Annual Parish Council Meeting - 14th May 2024


Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 7.30pm


Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone

Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell

Councillors:​ Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall, (1 vacancy) 

Clerk: ​​John Money ​ RFO: Gordon Roe

Attendance: Chair:​​ Councillor Andy Hone, Councillors:​ Paul Browne, Martin Duff, Richard Robinson. Clerk John F Money,

Public forum (15 minutes): previously submitted in the APM with the following point raised with according action:

  • A resident raised the issue of a bonfire recently taking place at the Nocton Park Allotments after some discussion The Chair asked the Clerk to write to NPML to request that they in turn write to their allotment holders to remind them that this is forbidden within their rules of use: Action Clerk

County and District Councillors' reports: previously submitted in the APM.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded all that the meeting was being recorded for minute taking purposes.

County and District Councillors' reports: previously submitted in the APM.

Agenda Items:

1. To elect the Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year and to receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Cllr Andy Hone was elected unanimously to serve as Chair for the council year 2024/25 and he duly signed the acceptance of office form.

2. To elect the Vice-Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year and to receive the Vice-Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office. Councillor George McDonnell was elected unanimously to serve as Vice Chair for the council year 2024/25 and it was resolved that Cllr McDonnell should sign the acceptance of office form at the earliest opportunity.

3. Apologies for Absence: Vice-chair: ​Councillor George McDonnell, Councillors  Richard Marshall,

4. Declarations of Interest: None submitted

5. Minutes: To approve as a correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on 09 April 2024 and to authorise the Chair to sign them as the official minutes. Accepted and duly signed

6. Chair’s Report: To receive a report from the Chair of the Council. The Chair spoke regarding the internal audit being carried out by LALC and the few recommendations they had made; the AGAR return and the work involved, also the due date for submission to the external auditors; he thanked all involved in the Hub re-decoration; the proposed litter/dog waste bin and the hand drier which had been donated by a local business. He went on to discuss the ongoing patent defect in the Ripon Arms cellar floor; it was agreed to request a response from the main contractor by 1st September 2024. The Member vacancy was mentioned and the co-option process to procure a new Member.. Action Chair/Clerk

7. Hub Manager’s Report: bookings for the Hub are steady and as usual for this time of year; an inspection cover is broken and the fire exit door is sticking. Action Clerk

8. Parish Clerk’s Report: Since the last meeting - Clerk’s involvement in the internal audit and the AGAR return; attended a Zoom course on community energy saving grants. Both Potterhanworth Parish Council and a parishioner have emailed the Clerk regarding increased HGV movements in both villages - Councillor Ian Carrington has been copied into the replies and emails and we will leave it in his capable hands. Cllr  Carrington has notified the council about highways contractors volunteering days for our consideration; a list of proposed capital works will be made available to Members for a meeting to be arranged. Action Clerk

9. To agree proposed changes to policies and procedures that have been reviewed by councillors to date (GDPR Policies).After some debate it was resolved to accept the policies as slightly amended. Action Chair to update the Website.

10. Personnel Committee membership and terms of reference. Personnel Committee members were reminded of their terms of reference and were informed of the recommendations of the recent LALC audit (membership publicised and minutes published).

11. Planning Matters: it was resolved to support the recent planning application 24/0430/HOUS at 65 Wellhead Lane Nocton: Action the Clerk

12. To discuss whether the School Fete should be held on The Green on 29th June 2024 Resolved unanimously: Action Clerk.

13. Financial Matters: the RFO is busy with year end accounts, internal audit and getting ready for the submission of the AGAR form to council and subsequently to the External Auditor. 

(a) To note the current bank balances. Noted.- £48,609.200 after receiving the Precept sum from NKDC

(b) To ratify payments for the month of April 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming payments. Ratified.

14. Date of Next Meeting: the next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on 11th June 2024. 

Public forum (10mins)

The precept sum; the litter bin on the dog walking field; the proposed alterations to the Hub were mentioned. Regarding the Hub the Chair explained all options are on the table.

The Chair closed the meeting at 9.07pm; thanked all for attending the meetings and wished them a safe journey home.