Minutes - 10th October 2023
Tuesday 10th October 2023
In Attendance:
Chair: Councillor Andy Hone
Vice Chair: George McDonnell
Acting Clerk: Councillor Andy Hone (for this meeting)
Councillors: Paul Browne, Richard Robinson, Nick Peplow and Dick Marshall
Apologies: John Money (Temporary Clerk)
Also Present: District Cllr Dave Parry (part) and County Cllr Ian Carrington (part)
10 members of the public were in attendance
Meeting started at 7.03pm
Public Forum - no questions raised
County Councillor Carrington’s report:
12 energy generation sites are currently being considered for Lincolnshire as part of a national plan to increase capacity for the future. Development of individual plans are underway though Cllr Carrington was keen to point out that NKDC’s approach would be to consider the combined impacts of all applications rather than on a piecemeal basis. Particular emphasis was placed on a proposal for a biodigestion plant at the disused Metheringham airport - particularly a significant increase in HGV traffic in the wider area. Location decisions for biodigester plants is based upon the availability of suitable land. Waste removal (used as fertiliser) from biodigester sites is a key consideration in the planning process. Land used for solar farms will vary from one area to another though movement towards using less productive arable land has recently been seen
Net Zero - NKDC is advanced in its plans for achieving this significant objective despite national uncertainty on the subject.
The suggestion of creating a Parish Council purchasing group is WIP
The request for 30mph repeater signs for Nocton Park Road is WIP
District Councillor Parry’s report:
NKDC plan (to 2027) is currently under development
A 2nd drop in session held recently was well attended with a wide variety of questions raised. A date for a similar session in Nocton is to be fixed.
Councillors Carrington and Parry then left the meeting.
The Nocton 200 club draw was then held.
1. Apologies for Absence:
Apologies received and accepted from John Money (Temporary Clerk). No apology was received from Cllr Duff before the meeting but an apology has been received subsequently.
2. Declarations of Interest:
None declared.
3. Minutes: To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 12 September 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes.
Approved and signed.
4. Chair’s Report:
Many items covered under separate agenda items below.
The Chair thanked the Hub User Group for their valued input to the recent meeting.
The Chair thanked the Hub Manager for her efforts to generate increased bookings for The Hub which were starting to bear fruit.
5. Hub Manager’s Report:
Hub marketing has begun with facebook site up and running.
Allowing the use of bouncy castles for children’s parties is being considered - hire terms and conditions need to be amended to include this.
The heating and hot water issue recently encountered has now been resolved.
Bookings on behalf of a village event made by an individual need to be catered for in hallmaster (ref invoice timing and damage deposit). Criteria for delegated authority to be developed by Andy Hone.
6. Parish Clerk & RFO Report:
Formal qualification training has commenced.
An enjoyable first month with the development of working relationships with all councillors.
Administration under control and information is regularly sent to councillors.
Contract database under development to assist planned renewal / tender process.
Exploration of grant aid for Hub projects underway.
A suggestion has been made to NKDC that Parish Councils might group purchasing power to develop preferential terms from suppliers (see above note).
7. Hub User Group (summary of topics covered):
Building snags and building improvements.
Ventilation in the main hall needs to be improved.
External funding opportunities to be explored in conjunction with the Ripon Arms.
Hub redecoration to be undertaken. Paint prices are being obtained (discounts offered by B&Q and Johnstone’s paint have been contacted) plus ideas for painters are being discussed. It was suggested that the local probation service could be of assistance.
8. Hub Building: Snags and remedial actions required.
A positive meeting with David Millard of Maher Millard was held on 6th October at which all outstanding snags were identified.
The cellar floor would be the subject of a quote - though this would not be the responsibility of the Parish Council as the issue has been caused either by poor specification of materials or by poor installation.
David Millard was confident of completion in a short timescale.
9. Improved Hub Access: Proposals for works at The Hub (opening window, power door and redecoration).
Indicative costs will be obtained for all of the above by George McDonnell so that any grant aid that is available may be applied for.
10. Planning Matters:
27 Steamer Point Road (application no: 23/0338/FUL Plot 72a) planning application withdrawal - it was agreed that the Parish Council would write to the builder to request clarification on future plans - action Paul Browne.
3 Potterhanworth Road Nocton (application no:23/1067/HOUS) details of this application may be found on NKDC Planning Online Website - The Parish Council supports this application.
Hawthorn House Main Street. Tree Works (application no 23/1157/TPO) - The Parish Council supports this application.
2 Grange Farm Cottages (23/1138/HOUS) - The Parish Council supports this application.
11. Financial Matters:
(a) To note the current bank balances
(b) To ratify payments for Sept. 2023 and to approve the list of upcoming payments.
12. Legal matters: To update the current position of negotiations with AG Property Associates for the removal of various restrictive covenants on the land on which the Hub is built.
Our solicitors have sent the required TP1 changes to those of AG Properties and we await the amended document.
It was agreed to attempt to speed up the process by requesting the removal of the Harris fencing and by requesting a final date for discussions. Andy Hone to phone our solicitors to discuss how best to approach this.
13. Date of Next Meeting: To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on 14th November 2023.
Public forum (10mins) - no questions raised
The following item was then discussed in private session of the council due to its confidential nature
14. Responsible Financial Officer: Result of interviews and proposals
Proposed course of action unanimously agreed with an offer to be made to the successful candidate with an amended start date of 1st December - Proposed Paul Browne, seconded George McDonnell
Meeting finished at 8.30pm
Minutes Dated: 11th October 2023
Original Signed: Councillor Andy Hone
Nocton Parish Council
Tel: 07926 666047