April 28 2022 - Extra-Ordinary Meeting - Agenda

Chair: Councillor Mike Clarke 
Vice-chair: To be appointed 
Councillors:  Neil Faulkner, Ian Goldsworthy, Mike Kaye, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (One vacancy) 
Dear Councillors, 
You are hereby summoned to attend an Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on THURDSDAY 28TH APRIL,  2022 COMMENCING AT 7.00 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below. 
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk) 
Please note that any Public Questions will be taken prior to the start of the meeting in accordance with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders No. 1(e).  At the time of the publication of the agenda, no such questions had been received. 
A G E N D A 
1. Chair’s Welcome 
2. Apologies for Absence 
3. Declarations of Interest 
4. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting 
To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following item on the ground that the nature of the business to be transacted is confidential. 
5. Appointment of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 
To approve the terms of the Contract of Employment and a formal offer of appointment to successful applicant for the post of Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to Nocton Parish Council. 
Councillor Mike Clarke (Acting Parish Clerk) 
35 Wellhead Lane, Nocton LN4 2BW 
Email: cllr_m_clarke@noctonparishcouncil.gov.uk