16th December 2024 - Minutes
Monday 16th December 2024 at 7.00pm
Chair: Councillor Andy Hone
Vice-chair: Councillor George McDonnell
Councillors: Paul Browne, Richard Robinson, Richard Marshall, (2 vacancies)
Clerk: John Money RFO: Gordon Roe
Attendance: Cllrs Hone, McDonnell, Robinson, Marshall, and Parry (NKDC) plus 6 members of the public.
The Council Chair Councillor Andy Hone opened the meeting at 7:00 pm and welcomed Councillors and all members of the public present.
Public forum (15 minutes)
The subject of the joint neighbourhood plan was Potterhanworth was raised by a member of the public; the Chair explained that while the existing local plan is now getting quite aged, it is not the right time to undertake a review of this plan until more is understood of national and county policies.
District Councillor’s report:
Cllr D Parry spoke regarding the NKDC full council meeting of 12th December 2024; Outreach, Sleaford Market Place; Pensions Credits and bin collections.
The Chair thanked Cllr D Parry for his contribution to the meeting.
The Chair moved the meeting into formal session where Standing Orders apply; the Chair pointed out that in extreme circumstances he would move the meeting out of formal session to allow a member of the public to speak, but only at his discretion.
Agenda Items
1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies received from Cllr Carrington and Cllr Browne.
2. Declarations of Interest: None declared
3. Minutes: The minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on 12th November 2024 were approved (proposed Cllr McDonnell; seconded Cllr Robinson) and signed by the Chair.
4. Matters arising from previous meetings: Inspection cover in the Hub car park;the Clerk reported that highways volunteers had committed to attend to this matter.; the hub redecoration was mentioned, it was thought that the fitting of the dado rail to the events room was paramount: Action Chair & Clerk.
5. Chair’s Report: The Chair thanked those who had donated the Christmas tree and decorated the hub internally. Also mentioned were: broken street lamp on Nocton Park Road has been reported to LCC; repair to the cellar floor is scheduled for February; solar panels are now fitted to the roof, albeit the scaffolding is still erected and finally he thanked retired Councillor Martin Duff for all his efforts during his term as a parish councillor.
6. Hub Manager’s Report: None given
7. Parish Clerk’s Report: monthly administration matters were up to date and all of the emails that had been in the inbox for quite a long time have now been all filed; he went on to talk further about the solar panel installation and how it is important to control the use of it; he hoped to be able to fit the dado rail with the assistance of the Chair in the new year: Action Chair & Clerk
8. To discuss whether the RFO should be given authority to research the electricity market and appoint a supplier under delegated authority (as was the case last time): after a short debate it was resolved unanimously (proposed Cllr Marshall; seconded Cllr McDonnell) to delegate authority to the RFO to procure the best rate he can for the electricity supply to the parish council. Action RFO
9. To agree to appoint an internal auditor for 2024/5: after a short debate it was resolved (proposed Cllr McDonnell; seconded Cllr Robinson) to appoint the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) to carry out the internal audit for the accounting year 2024/25. Action Clerk
10. Planning Matters: it was resolved to support both the planning application and the listed building consent application that related to Nocton Primary School. It was requested that the Clerk inquire from the LPA the situation in relation to the unresolved application of number 72a Steamer Point Road this application has now been lodged for a very long time.. Action Clerk
11. Financial Matters:
(a) To note the current bank balances: noted
(b) To ratify payments for the month of November 2024 and to approve the list of upcoming payments: Ratified unanimously.
(c) To discuss and possibly approve the 2025/6 budget and precept request: The discussion paper (previously circulated) was summarised by the Chair. Following some discussion and one minor amendment the budget proposal and the precept request were both unanimously agreed (proposed Cllr McDonnell; seconded Cllr Marshall). Headlines include:
The three year plan to improve the PC’s reserves to required levels should be continued (this is year 2)
Savings from solar panels (recently installed) are anticipated but the level of savings cannot be accurately calculated - a conservative estimate has been used.
Increased employment costs due to pay scale increases and NI contributions are larger than usual
Largely increased water charges have been included
Inflation estimated at 2.5%
Street lighting repairs are included in the budget for 2025/26
Increases in Hub hire rates of between 4% and 8% (depending upon room) were agreed
A 9.5% increase over last year in the precept was agreed (£9.71 annual increase equivalent per household for a band D house). This will still leave Nocton as below average compared to equivalent sized PCs
Action: Chair & Clerk to make the precept request.
Action: RFO to formalise the budget for 2025/26.
Action: Hub Manager to increase hire rates starting April 2025
12. 200 Club Request; request for £127.71 for a wheeled chair stacker, which will be of use for all Hub users; unanimously resolved (proposed Cllr Robinosn; seconded Cllr McDonnell). Action: Chair.
13. Date of Next Meeting: 14/01/25: Resolved. Action Chair & Clerk to prepare the Agenda.
Public Forum:
A question on the efficiency of the solar panels was raised. The Chair replied that we could only estimate at this stage and that more accurate figures would be given once known.
The Chair then thanked attendees and wished them a very happy Christmas and a happy new year.
13. Closed session: Where staffing matters were resolved. Action: Chair; RFO & Payroll
Meeting finished at 9.00pm