13th February 2024
Tuesday 13th February 2024 at 7.00pm
In Attendance:
Chair: Councillor Andy Hone
Vice-chair: Councillor George McDonnell
Councillors: Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall
District Councillor Dave Parry
4 members of the public were in attendance
Meeting started at 7:03pm
Public forum
A question was raised about the situation concerning the transfer of land and removal of covenants on the Hub between the Parish Council and AG Properties. The response was covered in the Chair’s report - see below
District Councillors Parry's report:
NKDC’s scrutiny committee had recently reviewed the budget position and had concluded that this aspect of NKDC was in good shape.
NKDC had recently focussed more on the issue of fly tipping, stressing that waste removal must be carried out by a licensed carrier with a risk of a fine (up to £1000) or court proceedings with higher penalties if waste is not properly disposed of. Residents can identify to NKDC who they are using to dispose of waste. The “Fix My Streets” service (found on the Parish Council website) is an efficient way of reporting issues such as fly tipping. Some debate was held regarding what constitutes a pothole as one councillor reported that damage had been done to his vehicle by a pothole considered not to be a problem by LCC.
The application to delist Nocton Hall had been refused.
Cllr Parry was asked to chase his LCC colleagues up ref the installation of 30MPH speed limit signs on Nocton Park Road following two recent near misses caused by speeding motorists.
Agenda Items:
In the absence of the Clerk, it was unanimously agreed that Cllr Hone should be acting Clerk
1. Apologies for Absence:
Apology received and accepted for the Parish Clerk. No apology for absence received from Cllr Peplow.
2. Declarations of Interest: None declared.
3. Minutes: To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 16 January 2024 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes.
Minutes approved with the addition of the phrase “due to work commitments” to explain Cllr Marshall’s arrival after the meeting had started and to explain the departure of Gordon Roe (RFO) before the meeting ended.
4. Chair’s Report:
The Nocton 200 Club will continue as two residents have agreed to take on the running of the Club The Chair thanked Jan and John Burrows for their commitment and looked forward to hearing from them.
Reports of increased incidences of dog fouling in the village have been received. Messages will be posted around the village (notice boards, facebook site) to remind dog owners of their responsibilities.
To confirm that the delisting application for Nocton Hall had been refused and that Ben Wills of 360 Rural had accepted an invitation to update the village at the March Parish Council meeting. The decision detail to be posted on the Parish Council website.
AG Property update - the Parish Council’s solicitor should shortly receive updated plans which will be considered by the Parish Council at the earliest opportunity. The increase in rent for the storage garage was raised and it was agreed that Cllr Duff would challenge the size of the increase.
The Council’s personnel committee has recently met - proposals from this meeting will be considered at the next Parish Council meeting in March (in private session due to confidentiality). The next meeting of the Personnel Committee would include the review of the remaining Parish Council people related policies : Lone Working & Safeguarding.
5. Hub Manager’s Report:
Potential Hub decorating dates were given - Councillors were asked to identify when/if they were available to help.
Occasional bookings and regular bookings continue to increase and feedback remains positive.
New hire prices (from April) are now in the Hallmaster system and have been communicated to regular hirers.
Kitchen shutter will remain open with a notice informing users in place. Parishioners can be assured that this does not contravene fire regulations
6. Parish Clerk’s Report:
Apologies for not being able to attend the meeting were given.
All Parish correspondence and administration is up to date.
Councillors and public are able to submit their views regarding the Springwell Solar farm plans - deadline is 22nd February 2024.
Councillors and public are encouraged to consider the Nocton Hall and Hospital site as a single entity in developing questions for Ben Wills at the next meeting. The Clerk will seek advice from Development Control in advance of the meeting.
6a. To consider an application for Nocton 200 Club funds for the purchase of 2 x wooden chairs with arms for use in the Hub - maximum of £180
Agreed with 4 votes for and 2 abstentions subject to the supply of an invoice after purchase.
7. To discuss and agree Councillor responsibilities for being the lead on certain PC topics in order to even out workload on councillors and to make the PC more effective.
Key topics will be circulated to Councillors with suggested responsibilities. It is important to ensure that conflicts of interest are avoided in this process.
8. To agree proposed changes to policies and procedures that have been reviewed by councillors to date.
Outstanding policies to review shown below. Any changes will be suggested and circulated to all councillors in time for validation at the meeting in March.
Communications - Cllr Robinson to review
Social Media - Cllr Browne to circulate suggested policy
Events - Cllr McDonnell to review
9. To agree on how to proceed with specific hub improvement items
Car park improvements (lighting and car park surface) - Cllr McDonnell to obtain quotations for consideration and suggest if improvements could be made by PC members.
Car park responsibility - Cllr Hone to verify that it is the PC’s responsibility to carry out such repairs.
10. NKDC Lottery funding ideas - up to £500 can be applied for to assist community ideas
It was agreed that this should be pursued. Cllr Hone to circulate funding requirements and all Councillors to suggest ideas for the benefit of the village and its residents.
11. Planning Matters:
12. Financial Matters:
(a) To note the current bank balances - Noted
(b) To ratify payments for the month of Jan. 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming payments - Ratified
13. Date of Next Meeting:
To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on 12th March 2024.
Public forum (10mins)
Clarification was sought and given regarding the opening of the kitchen shutter door.
Meeting finished at 8:15pm