August 30 2022 - Agenda
Chair: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair: Councillor Mike Kaye
Councillors: Richard Marshall, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (two vacancies)
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 30 AUGUST 2022 AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Please note that before the meeting and starting at 6.45 p.m. there will be a presentation from
Ben Wills on the current position regarding the future development of the Nocton Hall/former RAF Hospital Site.
Councillor Ian Goldsworthy, Acting Parish Clerk
At the time of the publication of the Agenda, no questions had been received under Standing Order No. 1 (e). However, prior to the consideration of the formal business there will be an opportunity for a maximum period of fifteen minutes for members of the public to raise issues associated with any item on the meeting’s agenda.
Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to attempt to participate in the discussion of agenda items unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or inhabitant of the area).
3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 12 July 2022 (previously circulated).
4. Application for Co-option to Nocton Parish Council
To consider an application from Mr Andy Hone (previously circulated) for co-option to the Parish Council.
5. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
At the last meeting, County Councillor Ian Carrington offered to organise a “walkabout” with members of the Parish Council to review highways and other matters within the village for which the County Council was responsible. In the event, it has not yet proved possible to agree a convenient date and Members of the Parish Council are, therefore, asked to bring their diaries with them to the meeting in order to finalise arrangements with Councillor Carrington.
6. Responsible Financial Officer’s Report
(i) Work Undertaken/In hand (Report attached)
(ii) Financial Report (Report attached)
(iii) Internal Audit 2022/23
To consider a request from LALC as to whether the Parish Council wishes to use its Internal Audit Service for 2022/23 and, if so, if it would like the same auditor appointed as for the 2021/22 audit. The cost for Nocton Parish Council would be £210, provision for which is contained within the current budget.
(iv) Payment of Responsible Financial Officer
The RFO has submitted her time-sheet for the period 13 July (date of appointment) to 24 August which includes worked caried out in connection with rebuilding the Parish Council website (see item 7(iii) below). The Parish Council is, therefore, asked to approve a gross payment of £787.50 (£15.00 x 52.5 hours) which will be processed through the Payroll Service. A separate monthly £15.00 non-taxable Office Allowance is also payable making a total payment of £802.50. Provision for these payments is contained within the current approved budget. The Chair/Acting Clerk has inspected the RFO’s associated Work Diary on which the time-sheet was based. The Diary is also open to inspection by other parish councillors should they so wish.
7. Acting Parish Clerk’s Report
(i) Correspondence
Nocton Park
Following the decision at the last meeting, the Acting Clerk wrote to both NPML and Mr Peter Sowerby seeking comments on various issues relating to the condition of Wegberg Road, the “bridge” and vacant building plot opposite. At the time of writing, NPML has acknowledged the Parish Council’s email but because of holiday commitments could not say when a reply would be made.
Mr Sowerby has responded and extracts from his reply are set out below:
“To complete the road work all along Wegberg Road requires the approval of the plot adjacent to the “bridge” to cover the considerable cost …….
There is a huge amount of work to do, mainly completing the footpath and then topping the road and completing the handrail over the bridge for the road to be adopted, which would include allowing all the front gardens to be extended foc so people can park within their own boundaries, which would benefit all, reduce NPMC [sic] liabilities and increase the house prices and desirability.
Every single person I have spoken to recently is in favour of approving the property and having everything completed and there is even talk of having a survey to prove support ……..
After numerous complaints, I have been in touch with NPMC [sic] who have assured me that they are getting things back on track with regards to the management of the site which has massively deteriorated recently ……… after previously always looking immaculate and so well cared for, which my new houses are paying towards and now under the new management receiving nothing in return.
One thing I must point out though is that the condition of Wegberg Road is infinitely better than it was originally, when it was a narrow single-track road, with no parking, just look at the condition of the remaining original roads and also the original entrance ………… so easily look as nice as the roads either side.
As always, I am happy to help, but this really needs to be a community led application to see this through to completion.”
The Parish Council is asked to note the position.
(ii) Nocton Cricket Club
The Parish Council is asked to consider a request from the former Nocton Cricket Club for its historic records, etc to be stored in Nocton Hub together with the Village Archive. These records are currently stored in the container by the Pavilion but this is not thought to be a suitable place for paper documents. The records are thought to fill two plastic crates.
(iii) Website Update
To note the current position regarding the work being undertaken by the RFO to rebuild the Parish Council’s website.
8. New Model Code of Conduct for Councillors and Co-opted Members
NKDC has recently adopted the Model Code of Conduct for Councillors which was developed and published by the Local Government Association in response to the recommendation of the Committee of Standards in Public Life Local Government Ethical Standards 2019 that there should be an updated Model Code, appropriate across all tiers of local government, to continue to aspire to high standards of leadership and performance. NKDC has recommended that the Code be adopted by all Parish Councils so that there is consistency across the area.
A copy has been circulated to all councillors and it is proposed that the Code be adopted by Nocton Parish Council with immediate effect. A copy will be placed on the Parish Council website. Adoption of the new Code will require all parish councillors to complete a new Declaration of Interest Form, available for public inspection.
The Parish Council is also required as matter of good practice to review all of its other polices, etc and a report on this will be presented to the next meeting.
9. Street Lighting
To note that E.ON has recently completed a survey of all streetlights which are the responsibility of the Parish Council and has identified a number which require attention as set out below (in priority order):
The Parish Council will need to agree a phased replacement programme and to identify funding.
10. Nocton Hub
(i) To note the current position regarding the following matters:
(a) External Noticeboard for The Hub
(b) Anti-fungal Paint to Cellar Room
(c) Commemorative Plaque
(d) To note that the following costs have been received in respect of work to the Hub as previously requested by the (former) Hub Management Group: Supply and install security key code lock to store door: £323.75 (a new arrangement has now been introduced rendering this unnecessary)
Supply and install Belfast sink to Store Room: £467.00
To remove existing front doors and replace with automatic openers: £7.500 The Parish Council is asked consider whether or not to proceed with these items and, if so, to identify how the costs can be met.
(ii) Hub Hire Charges
Earlier in the year, it was agreed by the Parish Council to defer any decision on new hire charge rates until July by which time it was intended that more up-todate information regarding the overall budget position for the Hub would be available. In the event, however, and for reasons which will be clear to councillors, this did not prove possible. With the appointment of a temporary RFO, and as will be seen from Item No. 6 above, this is now being addressed. Whilst The Hub is benefitting from a fixed-rate tariff from E.ON which is in place until 2024 (and so should thus be largely protected from the widely publicised increases in energy costs) there are, nevertheless, considerable concerns regarding current energy consumption in the building. An investigation is currently hand to better understand why this might be.
It is, therefore, suggested that a review of current hire charges be considered at the next meeting by which time the investigation referred to above will have been completed, more budget data available together with the detailed charges currently in place in other local halls, etc.
(iii) Hub Manager’s Report
To consider/note the Hub Manager’s report (to be circulated).
(iv) Establishment of Hub User Group
To agree the arrangements for establishing a Hub User Group (report attached).
(v) Disposal of Chairs
Nocton Church PCC has asked if the Parish Council is in a position to gift or sell 15 of its older red plastic chairs (which were originally used in the old village hall but subsequently replaced). Although these chairs have been retained for use in connection with larger seated events in The Hub, there remains a surplus which are no longer required.
The Parish Council is asked, therefore, if it wishes to dispose of 15 of these chairs to Nocton Church (for use in connection with its fund-raising and other events) and, if so, whether it wishes to gift them or to make a charge.
11. Planning, etc Issues
To note/comment as appropriate on the following planning applications:
(i) Construction of single storey rear extension at 20 Nocton Park Road
(ii) Fell 1 x Sycamore and remove deadwood to 1 x Sycamore adjacent to 24-26
Nocton Park Road
12. Use of Nocton Hub for Defibrillator and CPR training workshops
Mr Steve Read (who is responsible for the maintenance, etc of the village defibrillators) has offered to provide training for residents on the use of CPR and the defibrillator. He is currently liaising with the Hub Manager regarding appropriate dates. The Council is asked to consider providing the Events Hall/Lounge free of charge for this purpose.
13. Parish Council Vacancies – Letter to residents
To consider sending a letter to all residents explaining the implications for the village if insufficient people do not come forward to stand for election to the Parish Council in May 2023. The cost of copying the letter (370 copies) is £71.46 (from Lincoln Copy Centre) and would be delivered with the September edition of The Limespring.
14. Date of Next Meeting
To note that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11 October, 2022
At the conclusion of the public session, there will be a period of ten minutes in which members of the public may ask questions and/or comment on the issues discussed by the Parish Council during the course of the evening or to raise any other matters of concern or interest.