March 8 2022 - Agenda
Chair: Councillor Mike Clarke
Vice-chair: To be appointed
Councillors: Neil Faulkner, Ian Goldsworthy, Mike Kaye, Graham Kempster, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 8 MARCH 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
Please note that any Public Questions will be taken prior to the start of the meeting in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders No. 1(e). At the time of the publication of the agenda, no such questions had been received.
1. Chair’s Welcome
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Formal Appointment of Chair
Following recent advice from LALC, it is necessary to appoint formally Councillor Mike Clarke as Chair of Nocton Parish Council, the term “Acting Chair” not being valid in the current circumstances.
5. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 February 2022
To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting as a correct record of the proceedings.
6. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive the reports of the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
7. Acting Clerk/Chair’s Report
(a) Schedule of Payments – To note the following payments made and income received:
(b) Parish Council’s Bank Accounts: To note the current position.
(c) Resignation of the Former Clerk: To note the current position regarding the return of the Parish Council’s equipment, records and data.
(d) Parish Council Website: To note the current position and agree arrangements for its update, etc until such time as a new Parish Clerk is appointed and in post.
(e) Appointment of Parish Clerk: To note the current position.
(f) Opus Energy: To note the current position regarding the negotiation of a new Account.
(g) Correspondence – To note any correspondence received since the last Meeting.
8. Parish Council Internal Audit 2021/22
(a) To note the current position regarding the work currently in hand to prepare for the Internal Audit 2021/22.
(b) To approve an Auditor to undertake the Internal Audit for 2021/22.
9. Request for Grant-aid from Citizens Advice Bureau
To consider a request for grant-aid from Mid Lincolnshire CAB.
10. Nocton 200 Club
(a) To note a request from the Nocton and District WI for sound equipment for use in The Hub to assist those people with hearing impairment (item deferred from previous meeting). It is proposed that the item be considered in conjunction with Item 11(d) below.
(b) To note the current position regarding the Gardening Club’s application for a Projector and Screen.
11. Hub Management Group
(a) Minutes of the Hub Management Group
To consider the minutes of the HMG held on 3 January 2022 and to agree any necessary actions.
(b) Nocton Hub Hire Charges from 1 April 2022
To consider further recommendations from the Hub Management Group for revised Hub Hire charges following the request at the last meeting for further information, including comparative charges with similar neighbouring venues and evidence of need for any increases at the current time.
(c) Hub Toilets
To note the current position following the recent work to clear blockages in the drains.
(d) Pest Control Service
To consider the action to be taken following a call-out to a Pest Control Service (Healthguard Ltd) to deal with evidence of rats in the vicinity of The Hub. The costs of the various options are as follows (all costs excl. VAT):
The cost of the 3 x visit treatment to treat the ongoing rat issue will be £210.00
If additional visits are required due to, for example a drain defect, they will be charged at £70.00 per visit.
The cost of a Pest Control Service contract will be £105.00per quarter.
The cost of supply and install tamper resistant external rat boxes will be £25.00 per unit.
(e) Provision of Audio Equipment in the Events Hall to meet the Needs of People with Hearing Impairment
To consider how best to respond to this need following specialist advice.
(f) Proposed Hub Opening Weekend – 9th/10th April 2022
Councillor MaryAnn Williams to report.
12. Planning Issues
Councillor Mike Kaye to report. At the time of publication of the agenda there were no planning applications requiring comment.
12. Land Behind Nocton Hub
Councillor Mike Kaye to report on issues arising from the recent sale of the land behind Nocton Hub, including that relating for the rent of the land which was the site of the former “Builder’s Compound”.
13. Defibrillator – Nocton Hub
Further to his presentation to the last meeting, to consider an offer from Steve Coles-Reid to purchase new pads and a battery/trickle charger for the Defibrillator sited at The Hub from surplus funds raised for the device at Nocton Park. He has further advised that the Defibrillator itself is no longer made although spares are still available. A new and more functional device would cost c£1400 (excl. VAT).
To note also that Steve Coles-Reid aims to deliver CPR and Defibrillator training later in the year.
13. Nocton Village Archive
To note that as a consequence of a rationalisation of accommodation, etc at The Hive, Dyson Farming has now returned to the Parish Council the Village Archive. This currently being stored in The Hub although it will be necessary to identify a longer term solution for this valuable village asset.
14. Refurbishment of Nocton Village Sign.
To note the current position.
15. Date of Next Meetings
(a) To note that the next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be held on 12 April 2022 commencing at 7.00 p.m. However, if necessary, an Extra-ordinary Meeting will be required to confirm the recommendation of the Appointment Panel regarding the appointment of a new Parish Clerk.
(b) To agree a date for the Annual Parish Meeting and a topic/issues for discussion. The holding of an Annual Parish Meeting is a statutory requirement and must take place between 1 March and 1 June of each year.
16. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential.
17. Resignation of Former Parish Clerk
To consider further matters associated with the resignation, etc of the former Parish Clerk and to agree future action.
18. Freedom of Information Request
To consider whether or not, in connection with a resident’s FoI request, to release the Private and Confidential Minute of the meeting held on 24 April, 2021 which contains the detailed decisions of the Parish Council associated with the investigation into its then former Parish Clerk. A copy of the Minute has been circulated to Members of the Parish Council only.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
35 Wellhead Lane, Nocton LN4 2BW