12th March 2024


Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7.00pm


Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone

Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors:​ Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall with one vacancy

Clerk: ​​John Money​ Temporary RFO: Gordon Roe


Attendance: Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone; Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell; Councillors; Paul Browne; Martin Duff, Richard Robinson; Richard Marshall; and the Clerk: ​​John Money. There were 8 members of the public in attendance.


Update on plans for Nocton Hall and Hospital Site from Ben Wills (360 Rural) Leda Properties local agent

Ben Wills gave an overview of the planning status of both the Old Hall and the RAF Nocton Hall Hospital site: he said while the application to de-list the Old Hall had been unsuccessful, the listing had been amended to reflect the ruinous state of the building, he answered Members and a member of the public’s questions and assured them any further developments will be communicated to the them / the PC when they become apparent. Ben Wills confirmed that the Hall and the Hospital site were considered as a single entity (which is in accord with both the Neighbourhood Plan and the Options Appraisal) and also identified that grounds maintenance works were planned for winter 2024. Frustration was expressed by the Chair over the length of time being taken to develop plans, Ben Wills assured the meeting that efforts were ongoing to develop plans for the site that account for the interests of the village.  Leda Properties to provide an update once the outcome of their appeal for delisting the hall is known.


Public forum (15 minutes)

No questions or observations at this time.

County and District Councillors' reports

Cllr Carrington spoke regarding the LCC budget noting the authority is still operating at a £7 million deficit, the extent of the highways maintenance schedule, the county Mayor prospect, economies of scale and the local flooding due to Storm Babet and subsequent flooding issues.

Cllr Parry spoke regarding the NKDC NK Plan, the budget, and productivity.

Agenda Items:

1. Apologies for Absence: None received, or necessary.

2. Declarations of Interest: None declared.

3. Minutes: the minutes of the February meeting were accepted including some minor amendments. It was resolved the Chair sign them as the official minutes of the meeting.

4. Chair’s Report: the Chair informed Members Cll Nick Peplow had informed the Clerk via email he wished to resign as a Member of the Parish Council with immediate effect. The Clerk said he would inform NKDC Democratic Services Assistant Director of the vacancy. The Chair said he would write to Mr Peplow and thank him for his service to the Parish Council. The Chair went on to update Members of the ongoing revised legal agreement with AG Properties

5. Hub Manager’s Report: It had been agreed that the 27th and 28th of April 2024 for the volunteers to decorate the village hall, the new chairs had been acquired and bookings were continuing to rise.

6. Parish Clerk’s Report: The Clerk clarified one or two issues related to the old hall, he also informed members all correspondence and administration matters were up-to-date and the councils email account had received a phishing email which he had reported to the relevant government department.

7. To discuss and agree Councillor responsibilities for being the lead on certain PC topics in order to even out workload on councillors and to make the PC more effective.

After a short debate it was resolved Members would adopt the allocated roles and the Chair encouraged Members to take the opportunity to receive LALC training should they so wish, or they feel it necessary. The Clerk agreed that regarding the members involved in planning matters, he would ensure all correspondence was forwarded as soon as it was received and if necessary an extension of time would be applied for.

8. To agree proposed changes to policies and procedures that have been reviewed by councillors to date:

It was resolved to accept the proposed updated the policies including Communication and Social Media all as listed

9. To agree on how to proceed with specific hub improvement items

- Car park surface improvements: The Chair informed members that the access road involved that in his opinion the maintenance liability lay with the freeholder and was not the PC’s responsibility. It was therefore agreed to defer this item and he thanked Councillor McDonnell for acquiring the two quotes presented.

- Hub Interior Sign: after some debate it was resolved to procure the sign from Sign Shop who provided the most favourable quotation.

10. To review and agree the proposed Recruitment Policy for NPC After some debate relating to the recruitment policy, it was tabled that the future applicants would provide details of any unspent criminal convictions when applying for posts with the PC. With that amendment included it was resolved to accept the proposal.

11. Planning Matters: To note and consider any planning applications received or determined since the last meeting and to decide any comments or further action that the Council wishes to take. Including the following applications: -

None pending.

12. Financial Matters: after some debate it was agreed that the Chair asks the RFO to make the spreadsheet a little more legible and easier to read.

(a) To note the current bank balances. Noted.

(b) To ratify payments for the month of Feb. 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming payments.Ratification resolved.

(c) To discuss and ratify the 2024/25 budget for Nocton Parish Council. After a lengthy debate the following was clarified: it was resolved at the January meeting that the Precept was to increase by 13% ; if the Hub sub account shows a surplus in excess of £3000 this excess monies will be transferred into the main PC fund / a/c and it was also confirmed that the charges to hire of the hub had been raised by 10%. The budget was then accepted and thus resolved

13. To agree meeting dates for 2024/25 meetings: it was resolved that the 2024/25 PC meetings would be scheduled to meet on the second Tuesday of the calendar month.

14. Date of Next Meeting: To confirm that the next meeting of the Council will take place on 9th April 2024.

Public forum (10mins)

A question was raised relating to the precept that was answered by the Chair satisfactorily

The Chair closed the meeting at 20.47hrs and thanked all for their attendance