April 12 2022 - Agenda
Chair: Councillor Mike Clarke
Vice-chair: To be appointed
Councillors: Neil Faulkner, Ian Goldsworthy, Mike Kaye, Graham Kempster, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 12 APRIL 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
Please note that any Formal Public Questions will be taken prior to the start of the meeting in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders No. 1(e). At the time of the publication of the agenda, no such questions had been received. A period of ten minutes will, however, be available at the conclusion of the meeting in which members of the public may raise other matters with councillors.
Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to participate in the discussion of items on the agenda unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.
1. Chair’s Welcome
2. Apologies for Absence
3. Declarations of Interest
4. Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 March 2022
To agree and sign the minutes of the meeting as a correct record of the proceedings.
5. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive any reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
6. Acting Clerk/Chair’s Report
(a) Schedule of Payments – To note the following payments made and income received since the last meeting
(b) Parish Council’s Bank Accounts:
To note the current position as at 31 March 2022
PC Main Account: £8,213.32; Hub Account: £9,518.59; 200 Club: £1,564.30
(c) Appointment of Parish Clerk
To note the current position
(d) Correspondence
To note the following items of correspondence received since the last Meeting:
(i) NKDC has confirmed that Nocton Hub has been granted small business relief and is, therefore, exempt from paying £3,392.40 in business rates.
(ii) The Rotary Club of Bailgate has made a grant of £425 towards the Hub Defibrillator (see Item No. 8 below).
7. Parish Council Internal Audit 2021/22
To note the current position regarding the work currently in hand to prepare for the Internal Audit 2021/22.
8. Nocton Hub Defibrillator
Further to Minute No. 13 (8.3.22) to consider the purchase of a replacement defibrillator for Nocton Hub.
9. Parish Council Website
Councillor G. Kempster to report on a number of issues of concern regarding the current website and which require action by the Parish Council.
10. Provision of Grit/Salt Bin
To note that the Chair has made an application to Lincolnshire CC for the provision of a Bin for the permanent storage of grit/salt for The Hub car park.
11. Hub Management Group
(a) Minutes of the Hub Management Group
To consider the minutes of the HMG held on 24 March 2022 and to consider/agree the following matters which have been referred to/are of relevance to the Parish Council:
(i) Removal of Telephone Landline from the building. (Note: The Chair of the Parish Council has now cancelled the account)
(ii) Appointment of Hub Treasurer
(iii) Provision of Access Statement and Fire Strategy Documents
(iv) Provision of Non-toxic paint for Ripon Arms Cellar Room
(v) Provision of Non-slip Paint to Access Ramp
(vi) Provision of Induction/Hearing Loop
(vii) Results of Easter Card Competition
(viii) Provision of Commemorative Plaque
(ix) Appointment of Additional Cleaner
(x) Installation of Decals by Ripon Arms on street facing windows
(xi) Hub Open Weekend
(b) CCTV
To consider the current position regarding the Hub’s CCTV equipment and the arrangements necessary for it to be brought into use.
(c) Community Lincs/YMCA
Further to Minute No. 11.17 (8.3.22) to consider the proposal to join this organisation to benefit from the advice and support, etc it offers to local community halls, etc. The cost for one year’s subscription is £55 (£120 for three years).
(d) Hub Staffing Matters
The HMG also referred two matters relating to the Hub Manager (support and payment for attendance at meetings) which will be considered in the Private and Confidential session of the meeting.
12. Church Flower Festival
To note that the Parish Council has been invited to participate in the Nocton Church Flower Festival. Councillor MaryAnn Williams to report.
13. Planning, etc Issues
(a) To note and comment (where appropriate) on the following applications:
(i) 22/0375/TPO T1 PINE - Fell; T2 SYCAMORE – Remove snapped limb Recreation Ground To Rear Of Wegberg Road Nocton Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2DB
(ii) 2/0332/HOUS Erection of a single storey side extension Grasmere Nocton Road Potterhanworth Lincoln Lincolnshire LN4 2DN
(b) Tree Works on the former RAF Hospital Site
A number of residents have commented on the recent tree works being carried out on this site. The Parish Council has established that these works are being carried out by the owner of the site (LEDA) although for what purpose is not known. The NKDC Tree Officer has confirmed that no permissions were required as none of the trees are protected and the site is not in the Conservation Area.
14. Central Lincolnshire Local Plan – Further Consultation
To receive a presentation from Councillor Mike Kay
15. Land Behind Nocton Hub
Councillor Mike Kaye to report further on issues arising from the recent sale of the land behind Nocton Hub, including that relating to the rent of the land which was the site of the former “Builder’s Compound”.
16. Street Light No. 25 (Main Street)
Following a request from a resident, to consider arranging for the streetlight (No. 25) to be switched off from midnight as the light shines directly into that person’s bedroom and is, therefore, potentially a light pollution issue. The cost of the work required is £95 (excl. VAT) which can be met from the Street Lighting Maintenance budget. The cost, over time, will be mitigated by the reduced energy consumption.
17. Overhanging Boundary Hedge - Main Street
A resident has drawn the Parish Council’s attention to a boundary hedge of a property in Main Street which is growing over the footpath and hindering access. The Chair has made contact with the owners and the hedges have now been cut back.
18. Public Apology
To issue a public apology to a resident for the nature of the emails sent to him by the previous Parish Clerk in connection with his Freedom of Information request.
19. Date of Next Meetings
(a) To note that the following meetings will be held in The Nocton Hub as follows:
* Annual Parish Meeting - 10 May 2022 commencing at 6.30 p.m.
* Annual General Meeting – 10 May 2022 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
* Ordinary Parish Council Meeting – 10 May 2022 commencing at 8.00 p.m.
To note that the topic for discussion at the Annual Parish Meeting will be to consider how to encourage residents of Nocton to come forward to serve as parish councillors and to explore ways of overcoming any barriers to participation.
20. Public Questions, etc
There will be a period of ten minutes in which members of the public may ask questions and/or comment on the issues discussed by the Parish Council during the course of the evening or to raise any other matters of concern or interest.
21. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential.
22. Resignation of Former Parish Clerk
To note the current position regarding the action taken to deal with those matters associated with the resignation, etc of the former Parish Clerk.
23. Hub Staffing Matters
To consider those issues referred to the Parish Council by the Hub Management Group as set out Item No. 11(d) above.
24. Appointment of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer
To approve the proposed Terms and Conditions of Employment to be offered to the successful applicant.
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk)
35 Wellhead Lane, Nocton LN4 2BW
Email: cllr_m_clarke@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk