December 13 2022 - Agenda



Chair: Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Vice-chair: Councillor Mike Kaye
Councillors:  Andy Hone, Richard Marshall, George McDonnell and MaryAnn Williams (one vacancy)

Dear Councillors,

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of Nocton Parish Council to be held in the Nocton Hub, Main Street, Nocton on TUESDAY, 13 DECEMBER 2022 AT 7.30 P.M. for the purpose of considering those matters set out below.

Please note that before the meeting and starting at 6.45 p.m. there will be a presentation from Ben Wills on the current position regarding the future development of the Nocton Hall/former RAF Hospital Site.

Councillor Ian Goldsworthy, Acting Parish Clerk


At the time of the publication of the Agenda, no questions had been received under Standing Order No. 1 (e).  However, prior to the consideration of the formal business there will be an opportunity for a maximum period of fifteen minutes for members of the public to raise issues associated with any item on the meeting’s agenda.


Members of the public and others present at the meeting are politely asked not to attempt to participate in the discussion of agenda items unless specifically invited to do so by the Chair.

1. Apologies for Absence

At the time of the publication of the agenda no apologies for absence had been submitted to the Acting Parish Clerk.

2. Declarations of Interest

Members of the Parish Council are required to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in any matter which is to be considered at this meeting.  In addition, any private or personal non-pecuniary interest in a matter to be considered at this meeting should also be declared (unless it is insignificant or one which is shared with other members of the public generally as a Council Tax payer or inhabitant of the area).

3. Minutes

To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 8 November, 2022 (previously circulated).

4. District and County Councillor Reports

To receive reports from the (a) County Council and (b) District Council representatives.

5. Village “Walkabout”

As previously agreed, a “walkabout” between members of the Parish Council and County Councillor Ian Carrington took place on 16 November when a number of issues relating to roads and other infrastructure which are the responsibility of the Highways Authority were considered.  A report on the outcome of will be presented to the meeting.

6. Responsible Financial Officer’s Report (report to follow)

(i) To note payments made and income received since the last meeting
(ii) To note the position regarding the Parish Council’s Bank Accounts
(iii) Budget Monitoring 2022/23
(iv) Reclamation of VAT – Current Position

7. Acting Parish Clerk’s Report

(i) Correspondence

To note any correspondence received and not dealt with in the agenda items.

(ii) Tree Inspection

Further to Minute No. 7(ii) of the last meeting, Lincolnshire Eco-arborists have provided a quotation of £1,100 for the necessary works to the Parish Council-owned trees. (£100 more than the estimate previously reported).  The Parish Council is, therefore, asked to approve the placing of this order, the cost of which can be met from the General Reserve.

(iii) Website Update

To note that the new Parish Council Website went live on 1 December, 2022 as planned.  The old site no longer contains any information but has a link directing users to the new site.

(iv) Appointment of Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer

The Parish Council is asked to note that four applications were received for this post by the deadline of 30 November.  Details have been circulated to all councillors and shortlisting and the appointment of the interview panel will take place in private session at the conclusion of the public business.

8. Review of Parish Council Policies, etc

To review the following (documents to be circulated):

* Complaints 
* Communications 
* Model Publication Scheme (FoI) 
* Social Media 
* Audio Policy – Filming and Recording of Meetings 
* Health And Safety 
* Bullying And Harassment at Work 
* Disciplinary Dismissal and Grievance 
* Equal Opportunities and Diversity 
* Social Media Policy 
* Events Policy 
* Councillor Co-Option 
* Death of a Significant Public Figure Protocol

9. Parish Council Risk Assessment

To continue the consideration of ways in which the various risks facing the Parish Council, as identified at the October meeting, may be mitigated.  Councillor Mike Kaye to report.

10. Nocton Hub

(i) Hub User Group

To note the minutes of the HUG held on 17 November, 2022 (copy attached).

(ii) Hub Manager’s Report

To consider the Hub Manager’s report (report to follow).

(iii) Request from the Ripon Arms for installation of an Oche

To consider a request from the RA to install a removable oche on the floor of the Lounge for use in connection with the dartboard.

(iv) PRS/PPL Licence

To note the current position and approve the questionnaire requested by the Performing Rights Society (copy attached).

(v) AG Property Consultants

To note the current position regarding the negotiations with AG Properties to remove the restrictive covenants, etc on the Nocton Hub.

(vi) Outstanding Items of Repair and Maintenance

Councillor Mike Kaye to report on the outcome of discussions with Maher Millard regarding the following items;

* Drainpipe and guttering to rear corner of building
* Cellar Floor
* Front canopy

11. Planning, etc Issues

To note any planning applications received/decisions made

12. Annual Revenue Budget and Precept 2023/23 and Date of Next Meeting

The Parish Council is required to set a revenue budget and precept for 2023/24.  In order to comply with the time-table set by NKDC, it will be necessary to do this by end January 2023 and it is, therefore, proposed that an Extra-ordinary Meeting for this purpose be convened on Tuesday, 24 January, 2023 at 7.00 p.m.  As such, it is also suggested that the ordinary meeting scheduled for 10 January 2023 be cancelled with any urgent items of business being dealt with at the EOM.  The next ordinary meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Tuesday, 14th February, 2023 as scheduled.

At the conclusion of the public session, there will be a period of ten minutes in which members of the public may ask questions and/or comment on the issues discussed by the Parish Council during the course of the evening or to raise any other matters of concern or interest.

13. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the Meeting

To agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the following items on the ground that the business to be transacted is confidential.

14. Appointment of Parish Clerk

To appoint an Interview Panel and agree the shortlist of candidates.

15. Freedom of Information Request – Dr R. Timms

The Parish Council will recall that its previous decision not to release certain information relating to the salary of a former Parish Clerk and a private and confidential minute regarding the investigation into his predecessor was upheld by the Information Commissioner.  This decision has, however, been the subject of an appeal by Dr Timms and the Solicitor to the Appeal Tribunal Judge has asked for certain information from the Parish Council by 16 December.  A copy of the Parish Council’s proposed response is attached for consideration.

16. Nocton Hub – Future Relationship with Contractor

Given that the Hub was completed over two years ago, it is appropriate to consider the Parish Council’s future relationship with the Contractor with regard to liability for future repairs, etc.  Councillor Mike Kaye to report.


Councillor Ian Goldsworthy (Acting Parish Clerk) c/o The Barn, Halls Yard, Main Street Nocto LN4 2BH