12th November 2024


Tuesday 12th November 2024 at 7.00pm


Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone

Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors:​ Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall, (1 vacancy)

Clerk: ​​John Money RFO: Gordon Roe

Attendance: Cllrs Hone, Robinson, Duff, Marshall, Carrington, and Parry plus 6 members of the public.

The Council Chair Councillor Andy Hone opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed Councillors and all members of the public present.

Public forum (15 minutes)

  • A question was raised concerning progress on the grant application for solar panel and insulation installation - the Chair replied that this topic would be covered under agenda item 5 below.


County and District Councillors' reports

  • Cllr Carrington identified the following points: Items previously raised by parishioners would be responded to by email; 135,000 items of repair have been carried out by LCC in the last 12 months and “Fix My Streets” is the best way of reporting issues; Flood prevention work is ongoing with a report expected before Christmas; Discussions with central Government continue regarding the N Hykeham relief road which would be locally very beneficial if completed; A question regarding the planting of more trees on sections of the Lincoln bypass was raised - sadly the ground is not fertile enough to support vegetation.

  • Cllr Parry identified the following points: An extraordinary meeting agreed to appeal to central Government to reinstate Winter Fuel payments to all pensioners.  A petition is available via Age UK; A joint committee of districts has been formed to provide a stronger voice at Mayoral level.  Mayor in place from May 2025; Council tax support scheme is under review - consultation closes 18/11/24; Tourism strategy being developed to increase visitation rates.


Agenda Items:

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies received from Parish Clerk and Cllr Browne.  None were received from Cllr McDonnell.

2. Declarations of Interest: None declared.

3. Minutes: Full Council Meeting minutes for 8 October 2024 approved and signed (with amendment to end of meeting time).

4. Matters arising from previous meetings.  Manhole cover replacement in progress (Clerk); Dado rail (already approved) to be fitted (Clerk & Chair).

5. Chair’s Report: Solar panel and insulation grant successful with installation before year end; AG properties contract exchange achieved - completion before month end; Cellar floor repair due in February - meeting to agree specific dates still to be scheduled; Thanks given to Potterhanworth PC and Church for organising the joint Remembrance service, thanks also to Nocton WI for the lovely poppy displays in the village; A Parish Councillor vacancy still exists.

6. Hub Manager’s Report: Bookings are healthy with 2 new regular bookers; PAT testing currently being arranged; minor issues with Hub reported.

7. Parish Clerk’s Report: None given.

8. To discuss whether regular articles for local publications should be produced.  It was agreed to ask the Hub User Group if anyone would be prepared to write a Limespring article extolling the virtues of The Hub (Chair); it was also agreed that Cllr Duff would write a Parish Council Limespring article based on items provided by the Chair (Cllr Duff / Chair)

9. To review and possibly accept the proposed NPC Financial Regulations. Proposed Cllr Robinson, seconded Cllr Marshall and agreed unanimously.

10. Update on 2023/4 Internal Audit recommendations.  Suggested responsibilities in the paper circulated on 8th November were agreed unanimously.

11. To agree to appoint an internal auditor for 2024/5. (Covered out of order) It was agreed to understand who other PCs use for their internal audit and the value these bring (Chair) and to defer the agreement to appoint LALC (or other) to the December meeting.

12. To consider options to increase storage at The Hub.  It was agreed to action option 1 on the paper circulated on 8th November with option 2 to possibly follow if costs were acceptable. (Hub Manager)

13. Planning Matters: It was agreed to note our support for 24/1296/TCA and 24/0966/FUL (Clerk)

14. Financial Matters: 

(a) To note the current bank balances - noted

(b) To ratify payments for the month of October 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming payments - ratified

15. Date of Next Meeting: Meeting date of 10/12/24 was agreed.


Public forum (10mins)

  • The importance of a robust audit process was stressed 

  • Solar panel battery will be stored outside

  • Once exact dates of solar panel installation are known, neighbours and users will be informed with any potential disruption highlighted.

The Chair thanked the public for their attendance and active participation.

16. The Chair then moved the meeting into private session where the proposed personnel suggestion was rejected by use of the Chair’s casting vote.


The meeting finished at 8:44pm.