November 8 2022 - Agenda
Chair: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair: Councillor Mike Kaye
Councillors: Andy Hone, Richard Marshall, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (one vacancy)
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 8 NOVEMBER 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Councillor Ian Goldsworthy, Acting Parish Clerk
At the time of the publication of the Agenda, no questions had been received under Standing Order No. 1 (e). However, prior to the consideration of the formal business there will be an opportunity for a maximum period of fifteen minutes for members of the public to raise issues associated with any item on the meeting’s agenda.
Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to attempt to participate in the discussion of agenda items unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.
1. Apologies for Absence
At the time of the publication of the agenda, Councillors Richard Marshall and MaryAnn Williams had submitted their apologies for absence to the Acting Parish Clerk.
2. Declarations of Interest
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or inhabitant of the area).
3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 11 October 2022 (previously circulated).
4. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
5. Responsible Financial Officer’s Report (report to follow)
(i) To note payments made and income received since the last meeting
(ii) To note the position regarding the Parish Council’s Bank Accounts
(iii) Budget Monitoring
(iv) To approve the payment to the Responsible Financial Officer
The RFO has submitted her time-sheet to the Chair/Acting Parish Clerk for the period 3 to 31 October, 2022. The Parish Council is, therefore, asked to approve a net payment of £470.70 (for 31.4 hours) which will be processed through the Payroll Service. Provision for this payment is contained within the current approved budget. The payment also includes an Office Allowance of £15, reimbursement of £25 for the Remembrance Wreath (approved at the last meeting but not yet paid) and a refund of income tax overpaid in August, the amount of which will be deducted from the Parish Council’s next payment to HMRC. The Chair/Acting Clerk and Vice-chair have inspected the RFO’s associated Work Diary on which the time-sheet was based. The Diary is also open to inspection by other parish councillors should they so wish.
(v) To note the current and projected financial position for 2022/23 relating to Nocton Hub (report attached)
6. Acting Parish Clerk’s Report
(i) Correspondence
To note any correspondence received and not dealt with in the agenda items.
(ii) Tree Inspection
Further to Minute No. 8(ii) of the last meeting, the NKDC Tree Officer has submitted a report consequent upon his inspection of those trees in parish council ownership, a summary of which is set out below:
The Chair and Vice-chair were due to meet with Lincolnshire Eco-arborists on 5 November in order to discuss the work required in more detail and to obtain a cost. They will report back to the meeting.
(iii) Website Update
To note the current position regarding the work being undertaken by the RFO to rebuild the Parish Council’s website.
(iv) Appointment of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer
The Parish Council is asked to note that an advert for a Parish Clerk/RFO has been placed on the LALC Website with a closing date of 30 November 2022. Details will also be provided in the forthcoming issue of the Limespring.
7. Review of Parish Council Policies, etc
Financial Regulations
To review the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations (report attached).
A report on the remaining Parish Council policies, etc will be presented to the next meeting
8. Lincolnshire Police Priority Setting Meetings
Neighbourhood Policing Teams Priority Setting Meetings are held quarterly, where the Force and other Partners, e.g. The Office of Police and Crime, Council representatives etc. attend and as a group discuss what priorities there should be. These priorities are based on crime statistics as well as community thoughts and ongoing work in the area. The Priorities then inform engagement in the local areas.
The Parish Council has, therefore, been invited to indicate its three main priorities for policing in the area to feed into this process. The following priorities have been proposed as a possible response:
Priority 1 – Actual and real, investigation of Burglary and Rural Crime with appropriate feedback.
Priority 2 – Some Visible Neighbourhood Policing
Priority 3 – Active and meaningful presence at Parish Council Meetings, ideally once per six months (one of which should be at the Annual Parish Meeting)
The Parish Council’s comments are requested.
9. Parish Council Risk Assessment
To consider ways in which the various risks facing the Parish Council, as identified at the last meeting, may be mitigated. Councillor Mike Kaye to report.
10. Nocton Hub
(i) Revised Hire Charges
To consider the attached report.
(ii) Hub Manager’s Report
To consider the Hub Manager’s report (report to follow).
(iii) AG Property Consultants
To note that the Chair and Vice-chair are due to meet with Sills and Betteridge (Solicitors) on 4 November to begin the process of removing the restrictive covenants, etc on the Hub. The Chair/Vice-chair will provide an update at the meeting.
(iv) Hub User Group
To note that arrangements have now been made for the first meeting of the HUG to be held on 17 November at 7.30 p.m.
(v) Service Level Agreement between the Parish Council and Ripon Arms
To note that a meeting between the Chair, Vice-chair, Hub Manager and representatives of the Ripon Arms took place on 24 October to review the terms of the existing Service Level Agreement. A number of amendments were considered and proposed, and these are currently the subject of further discussion by the RA.
The Chair will give an update at the meeting.
(vi) Additional Building Works to Hub
It has been noted previously that Councillors George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams have been exploring the possibility of carrying out three specific improvements to the Hub, i.e. (i) building a small extension to the north side to provide for additional storage; (ii) providing an automatic entrance doorway to facilitate easier access for disabled people; and (iii) improving the natural lighting and ventilation in the Meeting Room.
An initial estimate for the works involved has now been received from Lincoln Roofing and Building Ltd as follows (all costs ex VAT):
Store Room £28,540
Meeting Room £2,220
Access Door £6,850
Clearly, costs of this order cannot be met from within the Council’s existing budget or Reserve and so if the works are to proceed, it will be necessary to investigate the possibility of grant-aid.
11. Village Green Bench
Further to Minute No. 14 of the last meeting, Councillor Andy Hone has suggested that a traditional bench, made from composite material, be purchased from Marmax at a cost of £397 (excl. VAT) which would include fixing plates and a commemorative plaque.
The Parish Council’s decision is requested.
12. Planning, etc Issues
(i) To consider the following application for Tree Works (22/1552/TPO):
To fell T1 Hawthorn at The Old Post Office, Main Street
(ii) The Parish Council is asked to note that a request has been made by one of our District Councillors for the decision in respect of the outline application for up to six dwellings on the field behind the Hub to be “called in” i.e. for the decision to be made by the relevant Planning Sub-committee rather than by planning officers under delegated powers.
13. Wegberg Road, Nocton Park
Further to Minute No. 16 of the last meeting, the Councillor Andy Hone, on behalf of the
Parish Council, has been in dialogue with NKDC regarding the condition of Wegberg Road and the “bridge” with a view to ascertaining whether or not there had been any breach of the original planning approval. The response to date indicates that this was not the case although further issues are now being investigated including the possibility that the developer may not have completed the alterations (traffic calming measures) to Wegberg Rd as shown on the approved plans.
Copies of the email exchange with the planning officers have been provided to all councillors and any update will be provided at the meeting.
14. Nocton Hall and Former RAF Hospital Site
The Parish Council is asked to note that Ben Wills will give a detailed presentation on the latest developments, etc relating to this site at the next meeting.
15. Date of Next Meeting
To note that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 December, 2022