October 11 2022 - agenda
Chair: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair: Councillor Mike Kaye
Councillors: Andy Hone, Richard Marshall, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (one vacancy)
Dear Councillors,
You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2022 AT 7.15 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.
Please note that before the meeting and starting at 6.45 p.m. there will be a presentation from
Ben Wills on the current position regarding the future development of the Nocton Hall/former RAF Hospital Site.
Councillor Ian Goldsworthy, Acting Parish Clerk
At the time of the publication of the Agenda, no questions had been received under Standing Order No. 1 (e). However, prior to the consideration of the formal business there will be an opportunity for a maximum period of fifteen minutes for members of the public to raise issues associated with any item on the meeting’s agenda.
Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to attempt to participate in the discussion of agenda items unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting. In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or inhabitant of the area).
3. Minutes
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 30 August 2022 (previously circulated).
4. Application for Co-option to Nocton Parish Council
To consider any applications received for co-option to the existing vacancy on the Parish Council in response to the recently circulated open letter to residents.
5. District and County Councillor Reports
To receive reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.
At the July meeting, County Councillor Ian Carrington offered to organise a “walkabout” with members of the Parish Council to review highways and other matters within the village for which the County Council was responsible. In the event, it has not yet proved possible to agree a convenient date and Members of the Parish Council are, therefore, asked to bring their diaries with them to the meeting in order to make arrangements with Councillor Carrington.
6. Responsible Financial Officer’s Report (report attached)
(i) To note payments made and income received since the last meeting
(ii) To note the position regarding the Parish Council’s Bank Accounts
(iii) Budget Monitoring
(iv) To approve the payment to the Responsible Financial Officer
The RFO has submitted her time-sheet to the Chair/Acting Parish Clerk for the period 25 August to 30 September 2022. The Parish Council is, therefore, asked to approve a gross payment of £311.25 (£15.00 x 20.75 hours) which will be processed through the Payroll Service. A separate monthly £15.00 non-taxable Office Allowance is also payable together with reimbursement for purchasing the Remembrance Day Wreath, making a total payment of £351.25. Provision for this payment is contained within the current approved budget. The Chair/Acting Clerk has inspected the RFO’s associated Work Diary on which the time-sheet was based. The Diary is also open to inspection by other parish councillors should they so wish.
(v) To note the report by the External Auditor into the 2021/22 Accounts (report attached)
7. Acting Parish Clerk’s Report
(i) Correspondence
To note any correspondence received and not dealt with in the agenda items.
(ii) Tree Inspection
The NKDC Tree Officer has recently reminded the Parish Council that he has previously inspected 9 trees on that are located on The Green and at Nocton Hub in 2016 and 2019. He recommends that trees are inspected every three years in order to maintain clearances and observe any changes in condition and has asked, therefore, if the Parish Council would like to continue with the inspection programme, with prices currently frozen at £2.75 per tree, giving a total cost of £24.75 (Exc. VAT).
The Parish Council’s decision is requested.
(iii) Website Update
To note the current position regarding the work being undertaken by the RFO to rebuild the Parish Council’s website.
8. Review of Parish Council Policies, etc
To review and approve the following Parish Council Policies, etc:
(i) Standing Orders (report attached) (ii) Financial Regulations (report to follow)
9. Parish Council Risk Assessment
To consider and approve the Parish Council Risk Assessment (report attached)
10. Nocton Hub
(i) To note the current position regarding the following matters:
(a) External Noticeboard for The Hub (Parish Clerk to report)
(b) Commemorative Plaque (Councillor MaryAnn Williams to report)
(c) Revised Terms and Conditions of Hire (report attached)
(d) Revised Hire Charges (Parish Clerk to report)
(ii) Hub Manager’s Report
To consider the Hub Manager’s report (report to follow).
(iii) AG Property Consultants
To approve the appointment of a firm of solicitors to negotiate regarding the removal of various restrictive covenants which govern the building and associated matters (Councillors Mike Kaye and Richard Marshall to report). (iv) Hub User Group
To note the arrangements being made for the first meeting (Parish Clerk to report)
(v) Service Level Agreement between the Parish Council and Ripon Arms
To note that arrangements have been made for the first formal review of this SLA will take place on Monday, 24 October at 7.30 pm in. The Hub.
11. Erection of Christmas Tree on the Village Green
A resident has written to the Parish Council as follows:
“A couple of years ago, during COVID, we had an impromptu carol singing on the green. Since then, several residents from the village have asked if we could do it again this year.
To make it a village event rather than a “Green Event”, we would like to put up a Christmas tree on the [Village] Green (people locally have said they will contribute). We realise that it has to be safe and have an area around it cordoned/fenced off. We would like to put lights on it and again this needs to be checked for safety and cables covered to prevent it being a trip hazard etc.
We would then like to have carols around the tree on the Green on Sunday 18th December at 4.30 pm. Everyone is welcome.
We are not asking for funding for this from the Parish Council at this time, but for permission to go ahead and arrange it with a view to hopefully it being enjoyed, and then hopefully, it becoming an annual event.
We would like to apply to the 200 Club for a contribution for the lights for the tree and the fencing, cable protection etc.”
The Parish Council is asked to consider granting approval.
12. Hub Christmas Tree
To approve the purchase of a Xmas Tree for outside Nocton Hub, provision for which is contained in the approved budget (Councillor MaryAnn Williams to report)
13. Village Green Bench
The Parish Council will recall that the wooden bench on the Village Green was removed some time ago as it had become dangerous. A number of residents have asked if it is intended to provide a replacement as it is considered to be a valued asset.
The Parish Council’s views are requested.
14. Planning, etc Issues
To note/comment as appropriate on the following planning, etc application:
• To reduce the height by approx. 2-2.5m of a T1 Cherry Tree at 3 Main Street, Nocton.
15. Wegberg Road, Nocton Park
At the last meeting, it was agreed that NKDC (Planning) be asked for advice on the situation regarding the condition of Wegberg Road and the “Bridge”.
Councillor Andy Hone has been in contact with NKDC and he will provide an update to the meeting.
16. The Bridleway (from Main Street to the road leading to the Cricket Pavilion and Dog walking Field)
A resident has asked the Parish Council to clarify the position regarding the increasing use of this Bridleway by motor vehicles accessing both the Cricket Pavilion/pitch and the Dog Walking Field. Although it is a criminal offence for such vehicles (not belonging to the owner) to be driven on bridleways, there are exceptions including where permission to do so is granted by the owner.
As this bridleway is in the ownership of Dyson Farming, the Parish Clerk has written to the company for their comments and the following response has been received:
“We have not given permission for others to access the cricket pitch or dog walking field via this route, and we are certainly not content with it happening.
All vehicles wishing to access either should use the access via Top Lodge only
We will put up some signage to this effect to notify all users, however given the public access, physically being able to stop vehicles using it against our wishes will be difficult.”
Dyson Farming has confirmed that this position does not affect the rights of vehicles requiring access to the two properties at the start of the bridleway (from Main Street).
The Parish Council is asked to note the position.
17. Date of Next Meeting
To note that the next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 8 November, 2022
At the conclusion of the public session, there will be a period of ten minutes in which members of the public may ask questions and/or comment on the issues discussed by the Parish Council during the course of the evening or to raise any other matters of concern or interest.
18. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential.
19. Planning Matter
To consider a confidential planning matter (Councillor Mike Kaye to report).
20. Parish Clerk
To consider arrangements for the appointment of a permanent Parish Clerk.
Councillor Ian Goldsworthy (Acting Parish Clerk) c/o The Barn, Halls Yard, Main Street Nocto LN4 2BH
Email: clerk@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk