June 16 2022 - Agenda
Chair: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair: Councillor Mike Kaye
Councillors: Mike Clarke, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (two vacancies)
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on THURSDAY, 16 JUNE 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Karen Steels-Tallett
Parish Clerk
At the time of the publication of the Agenda, no questions had been received under Standing Order No. 1 (e). However, prior to the consideration of the formal business there will be an opportunity for a maximum period of fifteen minutes for members of the public to raise issues associated with any item on the meeting’s agenda.
Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to attempt to participate in the discussion of agenda items unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or inhabitant of the area).
3. Minutes of the Meetings of the Parish Council
To approve the minutes of (i) the Annual Parish Council Meeting and subsequent Ordinary Meeting held on 10 May and (ii) the Extra-ordinary Meeting held on 30 May 2022 (previously circulated).
4. Appointment of Co-opted Member(s)
To consider the appointment of Mr Richard (Dick) Marshall as a co-opted member of Nocton Parish Council (application previously circulated).
5. Appointment of Committees, etc
To appoint 3 x members to the Personnel Committee
6. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
7. Parish Clerk’s Report
(a) Schedule of Payments – To note the following payments made and income received since the last meeting
(b) Parish Council’s Bank Accounts:
To note the following position as at 31 May 2022:
PC Main Account: £30,956.27; Hub Account: £10,444,14; 200 Club Account
(c) Correspondence
To receive an update on correspondence received.
8. Parish Council Internal Audit 2021/22
(a) To approve the Parish Council’s Asset Register as at 31 March 2022 (previously circulated).
(b) To note the outcome of the internal audit (report of Auditor previously circulated) and to approve/sign the AGAR documents for submission to the External Auditor y 30 June 2022.
9. Parish Council Website
To note the current position.
10. Provision of Grit/Salt Bin
To note the current position.
11. Grass Cutting at Nocton Park
To note that Councillor George McDonnell has been in contact with NPML to advise that the Parish Council is not in a position to carry out the cutting of those grass verges at Nocton Park which are the responsibility of other bodies, eg the Highways Authority.
12. Nocton Hub
To note the current position regarding the following matters:
(a) External Noticeboard for The Hub (Min. No. 7.4(iv)) (Cllr M. Clarke)
(b) Anti-fungal Paint to Cellar Room and provision of splashbacks in the Male Toilets (Min. No. 12(d)) (Chair)
(c) Access Ramp (Min. No. 12(e)) (Cllr G. McDonnell)
(d) Commemorative Plaque (Min. No. 12(h)) (Cllr M. Williams)
(e) Use of Decals by Ripon Arms (Min. No. 12(j)) (Cllr M. Kaye)
(f) CCTV (Min. No. 12.2) (Cllr M. Kaye)
(g) Storage (Cllr M. Williams)
13. Planning, etc Issues
To agree the Parish Council’s response to the following planning applications:
(a) Erection of oak Framed Entrance Porch at Chestnut House, The Green
(b) Demolition of Existing Conservatory and Erection of Single Storey Rear Extension at 3 Parklands Avenue
14. Village Green – Dandelion Clock
To note the current position (Cllr George McDonnell)
15. Date of Next Meeting
To note that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 12th July 2022 at 7.00 p.m. at Nocton Hub.
At the conclusion of the public session, there will be a period of ten minutes in which members of the public may ask questions and/or comment on the issues discussed by the Parish Council during the course of the evening or to raise any other matters of concern or interest.
16. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential.
17. Land at the Rear of Nocton Hub
To note the outcome of the recent meeting between the Chair and Vice-chair and the owners of the land at the rear of the Hub and to consider any future action, etc. (Cllr Mike Kaye to report)
18. Freedom of Information Request
To consider a further response to a Freedom of Information request submitted by a resident of Nocton following the Parish Council’s decision not to release certain information relating to the previous Parish Clerk.
Karen Steel-Tallett (Parish Clerk) 45 Wragby Road, Bardney LN3 5X 1
Email: clerk@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk