February 21 2023

Nocton Parish Council

DRAFT NOTES of the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 21st February 2022


Cllr Ian Goldsworthy (Chair)

Cllr Mike Kaye (Vice-Chair)

Cllr George McDonnell

Cllr Andy Hone

County Councillor Ian Carrington

Absences: Cllr MaryAnn Williams and Cllr Richard Marshall.

Public Attendance: Eleven members of the public were present.


Meeting Commenced at 7.03pm


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Participation & Reports:

A report was given by County Councillor Ian Carrington on items including the County Council Budget, Lincolnshire Fire & Rescue’s efforts to assist with the earthquake response in Turkey and Syria, the availability of LCC assistance with the increasing cost of living, Policing concerns due to the recent announcement that there will be cuts to PCSO’s and an update on housing initiatives and recognition for high quality sustainable development. The briefing note can be viewed as an attachment to the minutes.

The following questions were put to Cllr Carrington and the responses noted:


1. What is the current situation on the state of Nocton Park Road?

The response given was that it will be reported to the Area Highways Manager and an update will be provided to residents at a future meeting.

2. Has there been any progress since the last walkabout examining areas with known issues ? Cllr Carrington confirmed that another walkabout is planned for later this month. The issues are on the list, but they need to be moved forward and actioned, hopefully this will happen for the 23-24 Financial Year.

3. Will the Parish Council have an opportunity to join on another walkabout?

Cllr Carrington stated he would be in touch with potential dates.


Cllr Carrington left the meeting at 7.10pm after concluding any public questions.


1 Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies were accepted for Cllr Marshall and Cllr Williams. District Councillors Fran Pembery and Amelia Bailey also sent their apologies.


2 To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests.

None were received.


3 To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 13th December 2022 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record.


4 To approve as a correct record the notes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 24th January 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record.


5. To receive a report in preparation for the May Elections following the evening Parish Council event held on the 2nd of February at the Nocton Hub.

The Chair reported that after various campaigns and promotion of vacancies, more people are still needed to come forward to ensure the future of the Parish Council. The event held on the 2nd February was only attended by one member of the public, who very hopefully will be coming forward as a candidate. However, this would not be enough, and more people are strongly urged to consider doing the same.


6. Nocton Hub

To receive reports on and consider the current position on the following matters:

i. Nocton Hub Manager’s Report

It was reported that a plan is being developed to manage operational risk in the absence of the Hub Manager, and that in cooperation with the Chair and the Clerk, a formal plan will be made available at a future meeting. The Hub Manager made a request for a brown bin to be obtained from NKDC for the Village Keeper which would be more beneficial than borrowing one.

ii. Outstanding repairs to front canopy, rear drainpipe, and cellar floor.

Cllr Kaye reported that a request had been made to the Contractor (Maher Millard) some time ago and there was still a number of outstanding issues to resolve.

iii. Future relationship with Maher Millard.

After consideration, it was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to write a formal letter to Maher Millard on behalf of the Parish Council to attempt to reach a more acceptable resolution.

iv. Provision of internal plaque listing those groups and individuals who had contributed to the building of the Hub.

It was reported that Cllr Williams who had been tasked with the provision of the internal plaque had not made any progress, but hoped that it will be in place before the elections.

v. Provision of external Hub Noticeboard.

The Chair reported that the noticeboard was larger than expected, but thankfully Dyson Farming were also able to install it for the Council. A protocol for future use of the noticeboard has been agreed by the Hub User Group.

vi. Service Level Agreement with the Ripon Arms.

The Chair reported that the SLA will be finalised and signed off on at an outside meeting following the review process. It was noted that Stuart York has been appointed as the new replacement Designated Premises Supervisor and that maintenance was being arranged for the servicing of the bar’s shutters.


7. To consider the provision of additional Litter Bins to be sited on Main Street by the Hub/Bus Stop.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr McDonnell,SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to set a maximum expenditure of £250 to purchase an additional litter bin that would be emptied by NKDC at no extra cost.


8. To consider a request from Renew@TheHub to become responsible for the future upkeep and maintenance of the three planters/cycle stands outside the Hub.

It was AGREED to accept the request from Renew@TheHub to maintain the planters outside the hub.


9. To receive an update on funding for a replacement bench on the Village Green

It was reported that attempts to gain external funding for a Commemorative/Coronation bench had not been successful, however it was agreed to consider a budget of £650 to obtain a bench and that the clerk would obtain the quotes.


10. To note the measures being taken to deter motor vehicles using the Bridleway from Main Street to the Cricket Pitch and the Dog Walking Field.

It was reported that Dyson Farming has produced signs informing people that motor vehicles are not permitted to use the bridleway and that these are now awaiting installation.


11. Planning Matters

To note and consider any planning applications received or decided since the last meeting, including enforcement matters raised and to decide any comments or further action that the Council wishes to take:

Decided Applications

i. 22/1796/PNTEL – Prior Approval Not Required - 3 no. smart metering apparatus at Nocton Sewage Treatment Works, Steamer Point Road, LN4 2DA. Decided 08/02/23.

The decision was noted.

Planning Applications Received

ii. 23/0036/FUL- Change of use from stable block/outbuilding to single dwelling at Embsay House, Main Street, Nocton.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to submit comments in support of this application.


iii. Nocton Park (Plot 72A and Wegberg Road) - To receive an update on the issues raised with NKDC Planning Officers.

Cllr Hone reported that discussions with the developer and NKDC are still ongoing and an appropriate application would be forthcoming.


12. Legal matters

To receive a report on the removal of Restrictive Covenants from the Nocton Hub following discussions between AG Property Associates and the Parish Council’s Legal Representative.

Cllr Kaye reported that there were no advantages to be gained by the proposal set forth by AG Property Associates. In essence, the Parish Council should own their own carpark, but did not wish to own the 8m wide access track to the hub car park or the footpath behind the garages and would only accept transfer of the car park itself. A response has been submitted on behalf of the Council.


13. Financial Matters

i. To receive a Report on the Council’s progress with assessing and mitigating risk

Cllr Kaye reported that the task was nearing completion, with risks in relation to the Hub carpark and external infrastructure being addressed. It has been identified that signs for the carpark were recommended to inform users that they park at their own risk and that a final draft of the Risk Register will be completed for the next meeting.

ii. To receive the outgoing Responsible Financial Officer’s Report

The report was received and noted having been circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. The Council was informed that the outgoing RFO has been kept on the payroll temporarily to assist with any issues during the handover to the new Clerk/RFO.

iii. To receive a Report from the newly appointed Responsible Finance Officer

A report was given by the newly appointed RFO and has been attached separately to the minutes.

iv. To resolve to ratify the payments for January 2023 and note the receipts.

A separate sheet has been attached

It was PROPOSED Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to ratify the payments for January 2023.

v. To approve the Bank Reconciliation Statements as at 31st January 2023

See separate sheet attached

It was PROPOSED Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation for January 2023.

vi. To consider a proposal to consolidate primary bank accounts and reduce the frequency of funds transfers to reduce financial risk and for more efficient accounting of funds

The Chair reported that after discussion with the Clerk, the consensus had been reached that returning to one primary bank account and separate savings account for both the Parish Council and the Hub was a more practical solution to managing the Council’s money.

It was noted that at present, too many transfers between accounts are occurring which makes bank reconciliation a more time-consuming task, also there is a risk of funds not being available when debts are due to be paid if transfers do not take place. Consolidating accounts also has the benefit of a cost saving of £72 per year.

It was concluded that while the Parish Council and the Hub are one and the same for accounting purposes, both activities would still be monitored and budgeted for separately.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Kaye, SECONDED by Cllr McDonnell and unanimously RESOLVED to implement the proposal by returning to one primary account.

vii. To authorise changes to existing Direct Debit Mandates

Direct Debit List January 2023

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to migrate existing PC Direct Debits to the Hub Account, which would become the primary bank account for the Council.

viii. To authorise the transfer of £11,000 from the Savings Account to the main Parish Council Bank Account in order to meet the March PWLB Loan Repayment and other approved payments.

It was PROPOSED by Cllr Hone, SECONDED by Cllr Kaye and unanimously RESOLVED to authorise the transfer of funds.


14. To agree the date of the Annual Parish Meeting for 2023

It was AGREED that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Tuesday 16th May, prior to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council.


15. To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 21st March 2023

The next meeting was confirmed by the Chair.


Meeting moved to the closing Public Forum at 8pm

Questions were asked and responded to on the following matters:

1. Is the Council still experiencing issues with a certain unnamed person and are there good communications? The response given was that Council was working through it, but no communication was being maintained with the person concerned.

2. Would it be possible for the Council to show their appreciation of a valued member of staff who is soon to be leaving? The Chair noted this to be a nice idea and that we would certainly seek to do something.

3. A question was raised about access issues for wheelchairs on Main Street due to overhanging hedges narrowing the path in certain places. The Chair stated that owners had been written to by the Parish Council in the past, with varying success. It was noted that Highways can use powers to address this issue, but are reluctant to use them. The Council would consider if any further action was appropriate.

Meeting closed at 8.10pm