June 13 2023



Minutes of the Full Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 13 th June 2023

Attendees: Cllr Andy Hone (Chair), Cllr Richard Robinson, Cllr Martin Duff and Cllr Paul Browne

Also present: District Councillor Dave Parry (present for part of the meeting only)

Clerk/RFO: Laura Allen

Public Attendance: Approximately 10 members of the public were present.

Absences: Cllr George McDonnell and Cllr Nick Peplow


Meeting Commenced at 7pm

District Councillor Report:

Cllr Dave Parry addressed the meeting and commented how great it was to see so many members of the public in attendance, also having seen such a good turnout at the previous APM. An update was provided that he was now the Vice-Chair of the Resources and Scrutiny Committee for NKDC and was also the member of three other Committees and was seeking to make a real difference. In response to a question about political party control, Cllr Parry confirmed that there were no plans to change policy as the current NK plan is still in place until 2026. The Chair thanked Cllr Parry for his report.


Cllr Parry left the meeting at 7.06pm


Public Forum:

1. A member of the public made a request in relation to Agenda Item 10 that having conducted research on comparative authorities and how many members of the public attended meetings, the reason for such good attendance at Nocton is due to having public participation at the start and end of the meeting. The Chair noted their request.

2. A question was raised whether Cllr Carrington has provided an update or responded about concerns previously raised and observed during a walkabout in relation to the state of Nocton’s roads. The Chair confirmed that two emails had been sent by him personally about a second walkabout, and an additional email had also been sent by the Clerk, but no update has been received. The Chair responded that further follow-ups would be made.

3. A question was raised regarding the national length increases to lorries and the effect this would have on local roads. The Chair stated that while he had not been aware of this change, further information would be sought.

4. A question was raised in relation to how the application process for 200 Club Grants had changed. The Chair explained that the process was still the same, the Clerk is contacted for an application form, which is then completed and returned. The promoter for the 200 Club’s views are sought once the information is sent out prior to the Council meeting where it is being considered.

5. A question was asked why the Council would agree or disagree with a grant applicant. The Chair clarified it is not the identity of the applicant, it is only how the funds will be used which is considered by the Council as part of the process.

6. A question was raised about the disappearing Councillor and how this had occurred. The response provided was that due to an unfortunate set of circumstances, and due to only an hours’ notice of absence being given prior to the first meeting of the Council (during election year), and it not being on the agenda to sign a later date, the Councillor automatically lost their seat. The Chair stated that it was hoped for them to return at the next meeting of the Council.

1. Apologies for Absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting

Apologies received and accepted from Cllr George McDonnell and Cllr Nick Peplow. County Councillor Ian Carrington and District Councillor Fran Pembery also sent their apologies.


2. To receive any declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any written requests for dispensations for items on the agenda not previously recorded on member’s register of interests

No declarations or dispensations.

3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 16 th May 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.

It was proposed by Cllr Robinson, seconded by Cllr Browne and RESOLVED to approve the minutes.

4. To appoint additional members to the Personnel Committee to ensure the meetings are quorate if a member is absent and to appoint a Chair of the Committee

It was proposed by Cllr Hone, seconded by Cllr Browne and RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Robinson to become an additional member of the Personnel Committee.

Following consideration of skills and experience in personnel matters, it was proposed by Cllr Hone, seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to appoint Cllr George McDonnell as Chair of the Personnel Committee.

5. Chair’s Report: To receive a report from the Chair of the Council

The Chair provided an overview of the meeting and informed that unforeseen budget challenges had recently occurred, such as the purchase of a new mower and strimmer which were to be discussed in a later agenda item. It was also reported that assigning different roles and responsibilities to Councillors would be considered in a confidential item to assist with improving informed decision making and to ensure the best priorities for the Parish.

6.Hub Manager’s Report:To receive a report from the Nocton Hub Manager and to consider any matters outstanding

The Chair summarised the Hub Manager’s Report, noting that bookings were stable, fire safety maintenance had been carried out and alarm servicing was being arranged. The Hub Manager provided feedback on Agenda Item 19 requesting damage deposits remain.

A request was also made regarding quotes for carpet cleaning. The Clerk advised that more than one quote is advisable up to £500 in value to ensure value for money is obtained. The Hub Manager agreed to chase up further quotes.

It was noted that the Sun Canopy intended to resolve issues with the event hall fire exit was due to be installed by Cllr McDonnell. Issues in relation to guttering and flooring were also noted as being outstanding.

7. Hub User Group: To receive an update following the Hub User Group Meeting on the 22 nd May 2023 and consider the following:

i. Request for the Parish Council to purchase cake covers - it was agreed to obtain prices and to consider ways of funding.

ii. Ongoing Wi-Fi Issues

The Clerk reported that due to Plusnet ceasing business broadband services and late notification of termination, the migration to BT Business has now been arranged. This would take place fairly soon, with a BT Hub being delivered on the 20thJune. The cost would now be slightly cheaper at £20.55+VAT per month and would include guaranteed speeds of up to 36mbps. Range boosters could also be requested to improve internet in the Hub if required.

iii. Outstanding Cellar Floor Work – It was agreed that further follow-ups should be made.

iv. Request for the Hub to have an Access Statement and to consider ways in which access to the Hub can be improved - The Chair stated he had started to draft a statement and once complete would share it with Councillors so that other aspects were taken into consideration to assist with improving access.

v. To agree the Clerk’s attendance at HUG Meetings and associated costs

Noting that a request had been made for the Clerk to attend HUG meetings. The Chair stated this was not a requirement. The Hub Manager stated that this was a requirement which was contained within the HUG Terms of Reference.

The Chair stated that it was an unnecessary cost for the Clerk to attend HUG meetings and there is enough representation by Councillors at the meeting. It was AGREED that the Terms of Reference be amended to reflect that the Clerk should not attend.

The Hub Manager reminded the Council that no decisions can be taken at HUG meetings and that it is a user group and not a management group. The Hub Manager also made a request to not attend HUG meetings.

The Chair stated the Hub Manager was the most important person there and should attend.

8. Parish Council Vacancies: To receive an update on Parish Council Vacancies having occurred since the last meeting

The following was distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting:

“Unfortunately, due to Richard Marshall being unable to sign his declaration of Acceptance before or at the first meeting of the Council in accordance with Section 83 of the Local Government Act 1972 his seat became vacant following the May meeting. Being an election year, the declaration also had to be witnessed by the Proper Officer of the Council. A notice of vacancy has now been posted and if no election is called by the 12th June, the District Council will notify the Parish Council to proceed with co-option to fill the vacancy. Hopefully co-option should take place at the July meeting.”

The Chair confirmed at the meeting that the Co-Option process is now being advertised to take place at the July meeting.

9. To receive an update on the Village Hall Plaque

It was noted that up to date quotes were needed for the Village Hall Plaque as some time had passed since the Council previously agreed to obtain it (May 2022). It was AGREED that the sizing of the plaque should be determined, and newer quotes obtained.

10. To consider amending the Standing Orders so that only one Public Forum takes place at the start of a meeting in line with recommended practice

The Chair stated that recommended practice is not mandatory and one fit for all is not always what is best for everyone in the village. It was stated that it is most interesting and varied to have public toing and froing from Council to Parishioners and utilising their knowledge.

Cllr Duff stated that questions should only be asked before the Council started to make decisions, the parishioners could listen to it and raise issues at a later meeting instead.

The Clerk also advised that that the Internal Auditor had recently recommended one public forum at the start of a meeting instead of two public forums.

A member of the Public asked why this was the Internal Auditor’s business?

The Clerk responded that there is a risk of the Council making decisions outside of the normal Council meeting by allowing further discussion with the public at the end of a meeting.

The Chair stated he would control the meeting and ensure this would not occur.

It was proposed by Cllr Hone, Seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED with one against to retain two public forums, against the recommendation of the Internal Auditor.

11. To consider amending the Co-Option Policy to include a provision for an informal interview to take place prior to the co-option meeting

It was proposed by Cllr Duff, seconded by Cllr Browne and RESOLVED that it was a sensible measure to include the option of an informal interview with Councillors prior to the co-option meeting to enable informed decision making when recruiting new Councillors.

12. To agree ownership of the new Marquee including storage and usage arrangements

The new Marquee was generously donated by an ex-Parish Councillor and purchased using 200 Club funds. The Chair informed that making bookings for the marquee had been explored using the Hallmaster system as suggested by the Hub Manager.

The Hub Manager made a request that the marquee be only made available for groups and organisations as there would be no way to check the condition of the marquee on return from use, due to size.

Damage deposits and Insurance issues were also considered.

The Clerk advised that the Parish Council’s Insurance would only cover the marquee if used by the Parish Council, not when borrowed by external groups.

A member of the public suggested whether additional insurance such as event insurance could be taken out by the borrower.

After further discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Duff, Seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED that a hire condition be added to the booking form to include that insurance cover be obtained by the borrower of the marquee.

13. To consider a request for the disposal of old wooden games equipment belonging to the Parish Council

A request was read out from a resident regarding old wooden games equipment that although once enjoyed, have now become old and dilapidated and would need a child risk assessment if they were to be used.

The Chair asked the public for comments due to being more familiar with the items described.

A member of the public stated that the equipment was once part of Nocton Farms, but had not been used for the last two picnics on the green and were very old.

The Council AGREED that it was best that these were disposed of.

Planning Matters

14. To consider any planning applications received or decided since the last meeting, including any received since the agenda was issued, and to decide any action that the Council wishes to take:

Planning Applications Received

None received.


Financial Matters

15. To ratify the purchase of a new strimmer and mower for the Village Keeper

Information previously circulated to Councillors stated that due to failure of both pieces of equipment that were not repairable, the cheapest quotes were utilised for a new strimmer at £259 (incl. £43.17 VAT) and new mower at £409.00 (incl. £68.17 VAT)

It was proposed by Cllr Duff, seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to ratify the purchases.

16. To consider and decide on any grant applications received

One grant application had been received from All Saints Church for a new 20L Hot Water Boiler to benefit the local community at a cost of £98. The application forms were distributed to Councillors prior to the meeting.

Cllr Duff made a request about Church Yard Grass Cutting and whether the Council could infer any influence in relation to this. It was clarified by members of the public that the grass was not cut in the Church Yard because it was No Mow May which is a National Campaign adopted by the PCC.

The Chair clarified that the Council cannot link grant applications to anything else other than what is contained in the application.

It was proposed by Cllr Hone, seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED with one abstention to approve the grant application.

17. To receive an update on the VAT account, and agree to continue using the methods currently available to submit claims to HMRC

The Clerk stated that due to being unable to identify who had access to the VAT account or what the account number was, it was agreed that the best solution was to continue submitting paper forms to claim back VAT. The Chair stated this was proving successful, with over £700 recently being received.

18. To approve the reimbursement of Cllr McDonnell for the purchase of LED Lights for improving safety in the Hub Carpark

It was noted that it would not normally be possible to reimburse councillors for expenses. However, on this occasion it was proposed by Cllr Browne, seconded by Cllr Robinson and resolved to reimburse Cllr McDonnell for the purchase.

19. To consider removing the requirement for a damage deposit on Hub Bookings

Councillors discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the damage deposit.

A question was raised whether there was a policy for deterrents and to reduce staff cleaning time. The Hub Manager stated this would be noted in the hire agreement.

It was proposed by Cllr Robinson, seconded by Cllr Duff and RESOLVED to retain the damage deposit and that a copy of the hire agreement be reviewed by Cllr Browne to ensure the correct wording is in place.

20. To ratify the payments for May 2023, note the receipts and to approve the list of upcoming payments and to approve the Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31st May 2023

It was proposed by Cllr Robinson, seconded by Cllr Duff and RESOLVED to ratify and approve the payments and bank reconciliation statement. See attachment.

21. To approve Staff Overtime for May 2023

The Clerk stated there were 3 members of staff who had claimed overtime last month.

It was proposed by Cllr Duff, seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to approve staff overtime for May.

22. To receive the RFO’s Report on the 23-24 Budget, to note the current reserves, and to consider any courses of action (See attachment)

The Chair stated this would be discussed in more detail in the private session and that Reserve Forecasting had been carried out separately by the Chair in addition to the RFO to present different views.

The Chair stated more overtime was incurred than anticipated, there had been a situation where the Council were out of contract with the power supplier and costs had gone through the roof. Reserves are down and calculations would be compared.

The Chair stated that the reserves should be built up rather than waiting till the end of the year.

23. To receive an update on Streetlighting Electricity Costs

Due to a discovery that the Parish Council’s contract ended a few months ago, the Council have incurred high standing charges of £10 per day. The Clerk advised that due to being on an unmetered connection and with not many providers to choose from. A contract with Opus has been agreed for a fixed two-year contract with around 8p per day standing charge and 28p per kWh.

Cllr A Hone asked that thanks to the Clerk for acting to arrange the new contract should be put on record.

A member of the public asked whether they are on time switches and if they can be turned off if needed. It was reported that every other one had already been turned off to save electricity and light sensitive timers were installed.

A member of the public asked if the lights could be turned off at 10pm.

The Chair concluded that further investigation was needed on how to save money. Cllr Duff was recommended to research the rules and regulations to support any future proposals.

8.20pm Public Forum

1. An observation was made regarding the budget for streetlighting maintenance and that a substantial amount was allocated, which LCC Highways could be approached to take on responsibility. This would allow handover of the maintenance budget.

2. An observation was made regarding burglary rates in villages where lighting had been turned off and where the decision had been reversed due to increased crime. The concerns were noted.

3. A question was raised regarding the marquee being such a heavy piece of equipment. It was stated that six to eight people were needed to put it up. The Chair confirmed that a minimum of 7 would now be specified in the forms compiled by the Clerk to anyone using or borrowing it.

4. A statement was made regarding the comments by the District Councillor about how well attended Nocton’s meetings are, and that residents and ex councillors have a lot of knowledge and are interested in what is going on and providing input during Council meetings. They stated that it was wrong to block people out of Council meetings and support would be lost. The Chair stated his agreement.


24. Council to resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following confidential items:

It was proposed by Cllr Browne, seconded by Cllr Robinson and RESOLVED to move into closed session.

During this closed session a number of legal and staffing matters were discussed.  Minutes will be retained in the private and confidential files of the Council


Date of Next Meeting

28.To confirm date of next meeting as Tuesday 11th July 2023

Meeting Closed 9.45pm