16 January 2024 Full council meeting


Held in the Hub Nocton on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.00pm


Chair: Councillor Andy Hone

Vice-chair: Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors: Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall (arrived after the meeting had commenced due to work commitments)

Temporary Clerk: John Money Temporary RFO: Gordon Roe (left before the meeting had ended due to work commitments)


Nocton 200 Club draw: Mr Jim Eagle made the final draw of the Nocton 200 club, regretfully no one has stepped forward to take on the responsibility of running it

Public forum: 10 members of the public, plus the Hub Manager were in attendance: A pothole in the Hub carpark was mentioned. also the lottery which NKCD was mentioned as a replacement to the 200 club.

Action: Temporary Clerk to research

County and District Councillors' reports: None present

The Chair reminded the assembled gathering that once the public forum had ended the meeting would continue under Standing Orders. In extenuating circumstances and only at their discretion the Chair may move the meeting out of formal session to allow a member of public to speak

Agenda Items:

1. Apologies for Absence:

To receive any apologies for absence in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch. 12, para. 40:

Members accepted apologies from Cllr Nick Peplow (work commitments); Cllr Ian Carrington CC (illness); Cllr Fran Pembury DC (previous appointment) and Cllr Dave Parry DC (work commitments) written reports had been received from Cllr D Parry and Cllr Ian Carrington and have been circulated.

2. Declarations of Interest:

To receive declarations of interest under Parish Councils Accepted Code of Conduct, the Localism Act 2011: None declared

3. Minutes:

To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 12 December 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes: with the Chair noting the wrong January meeting date was included by error the draft minutes were accepted unanimously and were duly signed by the Chair.

4. Chair’s Report:

To receive a report from the Chair of the Council. Cllr Andy Hone reported that for the 6th June 80th commemoration of D day, we have the option of lighting a beacon or a small lantern, to be discussed at a later date, correspondencs from Springwell Solar who propose to develop a large solar farm close to the parish, it was agree the Clerk furnish all with the details of events locally. The transfer with AG properties is still ongoing. The Hub user group will meet on Monday 22 January. 2024. Cameron the part time cleaner is leaving today and we thank him for his efforts while he has been with us

5. Hub Manager’s Report:

The Chair read Hub Manager’s report: We have some additional occasional hire bookings and The RA have placed a number of additional hires to their standard usage. Renew may also make some use of the lounge for training sessions in addition to their standard hire. We also have a confirmed booking from NKDC in May and potentially a second in this year and lifeways have also placed additional dates to the first quarter. Updates: noted the bar shutter has been repaired but not serviced, when will the kitchen and bar shutter also be serviced. A change in staffing has been made, outgoings have been reduced by £80 a month. Colin and I will monitor the cleaning and level of cleanliness throughout the building moving forward and increase hours if required. We will occasionally use extra hours when usage requires it.

6. Parish Clerk’s Report:

The Temporary Clerk of the Council reported as follows. Since the last meeting he had dealt with all matters arising and made a response to Historic England regarding the Old Hall delisting. He had completed the face to face lectures relating to the CiLCA clerks qualification and now had to complete the 30 modules required. Had meetings with the Chairman and met with Michaela to look around the Hub building. Speaking as s a retired Surveyor his comments were:

I have been in contact with Anne Marie Shepherd at NKDC and Ross Taylor Heath Farm Energy regarding grant aided works, NK we would have to make a request by 16th February 2024, so for the larger projects 2025

Grant funded works required in the Hub are: proper disabled access; a Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery (MVHR) system in the main hall and the RA Also solar panels be fitted on the roof

The Council should establish a programme of planned / preventative maintenance

In his opinion the council should, within it's reserves, create a Real Estate sinking fund to address future issues as and when they might arise, plus an election sinking fund, a disaster fund. All of these things considered would generate a reserve of circa £18000;

Action: the Chair agreed to note the report for consideration at a later date

7. To discuss and agree the outline budget position for 2024/25 and the level of precept request based upon it. Document circulated on 4th January is the basis of discussion. After a lengthy debate where the rate of charges relating to the Hub, the RA and other related items of expenditure and income were discussed. It came down to a choice between Cllr Duffs 10.9% rise to build the reserves over a period of 5 years or the plan as circulated by the Chair being a 13.3% increase building up reserves in a three year period. Cllr Duff made his 10.9% increase proposal, there being no seconder the motion fell, a further proposal was tabled by the Chair Cllr Hone that the precept figure should rise by 13.3% as detailed in the report, seconded by Cllr Mc Donnell it was resolved by 5 votes for and with one abstention.

Action: the Chair to complete and return the request form (handed to him by the Temporary Clerk) to NKDC.

8. To agree proposed changes to policies and procedures that have been reviewed by councillors to date. This item promoted some debate around what constituted and who qualified as the death of a public figure, It was resolved this event would conform with any notice posted on the gates of Buckingham Palace It was further resolved to accept all the policies as revised by Members to date and reviewed by the Temporary Clerk. These policies will be posted on the council's website.

Action: The Chair and the Temporary Clerk.

9. Planning Matters:

Tree to be clear felled at The Coachmans Cottage: resolved, supported. Replacement oil tank and fuel lines at the Nocton Primary School: resolved, supported.

Action: Temporary Clerk to contact the LPA and the CCPD.

10. Financial Matters: The Chair read the current position.

(a) The current bank balances were noted

(b) To ratify payments for the month of Dec. 2023 and to approve the list of upcoming payments.The council authorised the payments to be made by the RFO

11. Date of Next Meeting: To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on 13th February 2023.

Public forum: The subject of a “thank you” notice board for those involved in the development of the new village hall was raised which had had input from past Cllr Ms Williams, a figure of £70.00 was mentioned and a thank you note to be written.

Action The Chair to progress

14. The Chair moved the meeting into closed session where the press and members of the public are asked to leave; ( Under the requirements of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and as further described in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972; to discuss a personnel matter which related to the appointment of the Proper Officer / Parish Clerk. The Temporary Clerk was asked to stay for the beginning of this part of the meeting while the Chair resolved a procedural matter. Prior to leaving the meeting the TC reminded Members of the importance of stating only fact and not supposition in council email traffic which may be subject to a FOIA request.

It was unanimously agreed to offer the current Temporary Clerk the position on a permanent basis.

Action: The chair to progress