeting of the Committee.


8. To approve the Parish Council’s Representatives for the Hub User Group

It was AGREED that Cllr McDonnell, Cllr Hone and Cllr Robinson would represent the Parish Council at the Hub User Group to ensure at least one member of the Council was always able to be in attendance.


9. To review and approve the following policies:

i. DATA POLICIES including Data Protection Policy, Subject Access Request Procedure, Data Breach Policy, Records Retention Policy, Privacy Notice, Nocton Hub Digital Privacy Policy, Data Map and GDPR Security Compliance Checklist.

ii. WORKPLACE POLICIES including Lone working Policy & Safeguarding Policy


It was PROPOSED by Cllr Duff, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and RESOLVED to approve the above policies, with an amendment made to the GDPR Security Compliance Checklist to include two additional statements, and to also ensure the definition of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is stated in full on any policies.


10. To receive a report from the Nocton Hub Manager and to consider any matters outstanding.

The Chair summarised the Hub Manager’s Report which had been previously circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting.

The report provided an update on bookings, health and safety concerns regarding the storage of the new marquee, measures being taken to address the stained carpet, requests for an update on the thank you plaque for the Hub, and finally thanking the members of the Parish Council who are standing down.

A member of the public suggested that the use of spare carpet tiles might be a quicker solution for the stained carpet.

The Chair stated this would be investigated and that the Council will seek to address the issues raised.

Cllr McDonnell provided an update that solar LED lights had now been installed outside the Hub to improve safety in the carpark.


11. To approve the top-up of the Hub Manager’s Equals Card to purchase a mobile phone.

Due to the failure of the Hub Manager’s current phone, a top-up of £100 on the Hub Manager’s Equals Card has been made to enable the purchase of a replacement phone, therefore, a retrospective approval of the payment is requested.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Duff and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the payment.


12. To consider a request from Nocton Community Primary School for the School’s Summer Fete to take place on the Village Green on the 24 th June 2023 and to retrospectively approve the use of the Village Green for the School’s Coronation Tea Party.

It was AGREED to grant the school permission to use the Village Green for their Summer Fete and retrospectively approve the previous event. It was noted that it should always be encouraged to send in requests well in advance of events, however the relevant risk assessments and insurance details have all been received.


13. To consider a request from a member of the Hub User Group to provide an opening window or a door in the main events hall to improve ventilation during the warmer weather.

Cllr McDonnell explained the requirements that Council’s must comply with when obtaining quotes and the factors that need further investigation before work could be carried out. It was AGREED to explore all options available, and that Cllr McDonnell would liaise with the Hub Manager to obtain some initial quotes.


14. To finalise and approve the Service Level Agreement with the Ripon Arms

The meeting was temporarily suspended in order for the signing of the Service Level Agreement to take place with a representative from the Ripon Arms.



County and District Councillors were given the opportunity to address the meeting.

County Councillor Ian Carrington congratulated the new Parish Councillors and recognised the challenges the Parish Council had been through and that things were now moving positively. Cllr Dave Parry also made a brief introduction as the newly elected second District Councillor for the area and passed on apologies on behalf of Cllr Fran Pembery.

8.25pm The meeting resumed


Planning Matters

15. To consider any planning applications received or decided since the last meeting, including any received since the agenda was issued, and to decide any action that the Council wishes to take:

Planning Applications Received

23/0338/FUL - Proposed construction of dwelling (Plot 72a) with the completion of Wegberg Road. 27 Steamer Point Road Nocton Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2DA

During discussion of the agenda item, members of the public voiced their concerns and made suggestions regarding road safety. Following a debate of the issues, it was PROPOSED by Cllr Browne, SECONDED by Cllr Duff and unanimously RESOLVED for the Council to submit a statement to support the application providing that road safety is emphasised.


Financial Matters

16. To review the banking mandate and to confirm authorised signatories

It was AGREED that Richard Robinson be added as an additional signatory to the Council’s Banking Arrangements and remove any former Councillors.


17. To receive the Annual Internal Auditors Report for 2022-2023 and to consider the effectiveness of Internal Controls

The internal audit was recently conducted, and a number of recommendations have been made to improve compliance and reduce risk to the Council’s operations.


18. To ensure compliance with external audit requirements for 2022-2023:

a. To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement AGAR Section 1

b. To approve any explanations to be provided to the External Auditor

c. To ensure the Accounting Statements AGAR Section 2 has been certified by the RFO and are signed and dated

d. To consider the Accounting Statements by the members meeting as a whole

e. To approve the Accounting Statements by resolution

f. To ensure the Accounting Statements are signed and dated by the person presiding at the meeting which that approval is given

g. To set the period for the Exercise of Public Rights

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to approve the AGAR for 2022-2023.


19. To ratify the payments for April 2023, note the receipts and to approve the list of upcoming payments.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to approve the payments.

See attached PDF

20. To approve the Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 30 th April 2023

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation.

See attached PDF

21. To approve the Clerk’s Overtime and Expenses for April 2023

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell, SECONDED by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s Overtime and Expenses.


Date of Next Meeting

22.To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 13 th June 2023

Meeting closed at 8.45pm