Full Council Meeting 14.11.23 - Minutes

A house with trees in the front  Description automatically generated with medium confidence


Minutes of the Full Council Meeting  held at 7.00pm 14th November 2023 at The Hub Main Street Nocton


Chair:​​Councillor Andy Hone; 

Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors: Paul Browne;  Martin Duff; Nick Peplow; Richard Robinson; Richard Marshall

Temporary Clerk:​​ John Money clerk@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk 07775692013


In attendance: Cllr’s A Hone (Chair);  Paul Browne;  Martin Duff; Nick Peplow; Richard Robinson. Ian Carrington (County Councillor). John Money (Temporary Clerk) and 14 Members of the Public


The Chair welcomed everyone; opened the meeting and without further ado requested the Nocton 200 club draw be made: -

 No’s 148; 103; 126 and 192 were drawn and the winners identified 


Public forum: 

Several issues were raised including lighting at the rear of the Hub which it was agreed would be investigated.


County and District Councillors' reports: 

Cllr Carrington in his role as a county councillor gave a detailed report relating to extensive flooding in neighbouring parishes and how in future the county council proposed to use a more ‘joined up approach in the event of further flooding. In the absence of the two district ward councillors. Cllr Carrington asked if anyone had any district questions they wished to make. There were none asked.


 Agenda Items:

1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr McDonnell and Cllr Marshall apologies were accepted for the reasons given.

2. Declarations of Interest: None received.

3. Minutes: The draft minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 10 October 2023 were authorised and  the Chair signed them as the official minutes.

4. Chair’s Report: Street lighting was discussed at length, saving costs and time switches et cetera was mentioned, the Chair moved the meeting out of formal session to allow a member of the public to comment saying - that some of the street lighting in the village already has time switches fitted, it was.agreed it will require a qualified person to check this situation. It was resolved that it would be a future agenda item. The Chair gave an update on the situation relating to the councils draft legal arrangements with AG properties and also appealed for a parishioner to take on the duties of the 200 club coordinator. With regard to the Hub building snags the Chair agreed that the person who has been delegated to do this work requires chasing up. Action Chair.

5. Hub Manager’s Report: there had been an instance of graffiti and damage to toilet seats. The Facebook page is found to be useful and will continue. The Hub will display a Christmas tree at The Church Christmas tree festival - thanks to Parishioner David Chapman for his photographic assistance.

6. Parish Clerk’s Report: the Temporary Clerk (TC) of the Council gave a brief report and highlighted he was distributing via his personal email address information gained from other sources which may be both relevant and helpful to Members, Cllr Duff asked if Standing orders allowed this. The TC said he would check to see if it conflicted and otherwise continue to do it. Action Clerk

7. Acting RFO's report: The Chair reported Mr Gordon Roe has been appointed as the parish council RFO commencing his duties on 1st December 2023. Two separate incomes had been applied for and received recently - NKDC Litter Picking grant (£173) and VAT Reclaim (£1112).  The precept application will have to be deposited with the district council by 19th January 2024. Year to date forecast calculation to be produced for inspection in preparation.  Action Chair.  Cllr Brown mentioned an email response to Mr Peter Sowerby (Nocton Park Developer) regarding support for a proposed planning application previously submitted, after some debate regarding assessing any application against the newly adopted CLLP it was resolved to consider a carefully worded response. Action Chair / Clerk

8. An item to consider whether Nocton Parish Council (NPC) should participate in a planned Task and Finish (T & F) group organised by Blankney PC to formulate a response to the proposed AD (anaerobic digester) plant on the old Metheringham airfield. The Chair informed members he had attended a Blankney PC meeting where AD plant featured on the agenda. Nocton along with six other affected parishes were invited to participate in a T and F group to scrutinise the probabilities - and any planning application that may be forthcoming. The Chair went on to say while the parish may be affected by odour it would be the increased HGV traffic through the village which would have a greater detrimental effect. The Chair invited the Clerk to give further details, which were the details of the transportation of chicken manure feedstock; Maize silage; and the digestate bi-product which is used as an agricultural fertiliser, also details of the methane gas produced and how it enters the National Gas Grid. After some debate it was resolved by 4 votes for and 1 abstention that Cllr A Hone and Cllr Robinson would represent NPC on the T & F Group.

9. To agree the purchase of the village Christmas Tree (there are three options available at different costs). After a lengthy debate it was resolved by 3 votes for and 2 abstentions to procure a Christmas tree from a parishioner - it would be asked that the tree should be supplied for free, though the original price of £50 was acceptable if the request for a free tree was declined.  Action Chair.

10. To receive indicative costs for Hub improvement works: after a full and frank discussion it was resolved to research all of the options available to provide Disabled Persons Access to access and egress to the Hub building with these proposals being translated into a schedule of works for both the potential procurement and possible grant aid applications. Action: recurring agenda item until resolved

11. To adopt a process for the review of Nocton Parish Council's Policies and Procedures (P & P). The Chair stated that some P & P were due for review and proposed each Member would review 1 or 2 policies each in a draft format, the Chair would divide the policies up and distribute accordingly. The matter was resolved unanimously. Action Chair and Members.

12. To receive a report on a meeting hosted by Potterhanworth Parish Council (PPC) regarding local policing. The Chair informed members he had attended a meeting hosted by PPC relating to the increase of crime in rural areas which also related to a forthcoming on line police seminar that is to be held in early December, after some debate it was unanimously resolved the PC would participate. Action Chair to distribute online joining instructions

13. To consider changing the day which Nocton Parish Council meetings are held in 2024.  The third Monday of each month was a draft proposal. After some debate it was resolved to keep the Full Parish Council’s meeting dates at 7.00pm on the second Tuesday of the month.

14. Planning Matters: It was resolved the PC had no comment to make regarding the TPO application relating to the tree works proposed at The Vicarage. With regard to the latest Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Local list validation consultation, it was resolved unanimously to delegate the completion of this consultation to the Clerk. It was also resolved unanimously that NPC should make LALC planning training available to two council Members. Action Clerk / Chair

15. Financial Matters: the Acting RFO (the Chair of the Council) took questions relating to the plus and minus balances and other financial issues. He stated the accounts and RFO work were up to date

(a) To note the current bank balances

(b) To ratify payments for Oct. 2023 and to approve the list of upcoming payments. Approval of items 15. a & b were resolved unanimously.

16. Date of Next Meeting: It was confirmed the next meeting of the Full Council Meeting of PC will take place on 12th December 2023 in the Hub Nocton whereupon the Chair closed the formal part of the meeting


Public forum (10mins): questions were raised around The Hub options.

The Chair closed the meeting formally at 8.35pm, he thanked all for attending and wished everyone a safe journey home.

John F Money Temporary Clerk 20/11/2023