February 8 2022 - agenda

Acting Chair: Councillor Mike Clarke
Vice-chair: To be appointed
Councillors:  Neil Faulkner, Ian Goldsworthy, Mike Kaye, Graham Kempster, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 8 FEBRUARY 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
Please note that any Public Questions will be taken prior to the start of the meeting in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders No. 1(e).  At the time of the publication of the agenda, no such questions had been received.
1. Chair’s Welcome and reminder that the Meeting will be recorded
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of the Meetings of the Parish Council held on 11 and 25 January 2022
To agree the minutes of those meetings as a correct record of the proceedings.
5. Parish Council Investigation into the Former Clerk (Ms Ruth Keillar)
The Acting Chair will make a statement (copy attached).
6. Response to the Village Petition
To note the Parish Council’s response as follows:
In September, a petition was received from residents which contained a significant number of signatures expressing a lack of confidence in the Parish Council whilst it was being advised by its (then) Parish Clerk, Mr S Baxter.  The Parish Council did make comments about the petition at the meeting on 9 Nov 21.  The Parish Council is mindful that it has not yet been able to respond formally to the petition, but following recent events it is now able to do so.
At the time the petition was submitted, the Parish Council was already aware of an increasing number of issues about the advice it was receiving from its Clerk and was taking action to address these concerns.  Unfortunately, for reasons of confidentiality, the Parish Council was unable at the time to say more about the matter or action under consideration at that time.
Since then, the former Clerk has resigned from the Parish Council’s employment and to that extent the terms of the petition are no longer relevant.  Having said that, however, the Parish Council would like to confirm that it is fully committed to rebuilding the trust and confidence of the local community and looks forward to re-engaging with residents in a more transparent and open way. We appreciate the effort and time those residents took to organise the petition in order that it could be made aware of the strength of feeling in the village about this matter.
7. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive the reports of the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
8. Acting Clerk/Chair’s Report
(a) Schedule of Payments Made and Income Received – To note the following payments which have been made and income received
(b) Parish Council’s Bank Account – To note the current position regarding access.
(c) Resignation of the Former Clerk – To note the current position regarding the return of the Parish Council’s equipment, records and data.
(d) Parish Council Website – To note the current position.
(e) Advert for New Parish Clerk.
(f) Opus Energy – Negotiation of new Account.
(g) Articles for Limespring Hundred.
(h) Safety Inspection of Street Lighting.
(i) To note that the Agency for the Valuation Office has confirmed they have received and actioned the Parish Council`s documentation regarding rating situation for The Hub.
(j) Correspondence – To note any correspondence received since the last Ordinary Meeting.  
9. Nocton 200 Club
To note the current position regarding the payment of those grants agreed at the meeting of the Parish Council on 9 November 2021:  Payment is pending at the bank for the grant to Nocton Primary School; and action is being taken to try to resolve the projector and screen issue for Nocton Gardening Club.  It is understood that sufficient funds have now been raised for the Community Defibrillator Project at Nocton Park so no grant from the 200 Club will be required.  It was noted at the last meeting that the grant to “Renew@NoctonHub” had been paid.
10. Hub Management Group
Councillor George McDonnell will report on the following issues:
(a) Nocton Hub Hire Charges from 1 April 2022
To consider a recommendation from the Hub Management Group for revised Hub Hire charges.
(b) Hub Toilets: Plumber Call-Out and Charge
12. Planning Issues
To note that at the time of the publication of the agenda, there were no planning applications/proposed tree works requiring consideration by the Parish Council.
13. Land Behind Nocton Hub
Councillor Mike Kaye to report on issues arising from the recent sale of the land behind Nocton Hub, including the track/pathway leading from Wellhead Lane to The Hub and garages.
14. Proposed Footpath from Lincoln Road to village
Councillor Graham Kempster will speak on this matter.
15.  Refurbishment of Nocton Village Sign.
Councillor Williams will speak on this matter.
16. Date of Next Meeting
To note that the Parish Council will return to meeting on the second Tuesday of each month.  As such, the next meetings will be held on 8 March and 12 April 2022 commencing at 7.00 p.m.
17. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential.
18. Resignation of Former Clerk
To consider whether the position regarding the return of the Parish Council’s records and data, etc, including any implications for the 2021/22 Financial Audit, requires any further action.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
35 Wellhead Lane, Nocton LN4 2BW
Email: cllr_m_clarke@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk